I had some good luck I guess, completed 39 objectives, got,
Serious Sam 3,
Beat Hazard,
Morrowind collection,
Hard Reset,
Fallout New Vegas,
Operation Flashpoint game,
Orange Box.
Dunno, lucky I guess.
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Personally, I don't have a problem with the promotion (not including the cheating that people have been doing, but that is another issue entirely). While you may not have gotten anything spectacular, it is still technically better than nothing (which would have happened if there hasn't been any promotion at all). It is really hard to make everybody happy, but a lot of people did get some interesting stuff from the promotion, so I would consider it a success overall.
That being said, I did laugh when I wrote a recommendation for Portal 2, and got a coupon for 50% off Portal 2 as a reward.
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Haha, nice, but I'm afraid I can top that. I got one for 50% off AAAaaAA!! A Reckless Disregard for Gravity for doing the achievement in AAAaaAA!! for the Awesome. XD
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I'm going to have to agree. When people say things like that the reader is immediately inclined to believing otherwise. If you truly aren't then we will believe it through what you have to say about the subject matter, not what you say about yourself.
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further he amazingly got nothing from 2 different crafts, thats the most amazing craft ive ever heard of
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The Valve RNG hates you, I guess...
That said, it's just a "random chance lottery with a twist" (not that much different from trying to win a giveaway here, I might add) featured along side the usual Christmas discounts, so I can't complaint at all; if I'll get something, it'll be just a bonus...
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You can't possibly have gotten nothing. Check your TF2 inventory, there should be 2 hats there. They're kind of rare and pretty high valued (one particular hat's going around for 40$).
Also: I got the entire valve pack from one of them achievements, so I'm definitely happy. A friend of mine got shogun 2.
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Well, I don't see the point in whining about FREE thing. I won few games from achievements and from coal crafts. The games were - Farming Simulator 2011, Left 4 Dead GOTY, Civilization IV and Luxor:5th Passage. This whole Steam Treasure hunt is just random thing, some people win awesome gifts, some win useless ones, deal with it. Happy New Year :P
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Hate Valve? Then don't use Steam and don't buy games through steam.
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So, basically, because Valve's giveaway subscribes to random chance, it's their fault you didn't get anything but coupons? Your logic sucks more than my vacuum does.
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They are giving away games for free... for free. You have nothing to complain about you are lucky you got anything. Geez freaking kids these days.
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I think Valve is running out of games, or they could have limit on how many games they will give out each day.
Considering there are big hordes of coal farmers, the chances for people to get any games from crafting will be even lower.
What I hate the most from the Grate Gift Pile is TF2 items. I would rather get some coals than these useless untradeable digital items. I didn't even play TF2, yet got 5 of TF2 items from completing daily achievements. :(
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I'm happy. All I wanted this sale is LA Noire. Today's deal is 75% off!
Besides, I won like 4 games with the achievements, and some coupons I'll use later. THe prices at the moment are the same, but my wallet is begging for mercy :)
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Of course this entire thing was a way for people to spend more money on games with the promise of an extremely rare (and generally, cheap) game.
Considering that most of the coupons run for less than what the sales were going for, currently, and that coal was made useless because of coal farming (and valve's rather delayed reaction against it). I'd say that this entire thing was a victim to valve's usual lack of finesse when it comes to managing these types of events.
Just because you get something for free doesn't mean you can complain about how its still a pretty bad event, ala Killing Floors Halloween Event.
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I completed 33 objectives and just won useless coupons (and coal = more coupons). My husband did the same and had the luck to win 8 games. That's how it works, and if you can't deal with it you should not join things like this ;). It was clear from the beginning.
Though I didn't win anything I had fun hunting for the achievemnts, because otherwise I wouldn't spend so much time on it. The chance to get exactly what you want are SO small every little kid should understand you cannot expect it to happen. So don't be disappointed - this is like playing Lotto.
The only thing I complain about is the fact that there seems to be a problem with the Valve coupons right now. We got a lot of them today (since the new deals started), more than during the rest of the holiday sales. It seems like they don't have anything else left to give away, could this be possible?
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Oh thanks for reminding me that I have to check my Lotto coupon, maybe I'm a millionaire right now
EDIT: nope, I'm not :DD
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I hate Valve, because even though they do the best holiday events of any digital distributor out there, they didn't give me enough free shit! Is that what you're saying? Prefacing your post with "don't think please that i'm crying angry, jealous kid" does not change the fact that it is exactly the sort of rant you've done here. Disclaimer: I, too, have ended up with a pile of mostly useless coupons, except for winning a copy of Wings of Prey (which I'm pretty pleased with). Still, I had a lot of fun doing the achievements and I got several games I wanted for cheap, so I'm happy with it overall.
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2,676 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Swiftter99
Hi there! don't think please that i'm crying angry, jealous kid :)
So.. all the games i wanted to get were L.A Noire and Dota 2. I've collected great amount of coals, i think, and wanted to trade dota (cause nobody NOBODY have l.a noire in his inventory, i've been searching for it for 2 weeks and found only a bunch of scummers) Personally i think dota worth no more than 40 coals but people wonted near 100(!!) for it. (come on guys!) so i decided to craft all the coals i had because i had seen so many people got dota from craft and telling that it's 33,33% chance to get a good game from crafting.. and the most interesting thing:
i made 10 crafts and here's the list of items i get from it:
1)max payne 2 -50%
2)max payne 2 -50%
3)max payne 2 -50%
4)ubisoft -10%
5)2k -10%
6)2k -10%
7)!!!!!!valve -10%
8)paradox -10%
so thumbs up if you think that valve and/or it's "pile" sucks
by the way... Happy New Year!
and feel free to write your stories in comments
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