Hey guys,
I created 2 giveaways for a game I had and one of the winners was blocked in steam a year ago for using cheats as I can see in his profile. To be frank I am strongly against cheaters and dont wanna gift them something lol. If there any chance to reroll winner because of that?Unfortunately I cant find any info about in SteamGifts rules.

8 years ago

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Well, there isn't. You have to deliver the gift OR accept the "not received" mark on your profile (which will also deduce one GA slot from you).

EDIT: You can, however, blacklist this person so he won't be able to enter any of your future GAs. But you'll still have to deliver the gift or accept the "not received" mark.

8 years ago

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That's pity thing. Ty for answer

8 years ago

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Worth noting that some have said here in the forums that there is a risk you will eventually be suspended for creating "fake" giveaways if you do not deliver on too many occasions. However, I think if you have created a ticket and explained your reasoning, Support will just let it go with just the "not received" on your giveaway ratio record. Good luck!

8 years ago

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I think a single time is enough if you admit doing it on purpose. It has to be an "accident" ;)

8 years ago

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you might also consider there was at least one game that was bugged according to reviews such that adjusting the built in fov slider would result in a vac ban, I don't play muitiplayer/mmo myself so I can't verify from direct experience, but most reviews said the same thing. hard to find it since being mainly mp I "not interested" it
enhanced steam adds profile links to a rep site, maybe steamrep?, that might give more info or list what game got them banned, if so you could then check on the game and see if the game has known issues or if it's more likely they are an mp game spoiler.

8 years ago*

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as long as you did not send it out am sure you can roll for a new one . you could open a ticket and tell them you dont support cheaters :p

8 years ago

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And it will be denied.

8 years ago

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How can u be sure about? Did u try to send ticket to support?

8 years ago

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Re-rolls are even denied for a non-activated gift if it's older than a month. Why would they reroll if the guy didn't even break a SG rule?

8 years ago

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Because he broke rules of server they work for? :) I dont try to argue btw, just asked :3

8 years ago

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SteamGifts has nothing to do with Valve.

8 years ago

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Word from Support in previous topics about this. They seem quite knowledgeable when it comes to the site rules, so I'm happy to go with what they said.

8 years ago

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that kinda sucks tho .dont like cheaters

8 years ago

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They suck, but there is no rules related to it on this site. Simple as that.

8 years ago

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Thank you

8 years ago

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Just try, it doesnt take much time.

8 years ago

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I did but it doesnt make any sense since I dont know how long support answer to tickets ;) Winner is a winner, I shouldnt make him wait for too long :)

8 years ago*

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Normally, they answered in 1 day, but because of the holidays, they take more time, I have a ticket from 2 days ago and nothing, but I'll wait the answer, no problem

8 years ago

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You do have your 7 days to deliver gift. In my experience supports handles there requests rather quickly.

8 years ago

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It's great that you're already "sure" about how this site works only 22 hours after registering.

8 years ago

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well it it DeltaBladeX gift . if he/she don't want to give it to a cheater why should they ?

8 years ago

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You never HAVE to give a gift to the winner of your giveaway. But if you don't send it, you get a "not received" on your profile and lose a GA slot.

It sounds a lot like you're saying that you don't need to obey SG's rules if you don't like them, though.

8 years ago

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no not saying that . just saying i don't support cheaters in mp games . if you do that's cool that's your own thing . but its not nice . i can see why DeltaBladeX would not want to send anything to a cheater . if the persons profile was hack and some one got him a vac ban that's a different story

8 years ago

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First, Delta is not the OP. Alicetrip is the one not wanting to send the gift.

Second, where am I saying I support cheating?

Cheating in a game is not against SG's rules. It doesn't mean that cheating is a good thing, it just means that it has nothing to do with SteamGifts.
So if you don't want to send a gift to someone for whatever reason that has nothing to do with SG, you're the one breaking the rules, not the winner.
If you have a problem with that, don't use SteamGifts. Just give your gift to a friend or something.

8 years ago

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just the way you sticking up for it . but it is the rules and rules are rules

8 years ago

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I'm sticking up for cheating?
Okay, I'm just going to stop responding now because anything I would say wouldn't be nice.

8 years ago

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you have to gift the winner, if you chose not to do so you are breaking SG tos:


within 7 days of the giveaway ending, you will use reasonable efforts to send the Gift to the Winner using the Website services, or the e-mail address the Winner has provided; ...

if you don't want to gift, you will lose a slot.
if users keep abusing and don't send gifts, they get suspended.

8 years ago

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Yes of course, not what I meant.^^
Just reflecting on the "it's your gift, you paid for it, you do what you want with it"-thing. If it's more important to you to prevent a cheater (or any type of person) to get your gift than not breaking the rules, then sure, nobody's pointing a gun to your head to force your hand.
But if you break the rules by not sending it, there are consequences. In this case the "not received" and loss of GA slot, and if repeated, a suspension indeed.

I'm in no way saying that you can freely choose wether the randomly-picked winner deserves it or not.
Hence my last sentence in the comment you're responding to. ;)

8 years ago

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i agree with that :3

8 years ago

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So all is fine! The magic of christmas. :)

8 years ago

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Nope. If they haven't broken any SG rules or already own the game, you won't get a reroll.

8 years ago

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it seems you cant do that, but if you suspicious of the guy, write the support to re-roll the ga

8 years ago

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I'm afraid you only have 2 options and those are give him the code and don't give him the code but take a not received.

For future giveaways and you don't want that cheaters win them you can use SG tools because it has lots of functionality including this: Your account must never been VAC banned.

8 years ago

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Eeeerhm, what is SG tools? I dont see any option in 'create giveaway' area about blocking access to join for cheartes :0

8 years ago

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SGTools is a third party site with some useful utilities related to this site.

8 years ago

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TY :)

8 years ago

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To explain further, go here and copy-paste your giveaway link there (it has to be invite-only) and click on "Create". Then set up any rules you want, not allowing VAC banned people is one of the possible options.

Needless to say, since it will be an invite-only giveaway you'll have to post it on the forum so people can access it, as it will be hidden.

8 years ago

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Try this helpful add-on that adds links to sgtools.info to a user's profile

SGTools let's you quickly check a user's profile for non-activated games and multiple same game wins. You can read more about it over here. It's not perfect as there are occasionally some false positives but atleast it gives you an idea of what to focus on. :)

8 years ago

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Thank you <3

8 years ago

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You make a invite only giveaway here on SG.

Then you parse your SG giveaway link here:


Like these:


Then you can browse through the requirements and select those of your choice.

You make a thread on SG under SG general, something like this one:


8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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You might be able to request a reroll if your selectee has non-activated games or multiple wins of the same game in which they have not yet been temp banned / suspended.

8 years ago

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just give the guy his game and blacklist him.
use sgtools to prevent vac-banned people from joining your ga (if you post them in the forums, public ga are unrestricted).

8 years ago

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To be really honest: I wouldn't give him the key. You better live up your values then admit to the weakness.

8 years ago

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Well you could also talk to him and try to convince him to let you reroll. :P

8 years ago

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Pee on him to show dominance!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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+1 :D

8 years ago

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Another bullshit reason to ask for reroll. He is already VAC banned, don't you think it's stupid to punish him twice for the same thing?

8 years ago

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Just got an answer by support who said this user also violated the site rules by failing to activate his previous wins. You see. Talk more about how to act not stupid way ;)

8 years ago

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I hate cheaters and such but just to let You know - there have been many cases where people got VAC banned for literally no reason. That's pretty sad but it happens. What is more, Valve does nothing about it. Well, Valve DOES CAN remove the VAC ban but You would have to be very patient and talk with them for quite a while to get what You wanted.

8 years ago*

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Racism against VAC banned people. Racists. All of you.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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You should stick to the commitment you made when you created the GA and gift it to the winner. That person, no matter what their Steam transgression might be, entered your GA in good faith expecting a game if they won. It is unfair of you to hold them accountable for something that is not against the rules of this website.

Now that you know better you can take precautions for your next batch of GAs...in 2017 :P

8 years ago

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If you don't want to use SGTools, you can add a warning in the description of your next GAs, something like "Do not enter if you have a VAC ban!"
I used something like that when I was giving away a Franchise pack for Saints Row - I asked not to enter if the participant owns some of the basic games, the first winner ignored it, and the reroll was accepted. You just have to set the conditions first.

8 years ago

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Sausage still frozen after cooking, I got a problem with a wiener.
Monkey took my food, I got a problem with a lemur.
Got in a car accident, I got a problem with a broken femur.
palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy. There's vomit on
his sweater already: mom's spaghetti

8 years ago

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Uh, you do understand that VAC is not 100% reliable?

8 years ago

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Just got an answer by support who said this user also violated the site rules by failing to activate his previous wins. You see.

8 years ago

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We've all had winners that weren't ideal. But if you make a giveaway, you set the rules for people to enter. This guy qualified to enter your GA and won. The right thing to do is give him the gift and if you are picky about who wins your giveaways, become more selective about who enters.

8 years ago

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