
This is region locked, not because this game is region locked but because Overwatch is as Blizzard would really hate it if people in Syria played it and, as Blizzard for some reason thinks anyone in North Korea has a Steam Account (except for Kim Yong Un, that guys is a freak...he's 100%:ed every game on Steam, collected every achievement, beat every game on insanely awesome great leader difficulty, which is sligthly harder than impossibly insane hell mode, even games with no official difficulty setting and games not really beatable.That is, all games except games that features a realistic rendition of Chuck Norris cause they don't have easy mode (any difficulty setting below "You will lose, even if you cheat." (and no, all rumors about a cheat code to disable god mode are just that, rumors cause any compiler that detects Chuck Norris will crash with a division by 0 error if you attempt to change god mode or any other Chuck Norris default settings, the universe just can't handle such paradoxes)....or they wouldn't be very realistic, now would they?).

HB Gift Links...## Requires a Blizzard Battle.Net account! No refunds, no excuses, no nothing, except a game and lootboxes!

Overwatch game and loot boxes: ### Must be redeemed before December 31st, 2019!

2 x Overwatch Loot Boxes
Overwatch Loot Box

Extra: Quake Champions Early Access plus 50 Shards, 100 Platinum, 2000 Favor NOTE! These (yes, these..look again) may no longer work...but feel free to try.

Please post a note if you claim one or more of the above (whether they work or not) so I know if someone actually wanted it and others, that aren't bots, know that they're already taken. Claiming any of them and not posting will give you a 14 day -782 karma debuff and that could be pretty bad, especially if your karma isn't doing so great to begin with, so better not claim and not post! (as a gesture of good will, reading and understanding the wisdom in these terms, you can claim a permanent +12 karma buff or, if you really understand this, not claim a permanent +12 karma buff reward for being decent)


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5 years ago

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Hmm looks like everything was claimed but thanks anyway

5 years ago

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recieved the bomb game, meow

5 years ago

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