hehe another falls prey to my machinations.


Thanks again everyone for another successful thread, those who realized it was a joke, thanks for playing along. For those that didn't, sorry, perhaps this was all a bit too convincing. :P

Though I guess I did a good job with the fake convo, making an asshole of a character out of SP202, though the real SP202 (me :P) would never think of abusing his rep, let alone scamming anyone. And just to set the record straight, scamming is never justified, even with beggars or scammers who've scammed you in the past.

To those who thought this wasn't funny and that it was a poor choice of joke, yeah, you probably are right. It was meant to be a parody of the "i just got scammed!" threads which I've seen plenty of on here over the past year and thought it would be interesting to show the opposite, from the scammer's point of view. But I never intended the actual scamming to be a joke but rather the ridiculous over the top rudeness of SP202 as he scams an innocent trader and goes on to brag about it.

Anyways, the solution to the puzzle (calling it a puzzle is probably an insult to actual puzzles but...) was to take one of the fake keys that douchebag SP202 posts; pcmzT-1d10t-10lo1 and to take the first 5 letters of the "key" which is a giveaway link, with the giveaway being this.

This was pretty straightforward and simplistic puzzle with the only real challenge being paying attention, but I'm sure many of you were disappointed due to not owning the base game for the soundtrack. But don't worry, I will be making an actual puzzle like in the good old days with an actual game as a giveaway at the end very soon, possibly some time next week.

So yeah, stay tuned for more cruel hijinks and dastardly puzzles. And sorry support for the inevitably considerable amount of reports you must've received over this thread.


and i liked it.

stupid idiot thought i had riptide so i taut the beggar a lesson. names have been changed to protect privacy...and a little dignity, hehe. i deleted the idiot before he could wine anymore, lol. has anyone else ever done this to a beggar? its really funny and besides, beggars deserve it, hehe.

heres the chat, what an idiot, seriously: http://pastebin.com/aTkU97WX

1 decade ago*

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Joke or not, reported.
I hope you never get to play Payday 2 again!

1 decade ago

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Ok. :)

1 decade ago

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Honestly, even if this is a joke, you're not funny at all. By posting this you only make yourself look like an asshole,

1 decade ago

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No, you people just need to get that stick out of your asses, it's a hidden giveaway, the fact that others keep saying it should have tipped you off already.

1 decade ago

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The last time I checked I didn't have a stick up my ass. I honestly don't care whether its real, fake, hidden giveaway lr not, I've already stated my opinion.

1 decade ago

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That suddenly makes it appropriate does it? There are some things you can joke about, and other things you shouldn't joke about. Pretending to be a scammer is just something you shouldn't do.

1 decade ago

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No offence but some of you should get out more if you are so easily upset about something like this. Stuff you shouldn't joke about? This is the internet, you can, and do, joke about anything here.

1 decade ago

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I'm not upset by it, I'm just saying it's not appropriate. Almost any other impersonation wouldn't be a problem, but pretending to be a scammer just isn't right. Especially on a gifting site where people are supposed to trust and respect one another. It's quite a serious issue over at Steamtrades so it shouldn't be trivialized for the sake of a hidden giveaway. Perhaps you'd understand it better if you were scammed yourself. We are indeed on the internet, but this forum is moderated, so you can't away with anything you want :)

1 decade ago

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Please do point out the rule that prevents anything from becoming the subject of a joke :)

My statement was not direct only at you but at some of the people who posted in this thread in general, you may not be upset but you can't deny that there's a certain level of, let's call it butthurt, over something that was clearly a joke. You only had to actually read the link and check the guy's profile to see the private giveaway made at the same time as the thread, but i guess it's easier just to go with the flow and flame the guy.

Me getting scammed would change nothing, everyone should know the risk they're taking when trading anything with someone else. If it did happen to me i'd take it like a man and move on.

1 decade ago

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I'm certain racist jokes fall under "Inappropriate behaviour". Wouldn't you agree? They aren't going to outline every single permissible/non permissible joke. Just because this doesn't break a specific rule doesn't mean I won't speak out against it ;)

I've seen enough hidden giveaways (some of which were very well done), so the idea of being "butthurt" doesn't really apply here. What it boils down to is, I don't think tricking people into thinking you're a real scammer is a good idea. Do you seriously think so? I mean, there are hundreds of other ways to hide your giveaway, but lets just pick one that will upset the most people, hopefully even create some hate. Generally, most people take things at face value on the internet, which is why even pretending to beg is not allowed here.

I think I've said all I can say. Hope I made myself clear :)

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Bump for solved :P

1 decade ago

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Bump for no reason at all.

1 decade ago

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reported <3

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Joke or not I've removed you from my friends list and very tempted to remove the +rep I gave you from a previous trade.

If this is true, fuck you.

If this is not true, fuck you your joke is not funny.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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The right side of the bed is the other way

1 decade ago

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We can't be Best Phriends Phorever anymore? :(

1 decade ago

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very mature, you'd be just doing the very same thing as scamming someone.

1 decade ago

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reported, it's not funny at all ...
edited: HAH

1 decade ago

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lol the people... thanks for the giveaway.

1 decade ago

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It worked. For most of people, luckily, what your thread was supposed to cause - and did cause was :

  • start thinking that it makes no sense to admit something like that in public and seem proud of it,
  • look at your profile, notice you seem to be an active member of the community,
  • see that you have an ongoing private giveaway,
  • start looking for the puzzle.

There are ways of creating leads for a puzzle, that one was as good as any other. Congrats, you managed to both get attention from puzzle hunters and divert the attention of others.

1 decade ago

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I saw this thread this morning and was disappointed that someone would do that and brag. I never looked at the conversation at that point. Then I saw the thread was still open hours later and knew instantly there must be a giveaway somewhere, shame I didn't have the game though :(

1 decade ago

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Nice one !

1 decade ago

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See, there is a difference between a joke (has a punch line) and a lie (with no punch line) that leads everyone to believe that you are a dick regardless of how long you have been part of the community.
And those who believe you to be a dick and horrible at telling jokes (or even knowing what one is) are fully justified in their assessment.

1 decade ago

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In my opinion, this is too much of a generalization and this joke, though admittedly a bad one, wasn't intended to harm or offend anyone, and I don't think it has.

1 decade ago

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This is brilliant :D

1 decade ago

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"I didn't get the joke, so you deserve to get banned"

1 decade ago

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"I didn't get banned, so you deserve to get the joke"

1 decade ago

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Anyone here got the opportunity to trade with a user who's name is Pro Toxic?

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Think I banned him recently. Is he that private profile level 0 selling DayZ?

1 decade ago

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I can't remember but I think it's not DayZ, what I saw from him is Rust, AC3, along with others. His profile is really private and I saw in another site some complaint about him and I wanted to know if someone had any trade offer with him.
I gave him Killing floor because I was suspicious about him to see if he would give any of the games I asked, Rust, AC3, Sniper Ghost Warrior 2 and JC2. I asked him JC2 just to be sure I could trade the other games he asked me and he refused, and refused and still refused...:\

1 decade ago

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people should learn how to tell if it is a joke or not
btw, I find it funny

1 decade ago

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Super awesome, mind-blowing and incredibly offensive puzzle giveaway coming within 24 hours. :)

1 decade ago

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Closing this, tired of getting reports about it. Try to come up with something that won't get you reported 50 times next time.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by sp202.