Hello fellas. This is going to be a very tough one.

I'm looking for a new game to play and I would love to have your help. I'm looking for an adventure game, single player is preferred. I'm extremely hard to please unfortunately, I get bored very easily because of my ADHD... I know this sucks, that's why I'm asking for some help. Most of the games I've tried on the following list have very difficult (at least for me) gameplay, a lot of stuff you need to know and learn in order to progress. I can try to get into them, and I can, but it's not easy for me.

Here's what I've played, from what I remember:

All of Wolfensteins - Loved them all with all my heart, loved the story as well.
Most of Assassin's Creed games - I played everything until Odyssey. I adored most of the games.
Uncharted - Can't remember which one was it, but I really enjoyed it
Rise of Tomb Raider - Made it to about half of the game
Kingdoms of Amalur - Reckoning - Can't remember this very well but I know I sank a few good hours on it and I liked it.
Fable - Don't know which one as well, but I liked it. Did not make it to the end.
Sleeping Dogs - Spent about 10 minutes on it and gave up out of boredom, sorry...
Guild of Wars 2 - Not for me, tried it. Very confusing and overwhelming at first.
Kingdom Come: Deliverance - Could not get used to the map and the constant dialogue, a friend of mine recommended it to me but it was not a good choice.

Also, first person or third person games are the way to go for me, if that helps in any way.

I've heard of Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen but have yet to try.

I know this is hard, but I think it's better to ask for opinions than to constantly buy, download and try hundreds of different games.

Thanks in advance for the help.

2 months ago*

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I've recently got into Cyberpunk 2077 and can finally wholeheartedly recommend it. It's got a whole lot of content (especially with the Phantom Liberty DLC). You can easily sink in at least 100 hours.

I'd also recommend RDR2 if you haven't tried that already, but do beware that you might have a hard time getting out of the Prologue if you are easily bored. It's a bit long and really slow, but once you get to the open world and things start clicking- there's a heap of things to do and find, and you might even find it very therapeutic.

2 months ago

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I don't think anyone has mentioned S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series yet.

2 months ago

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Dragon Age 1-2 - are rather nice, but simple adventures.

Fallout 3 and "New Vegas" - nice, but rather primitive, if we will compare them with part 2.

Atomic heart - has cool music, which can be important since ADHD

BTW, how about smth like "HiFi RUSH"?

2 months ago*

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Something completely different, without enemies or NPCs in general, so sorry if it's out of line, but I would like to recommend The Planet Crafter. Before some updates it was unplayable with a controller and there is a demo for you to try.

2 months ago

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Yup me too. Like everything else i stopped playing at some point but not before i sank a whole bunch of hours to it.
In that vein id also recommend Subnautica, and Satisfactory

2 months ago

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ADHD here as well. If you have a switch, I highly recommend BOTW/TOTK. You aren't required to follow any story or quest path and can literally just run around doing sidequests or try the actual story. I try to play open-world games but always find that I feel forced into one path and can't just explore, but I can do that in BOTW/TOTK.

One other game that's like that to me is Hogwarts Legacy. I know it's a controversial game but honestly just being able to run around doing sidequests then actually continue a story when I feel like I can focus enough is great. I've tried Elden Ring as everything I can find says that it's like that but I haven't really gotten into it yet.

Palworld honestly does scratch a bunch of those itches as well bc you can literally just go around hitting things if you want but I also cannot beat the first boss yet and it does get a bit "grindy".

I know these are weird pulls from what you've been playing but I just found these to really help with the fact that I don't always want to sit through cutscenes and just want to run around a cool world.

ETA: I would also encourage maybe turning on the easy mode if you feel super stuck. Like I'm bad at timing/fine motor skills due to ADHD comorbidities and allowing myself to turn on assists or easy mode at certain points in a game really have helped me.

2 months ago

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I do have a Switch, but I have never played any Zelda game before. Wouldn't that be too overwhelming for someone new?

I've been looking for Hogwarts Legacy, guess I'll wait for a sale.

I guess the closest thing I've played to Elden Ring was Bloodborne on the PS4. I did get past Father Gascoigne but didn't get much further.

I also did try out Palworld, and amazingly spent about 5-6 hours continuously playing, and indeed felt grindy, but I'll try it again some other time.

Thanks for the great suggestions!

2 months ago

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I never played the first games and jumped right into BOTW. You should play BOTW before TOTK but I didn't find it overwhelming at all just playing BOTW without other games. From my understanding, the characters are mostly different anyway and I didn't really feel I needed to look up any lore.

2 months ago

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pretty much the only Zelda game that you need to play a prior one is Majoras Mask, every single other one is easy to step into as your first game. The only thing you might miss on is some references.

for BOTW/TOTK either is a good starting game, they are very different compared to the other Zelda games though(less focus on dungeons, more on exploring the world)

2 months ago

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Try Turbo Overkill its a fast one full of bangers

2 months ago

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Maybe you would enjoy Lichdom Battlemage: https://store.steampowered.com/app/261760/Lichdom_Battlemage/

2 months ago

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Maybe Borderlands 2, with the Borderlands 2 - Psycho Pack DLC if you have it (game + all DLC was free on epic), this game is pretty fun, challenging and really like the Ultimate Skill of Krieg (Maybe a littlle too much OP, make the game easier in my opinion).

2 months ago

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Mass Effect, obv :3

2 months ago

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DDO is an older game, but it can be new to you.
It is a MMORPG, but you can solo almost all content if you wish.
Now is a great time to get into it, because most of the content is available for free via an ingame Store coupon code.
See my thread here: https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/614Ip/free-quest-code-for-dungeons-dragons-online-ddo

2 months ago

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Half Life 1/ Resident Evil 4, i did not finish HL and RE4 (HL is bugged on my laptop and i lost my save from RE4 that is pirated)

(Minecraft probably can be anything u want, if u dont wanna buy something just play a adventure game on roblox.)

2 months ago*

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Fellow ADHD here.

I have the same issue but i looked at it differently. I KINDA OF GAVE UP - and embraced it instead
When i kept expecting to play games all the way through then moving on or forced myself to it i got bored to death - or felt like a chore, not the fun i was supposed to have.

I dont think in terms of games thenselves, 'playing/finishing this' or that- i think of playtime. Im playing and having fun... moment it starts to doze off i close that game and do something else- many times a game, just another one.

Id generally have like 5-6 'main games' (sometimes more) that im 'currently playing' (with the intention to come back to then), swapping amongst then- but also swapping to other stuff, just to try. Of those 'main games' i keep at then for awhile, sometimes giving bigger pauses, sometimes letting one go and starting another... eventually i finish 1 or 2, and the others on hold until 'someday' - by that time im already at new 'main ones'... and every now and again i go back to some game i had long paused - and they feel fresher again and i finish one or another.

But im having fun. And im not getting bored. So whats wrong? End of the day thats the actual goal, to enjoy ourselves. People are different. Some love finishing games (first of all, as in amount of games finished) to the point of rushing. Some to play and replay the same game so throughly to 100%, or replaying with self imposed challenges. Or speed running. Heck ive know people who likes to WATCH (streamers etc) but dont actually play. Meanwhile my grandma throughly enjoys knitting and no games- its all the same really.

Just recently i played like 20 demos (next fest and such), by definition 'games you cant finish' - and i had a blast all the way through, save some stinkers. Because the end of the even was coming and i had more time in the last 2 days i went rapid firing- not rushing things, just playing enough to 'get it', sure there were stinkers and some i wanted to play more but either the demo finished or i self-imposed to change... turns out were two of my best gaming sessions, enjoyment wise.

Sure theres some sacrifices, like really involved stories taking longer(but if the story is that good i generally only pause, and it feels like a weekly show or waiting the next season) - but frankly huge majority of games dont have stories that good, even the ones i like the story (the bar is that low in the medium, but id also say its in the nature of games)

Also i would give multiplayer games a shot, try different things and genres... i personally am always going back to Team Fortress 2. I hate the 'get gud' and toxicity of many multiplayer games, and some are repetitive enough i safely say goodbye quickly (good while my enjoyment lasted), but for me TF2 hit the right spot where its casual enough and chaotic enought matches are never the same; I also think it helps being a class based game +loadouts, so i can change class, loadout or map/mode in a pinch avoiding anything getting tiring.

Not saying tf2 is for you (but try if you havent), but shop around, try different things

2 months ago

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