
Movie Riddle Time!

Want to win an extra copy of this game?

This is your task, if you choose to accept it:

What movie does these four pictures point to?

  • The first unedited comment with the correct guess and an explanation to why each picture is related to the movie wins an extra copy of this game.
  • The riddle is sometimes a rebus (picture puzzle), sometimes not, and sometimes only partly.
  • If no one can explain all four pictures, the person with the most correct explanations wins.
  • If you edit your comment I won't know if you've cheated or not, so don't edit your comments, create a new comment instead.
  • If you are the winner you will need to accept my Steam friend request within a week to receive your prize, or it will be forfeit. You are of course free to remove me from your friend list afterwards :)
  • Don't be a dick, don't enter the contest if you already own the game :)

The winner of the main giveaway is not affected by the extra giveaway or by my silly game in any way, standard SteamGifts rules apply here.

If you have any problems with the key, please let me know in the giveaway comments or by adding me on Steam and send me a message so I can help you out :)

Good Luck, Have [redacted]

View attached image.

So I'm pretty sure this isn't it, but I'm going to make a random stab at this, and maybe you'll at least be amused:

  1. Hay is often Rye Grass
  2. Aniston is "Rachel" in Friends.
  3. Picture is of Damien Darhk
  4. A starry night of sorts.

I can tie them all together because Rachel(2) Dawes is mentioned in The Dark(3) Knight(4) Rises(1).

Get it? Rises?

I'll see myself out.

8 years ago

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Haha, "rises" :D

Not correct, no. But you're closer than you think. 3(ish) out of 4 correct on the connection, but also not the correct movie. But very close. Try again and I think you'll get there :)

8 years ago

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Is it regular Dark Knight then, which Rachel Dawes actually appears in?

8 years ago

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oh, and if you need me to re-tie #1 to Dark Knight, Christian Bale [of Hay]

8 years ago

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Indeed! You got it, well done! I'll send over the code :)

8 years ago

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I have no idea about the movie, but thanks for the giveaway :)

8 years ago

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Thank you :)

8 years ago

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