
Someone asked for this game? Well there you have it.

It's an awesome game with very fun concept but I'm afraid the game is already dead because no one plays it :(
Hopefully devs will do something about it... oh and yeah what does it mean for the devs to bundle their game (while it's still in the early access)? Are they cashing out or trying to promote it for less money to increase the community (which they failed I guess).

Good luck my friends and RIP LVL2, I dropped huge CV last night so I'm back to grinding.

P.S. It's a steam gift so I will add the winner and send it to him.

Hum, nobody thanked you for the generous gift, yet. so..

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7 years ago

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Good luck, you're my favorite in this one :D

7 years ago

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Thank you!

7 years ago

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ty :D

7 years ago

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Why is it 'remasted' and not 'remastered'?

7 years ago

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lol I never noticed it before. Probably because devs are incompetent to even name the game properly :(((

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Ships have masts. O.o

7 years ago

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Oh, didn't know how that was called in English. Thank you for pointing that out. Nice pun! :)

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Thanks zoki for sharing! If you can believe it, this game is on my wishlist! :D

7 years ago

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Np friend, it's a great great game (at least its predecessor was) but last time I saw more than 5 players on the servers was after the summer sale. For the majority of days after that game is 99% of the time dead without a single player online. Bundling this game kinda let it breathe but for only for a few days and that's all.
By the time I write this message, servers are still empty, all 8 of them without a single player. That's just sad :(

7 years ago

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Yes, that is very sad :( It's too bad it won't let you play single player with bots. That would be a nice addition.

7 years ago

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Also a wishlist game for me, so thanks a lot! \o/

7 years ago

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ea graxxx

7 years ago

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Ooh the first game was pretty funny, this looks like fun too, thanks!

7 years ago

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steam does not allow multiple of the same game bundles anymore, so it's very hard to market a game like this... wherein for example shellshock live you can buy 4 copies and gift them to friends/etc which is what I did.

7 years ago

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I bought 5 copies of this game for 1.8€ each due to early summer sale price glitch and also gave them to my friends but in vain because there are no players on the servers at all :(

7 years ago

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Thank you.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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thanks zoki0602

7 years ago

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heard the game is dead, but still curious to try it. looks like the election garbage might revitalize things, I mean, I don't know anyone that would want to take out aggression on candidates....

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Ty ^_^

7 years ago

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The ship remastered just got a 500 MB patch and I'm downloading it atm. HYPE :D

7 years ago

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TY For This Great Giveaway =D !

7 years ago

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Thanks :3

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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