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Community Train 3.0

Drifting down the road to 4K.

People might be lenient since everyone wants the 4k, but the value of this game is under 5P.

5 years ago

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Woops, I completely missed that.

I'll leave this here since people have already entered it, but I made another giveaway to make up for it, and called this cart 3953-A with the other giveaway 3953-B.

Edit: I just realized what happened, I mixed up the giveaways. I made the 6P racing game public, and the 2P racing game part of the train. I must have misread the prices in Steam or something. Clearly I'm too tired and need to go to bed. Oh well.

5 years ago*

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Cool, thank you.

5 years ago

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Oh god, I've just noticed that rule D:

Game value 5P or more

Runs to check out 48 games value... phew, all of them are 5p or more, I would be guilty and need to buy a few more games otherwise, thanks for pointing this out!

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

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Timo, thanks for all of your contributions, but you will have to replace this one with something worth 5P. (Or just delete it, but that would mean everything would need to be re-numbered).

5 years ago

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Oh, crap, I completely missed that.

5 years ago

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I'll leave this here since people have already entered it, but I made another giveaway to make up for it, and called this cart 3953-A with the other giveaway 3953-B.

5 years ago

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