When you buy a Humble Bundle, you're paying for a license to be used by one person for each game. Humble is awesome, and set up this cool thing where you get to use your license on whatever platform you wish that's available. You can get a Steam license, a Desura license, a DRM-free license, or even Origin license, but its intended to be ONE LICENSE for ONE PERSON. When you pay for one bundle and then let multiple people access the same games, it's piracy.

I see Desura keydrops here all the time, and I know they're duplicate licenses from Humbles. Now we get Origin keydrops everywhere. Witcher/Witcher 2 GOG backup codes on SteamTrades. Don't Starve Chrome keys. It's piracy. You're sharing a one-person license.

Humble is awesome, GOG/CD Projekt is awesome. Let's stop abusing their awesomeness. Encourage people to buy themselves instead of hunting for keydrops. And for the love of GabeN quit trying to profit off of them through trade.

EDIT: HEY, DO WHATEVER THE HELL YOU WANT WITH YOUR KEYS. You're not going to get in trouble, you're not going to get arrested. When you share your licenses, it just makes most people who understand software licensing think you're an asshole. We're not going to stop you, we're not going to suspend you. The two suspensions below were because it's pretty damn disrespectful and stupid to do it in this thread. Have a good day, and thanks for the drama.

1 decade ago*

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just make it so, that if you redeem a code, you'll get asked if you really want to redeem the key for that platform, and if you do, the other platform's keys will become unredeemable.


1 decade ago

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I personally like to have my games on multiple platform, (not really origin, more thinking of gog), so thanks for the "fix"

1 decade ago

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and the point of that is...?
gaming platforms, as they are today, are all bad...it's not about which is the best platform, it's about which sucks less, so you want to use as few as possible.

that may change in the future...or not.

1 decade ago

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The point is that the few times I bought a game/bundle that featured both steam and gog keys, I redeemed both, and I was very happy. Your fix would prevent that. Of course as I said in an other comment people trading the gog/origin/desura keys heavily discourage bundle from giving keys for multiple platform, but your fix doesn't fix this.

And what do you mean I should use as few platforms as possible ? How is having your game on 2 platforms worse than having in on only one ?

1 decade ago

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But isn't there a checklist on the bottom of the page for buying games for a friend? AKA, buying games not for you personally.

1 decade ago

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Yeah, it buys them the whole bundle a single use licenses of each game through multiple platforms.

1 decade ago

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Everything is clear and right. However, people who are generous and drop/give away keys help those who don't have money to buy the bundle. Isn't it good? I also can't afford the bundle but thanks to few kind people, I have gotten few Origin games and now I can play some games with Friends and have fun. Also, as someone here stated before, it's still good for EA and Origin since it encourage more and more people to use their platform and play their games.
What is more, I am almost sure that Humble Bundle staff know about the thing (that people share their OWN keys (not gifts), give them away, trade or EVEN resell them. In such case, Humble Bundle wouldn't give us keys for Origin as well as for Steam (although I really like this idea). It's just what I think...

1 decade ago

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It really make more sense if you could link your accounts and get copies of games that way instead of the whole key thing.

1 decade ago

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It's not piracy here in Sweden. Bobo, remember that different countries have different laws.

1 decade ago

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While the legality of something can change across borders, a fish is a fish no matter where it swims. Piracy there is (sorta) legal. It's still piracy.

But this isn't piracy. At all. There's no copyright infringement going on. People are trading legally obtained software keys. While the bundle is supposed to represent a single license, the reality doesn't reflect that. And in any case a person is (typically) legally permitted to break apart, say, a car and trade or gift components individually if they can, providing they explicitly own said car.

This license splitting is unethical, not immoral.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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what if i buy the bundle and give the games away that i don't want to play? also... why even bother with origin keys? that is crazy!

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Millions of people die every day from sharing humble bundle keys, be sure to buy a new humble bundle every time you engage in sharing of a key you don't want it to spread.

1 decade ago

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Hey, in the grand scheme of things it's not a big deal. You're not going to get arrested for it, no one is going to come after, but it's kind of a dick thing to do, especially considering how generous Devs and Humble are to us. With the rampant increase of this form of piracy with the latest bundle, I just felt it needed to be stated.

1 decade ago

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Basically the most important thing is that, they're awesome people who brought us this. Don't say your thanks by pulling a dick move like that to them.

And if you say you paid for that and you could do whatever with that, well we can see what kind of person you are.

1 decade ago

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in europe sharing a license or sell it is not ilegal. but i understand your point of view

1 decade ago

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Did you seriously suspend people for sharing keys?

1 decade ago

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No, the people in this thread who shared keys were showing a blatant disregard for our efforts to remind people about how licenses work.

1 decade ago

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mods, why don't you go to steamtrades.com and moderate assholes trying to trade their their humble and indiegala keys instead of people who are sharing what they can't/won't use? i get like 10 offers per day all including bundle keys, i call them out, but no moderation is happening there. it's one and the same network, isn't it?

1 decade ago

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Yeah that's why I don't give out my desura/origin keys. The only time I give away steam keys from bundles is when I already own the game drm free/on steam because that means I have legitimately bought the game twice.

1 decade ago

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Since people are being suspended, I sent in a support ticket for an important SG figure who I believe is sharing extra keys that counts in this "piracy" regime. I hope to see this person suspended for 10 days soon.

Edit: obfuscated the gender of this person

1 decade ago

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so much for that. PSA thread was closed. Looks like they are resorting to censoring

1 decade ago

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No so much censoring as preventing the spread of misinformation. We don't suspend people for dropping keys. We do suspend people for blatant disrespect of a staff announcement.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 2 months ago.

1 decade ago

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repost: "yeah right, how are those comments being blatantly contemptuous while others are not? The only thing that those 2 share in common is they dropped origin keys."

1 decade ago

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You mean how are the comments made specifically in a thread to discourage piracy where the people commenting are performing acts of piracy blatantly contemptuous toward the staff? Is that really your question here?

1 decade ago

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Well it might help if the OP information showed they were a member of staff.
Some people don't know the names off by heart, or like me, are new enough to not hear the names mentioned enough to remember them. Even with the names mentioned in a forum sticky, the site has been under stress lately, so even if we were to check for a match on the names before disagreeing with someone, it's a bit of a slog.

Besides, I think most people hold this site in high enough regard that they expect support/moderator/admin title-holders to be collected enough that even stark disagreement wouldn't result in official retaliation. Was sharing keys in this thread harsh? Yeah. But no more harsh than your average poster leaving a passive-aggressive or taunting remark just for the sake of being dickish. I get that staff shouldn't be expected to tolerate insults, but if the OP wasn't marked as staff, and the offence was more a sarcastic open disagreement? I don't know. That seems about a normal response for what came across as a fairly judgemental opening post.

Don't get me wrong, the work that the Humble guys do is great and I'm totally about supporting them, but you can't expect your average joe to understand the fine-print of licensing unless the hosting sites underline the terms (or at least take a moment to point it out, so that those who would feel the same as you can abstain from it).

The fact you guys are so passionate about this subject speaks well of you, but passion always has to be tempered with reason. I suppose in this case, reason should show that Sturgeons Law also applies to the intelligence/foresight of your average gamer. Even then, I am left wondering whether there is actually a potential for dual-licenses, what with this latest Humble Bundle with EA and Valve, given they are directly competing companies.

If you guys could get in touch with the various bundle sites (Indieroyale, Indiegala, Humble, etc) to confirm such a thing, you could then potentially take an official stance on confirmed 'splitters' to deter such behaviour. Sometimes once people realise it is wrong on an 'official' level beyond individual opinion, they will concede the point and then live by those values themselves.

1 decade ago

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The official stance used to be (before last June or so): No bundle key giveaways at all.
Due to popular decision and difficulty in moderating, the official stance changed to: follow the terms of service of bundles. This unofficially meant that people could just give away anything, because ToS mean jack in court anyways. And no one is going to sue any of these individuals.

1 decade ago

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We're not going after anyone. We don't even have the resources if we wanted to. This whole thread was just a reminder and a suggestion to people not to be dicks. As for those two guys, I promise they know exactly who Bobo is. There was no confusion about whether he's staff. It was an incredibly dick move to come in and do the exact thing they were being urged and asked not to do, so they got a light suspension. They'll be back in a couple of days and probably making snotty remarks about how unfair it was, or at least one of them. Don't worry about that. It just demonstrates the level of selfishness and entitlement that has grown in this community over the last year and change since contributor giveaways were introduced and the lift on giving away bundle games was lifted. Back before that, this would never have happened. This is something that would actually have been enforced as much as possible then, instead of just a friendly suggestion, and all the people in this thread who are basically saying, "Fuck you, I'll pirate whatever I want to and if you don't like it you can kiss my ass," would all have been suspended, and for quite a while. We actually work with game devs here now and then. It doesn't help that this place has apparently become a haven for piracy while we weren't looking. They're only hurting themselves by making this a less attractive place for devs and the like to do huge giveaways like they have in the past, though, so fuck 'em, I guess.

1 decade ago

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I'd say something about Sturgeon's Law again but it doesn't even seem to be a majority. Rather, it seems like a minority that are just really damn awkward to 'clean up'. Though I suppose that's kind of an eventuality. Once any community reaches a certain size, you will always have some kind of negative element to it.

But like I said, even though I don't see the issue as so black and white, the fact you guys are so passionate about the subject is a damn good sign for this community, disagreements or not. I suppose the larger a community gets, the harder it becomes to find that happy middle-ground between quality control and the welcome chaos of internet banter. Along with community growth often comes the conclusion that active moderators need to sacrifice personal expression or potentially get into fights with members. I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing though. I mean, admin are classically seen to be either cold and apathetic or obnoxious power-trippers. It's all too easy to jump to conclusions when really, in hindsight, it looks like Bobafatt was just expressing simple frustration, and the edit in bold mentioning the suspensions just gave the illusion of someone going off the deep end. Oh well, it's not like stainless PR is a thing that any community with open expression will ever obtain, bahah.

I'm just surprised I never heard of Steamgifts sooner (and actually stumbled across it due to a mixture of random googling and hopping bundle sites).

1 decade ago

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so your "piracy" is ok anywhere else but not in this particular thread? mmkay

1 decade ago

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I think you all believe that by buying game you own whole fucking company, it's mind blowing. Without these rules, there will be no bloody games, since it's fucking entertainment business, I repeat BUSINESS (ie. moneymaking to not die by starvation).

1 decade ago

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I always though those 2 key is seperate from each other ...that mean ...they not ?

1 decade ago

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They are separate, bobo has an imaginary (or moral) bond between them.

1 decade ago

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Either your sarcasm is unclear or you have no idea what you are talking about.
"If I already have a game(s) in the bundle do I have the ability to gift the extra copy in the bundle?
Unfortunately, if you already have a game in the bundle you will not be able to gift the extra games to a friend.

Please consider your bundle a "unit", and not to share copies of the games or Steam keys from it.

If you'd like to give a copy of the games away, we have a system in place that allows you to buy a gift key from www.humblebundle.com so your friends can have access to direct downloads as well as any Steam or other keys we have included." - Humble Bundle support page

1 decade ago

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Like I said its a purely imaginary bond between the keys.

1 decade ago

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I'm slowly losing respect for you for closing the PSA thread.

Edit: that was my kneejerk reaction when I saw the thread closed. I can see your point of view, although I disagree with it.

1 decade ago

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It's not accurate. We don't suspended people for doing keydrops.

1 decade ago

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Then what were those two users suspended for?

1 decade ago

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"showing blatant contempt towards site staff when we're (the mods) trying to maintain the integrity of the community."

1 decade ago

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I saw that, but all they did was drop keys. Cryonseris said absolutely nothing showing contempt towards staff; he just dropped a key.

1 decade ago

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Technically I can see it from Bobofatt's point of view as well. "Hey kids, its " piracy " time!" and "Oh, right... the thread." after dropping keys, seems quite like they are trying to "stick it to the man." Not saying that I agree with the suspension (plus I thought inappropriate behavior was only for 2 or 3 days).

1 decade ago

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It is a two day suspension. Those with a long history of inappropriate behavior often receive extensions.

1 decade ago

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Ah okay.

1 decade ago

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Like rubbing myself with jello while I watch the Teletubbies? Or does that not count because its a recent acquisition?

1 decade ago

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The OP never said you shouldn't do that, so jello away!

1 decade ago

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I like sitting in a kiddie pool full of astroglide and pretending that I'm a slug

1 decade ago

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Something to add to my bucket list-

1 decade ago

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yeah right, how are those comments being blatantly contemptuous while others are not? The only thing that those 2 share in common is they dropped origin keys.

1 decade ago

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or maybe you were just seeing an unfortunate coincidence which makes someone whos already getting a lot of crap look worse.

1 decade ago

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I think it's fine to giveaway keys for games you already have, it's just the whole, redeeming on one place and giving the key away for the other that is getting on the mods and very likely the Humble Bundle's nerves.

1 decade ago

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I doubt humble bundle cares very much, originally they provided steam keys for only 1 cent and only stopped because people were abusing it in the steam winter event thing. So the current situation is still much better for them than the original bundles.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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This is insane I'm so glad I only use this site as a service now post like this show just how far down hill it has gone in a matter of a year.

1 decade ago

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I've been a member of the Don't Starve forum since January. The devs frequent the forum often and they said it was okay to give the chrome key to a friend, just to beware that they couldn't redeem that code on Steam.

1 decade ago

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Does anyone know where that page is where you can submit reviews of the site staff? I can't seem to find it anywhere.

EDIT: Thanks everyone

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 2 months ago.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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So many replies within a minute!

1 decade ago

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If I'm not mistaken the staff feedback form is to report how your experience was when using the support ticket system on the site. It is an important tool that allows site users to report the quality of service they receive during a support request from the volunteer staff members. Please don't abuse it because you disagree with someone's personal opinion on the forum.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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hey fgt fite me irl

1 decade ago

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I dont think it's the disagreement with the opinions, but rather disagreement with the actions taken by support.

1 decade ago

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It sounds as a bit aggressive requesting the feedback link inside a thread like this. HitScan did the right thing pointing out that.

1 decade ago

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From the original thread cg said that, "Using this page, you can submit an anonymous comment regarding your experience with that user. These comments will be visible to the entire staff beginning next week. The overall goal is to improve moderation on the site, and to ensure everyone is being treated fairly." So I think it's ok to express one's opinions on moderator actions there.

1 decade ago

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i write also one i dont like staff who think only while there are staff they can suspend guys how they like

1 decade ago

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Thank you for posting this! At least I'm not the only one who knows this rule!

1 decade ago

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For bobo: Humble Bundles are like packs of, say, Skittles (or M&Ms or Sour Patch Kids or whatever). Every Humble Bundle is a pack of Skittles that comes with one snack of each flavor (i.e. one red Skittle, one orange Skittle, etc). Humble Bundle tells you not to give any of your Skittles to anyone else, but a lot of people do.

Now Humble Bundle launches the Origin Bundle, a new type of Skittles packs. In these new packs, there are two snacks of each flavor instead of just one like previous packs had. They still tell you not to give any of them to others, but people still break that rule. Now, the argument a lot of people have been making on this forum is that it is wrong to keep one of each flavor for yourself and give the others away (i.e. keep one red Skittle and give away the other, keep one orange Skittle and give away the other, etc). But I say every Skittle is just the same, and there is no moral difference between giving away individual Skittles out of this pack and giving away individual Skittles out of the old packs.

Sorry for the awful analogy. If this was confusing, a pack of Skittles is equal to a single Humble Bundle, each individual Skittle represents a license for a game, and each flavor represents a different game (i.e. the red ones might be Dead Space, the orange ones might be Burnout Paradise, etc)

1 decade ago

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Your analogy sucks. What part of one license per one bundle do you not understand? Humble Bundle is awesome enough to provide you the choice of platforms to play your games on and that does not give you the right to sell or give away the extra key to friends.

1 decade ago

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I don't understand the part of "one license per one bundle" because I don't think it's true. When you register the games on their respective platforms, each key generates a separate EULA per platform, meaning that each key is its' own license. In addition, Humble never states anywhere that you only get a single license.

1 decade ago

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Technically these are "exploited keys" which the site DOES have rules about, the Humble Bundle ToS also says stuff about it...

1 decade ago

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ye, talk about thousand of giveaways from HB Origin that weren't deleted. Surely those are exploited too

1 decade ago

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If these keys are exploited, then so is every other key that has ever come from splitting a bundle.

1 decade ago

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Exploiting keys would imply some kind of profit is made off them such as CV but as they are just giving them away ehhh not so much.

1 decade ago

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What about bundle repeats?

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by bobofatt.