well i was thinking about buying a game ( on sale ) from steam with some of steam wallet money and give it away here to increase my contributer level but i don't know how steamgifts deal exactly with games after sale do the amount of cv decrease for period of time or does it go back to original cv after the sale has ended.

7 years ago

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Science will work it out, if nothing else :)

7 years ago

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Science is the best!

7 years ago

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Alternate facts Rule!!!

7 years ago

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The amount of CV you get is always the full retail price of the game on the Steam store. Sale price doesn't affect CV unless it drops the price low enough to be added to the Bundle List.

For example, if "SuperAmazingGame" is normally $20, but is on sale this week for $5, you'll get $20 CV for it unless it's been bundled or ~95% or more off in the past.

There are a few exceptions - for instance, when the Daedalic games package is on sale.

Edit: if the normal retail price on Steam drops (if SuperAmazingGame's base price drops) at any time, your CV will drop along with it.

7 years ago

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cv stays the same unless one of the following happens:
1- Game gets/were bundled before.
2- Game Max price gets lowered.
3- Game is removed from steam ( results in 0 CV for it ).
4- Pack/Bundle of games get a big discount which results in the bundle and any game in it to give 0 or very low cv until sale is over.
I don't think sales will affect the cv unless its a heavy one which results in a game getting added to bundle list.
The once above are based on what i experienced so might not be 100% correct. If anyone knows extra details or edits reply to this comment and ill edit it for OP and anyone else who might be browsing for the same reason.

7 years ago

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steamgifts will consider a game bundled when it's discounted ~95% in any region. usually being 80-85% off in ROW regions is enough to bundle it since it will reach -95% in russia or mexico/brazil (depends on curency value so it will fluctuate).
also when it's in a tier 1-2 bundle site, but you already know that.

so your best bet is to buy discounted games that don't go over -75%.
you could also install enhanced steam to check regional prices, or use steam.db and compare prices there.

7 years ago

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thank you, i was going for Trine 3 its now on 75% discount.

steamgifts is really tricky.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Trine 3 is already on the bundle list (https://www.steamgifts.com/bundle-games/search?q=trine) because it was in a BTA tier of a humblebundle bundle - so it will only worth 15% of it's store value as CV ( only 3.3$CV for your 5.5$) so I wouldn't get it for CV-reasons - always check the bundle list/ isthereanydeal.com's price/bundle history for games.
For example Ember is down to 2.5 from 10$, and unbundled, that would be a good game to give away (and it also looks pretty decent)

7 years ago

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Ember seems to be getting a helluva lot sales. I almost smell a Humble bundle for it.

7 years ago

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You can throw India in to that list by now too. Their built-in discount is also pretty hefty.

7 years ago

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Thank you every one for the info.

7 years ago

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other people helped You, so I just wish You a nice day ^^

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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