i wanted a board game to be able to play with my son but i he had this in his library but it looks really complicated - anyone tried it and got any tips or help to get the best out if it would be a great help since neither of us have played it before or maybe a good Youtube video to explain things - thanks

1 year ago

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in the end its just a virtual table. most all the board games in it are real games. if you want to you can play checkers. in order to get used to it just start a private room and spawn some pieces and play around. spawn a deck of cards and play war, or solitaire.
i was in a dnd campaign but it lasted only 2 sessions.
if you let the public into your room make sure you have the table flip function turned off, i remember trolls would join rooms, flip the table and leave.

1 year ago

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you made me wonder and i checked out the store page. looks like they added an undo button for table flips. i havent played in 7 years.

1 year ago

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Go through the tutorials, the movement controls take a bit of getting used to. Once you feel comfortable, head to the Workshop, then Oh Boy! There are masses and masses of boardgames, some are auto-scripted to take the busy work out of it, some are exactly like having a boardgame on your table, meaning you have to read the rules and move all the pieces my hand (hence why being comfortable with the movement and basic controls is key).
Last time I was on, the global chat was pretty much a cesspool, hopefully they have cleaned it up, but best to ignore it, Any questions, they have an active Discord. Have fun!

1 year ago

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thanks anything you could recommend

1 year ago

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In terms of learning the game, I'd recommend play some boardgames you already know, search the workshop and you will probably find most of your favourites. This means you can concentrate on learning the ins and outs of TTS and not have to worrying learning the rules of the game, as you will already know them!
Co-op games are great to start with, it means all the players can talk freely and ask any questions they have without spoiling the game for themselves or each other. "Pandemic" has always been one of my group's top games, not too long, not too complex but still can be a tough challenge.
My all-time favourite boardgame is "Battlestar Galactica", which is a semi-cooperative game. Some people don't like these kind of games, a co-op game but with hidden traitors, but it has given me some of the best gaming experiences and a ton of stories!

1 year ago

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try this game https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=344074775&searchtext=hungry
14,247Current Subscribers.....HOLY SHIT!!! it has been a good minute since ive been back to TTS

1 year ago

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Wow, my best only has 5,151 subscribers

Launch - A Space Shuttle Family Card Game

1 year ago

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needs more hippos

1 year ago

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i should really get back into playing. but its kinda like gmod. this one game takes ALL your time and you need to find people to play with regularly

1 year ago

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I've had trouble finding people to play with regularly too. And playing with randoms is usually bad idea in any game.

1 year ago

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What woof^3 said. Downloading games from the workshop allows you to play them in TTS. I recommend sticking to friends/known players rather than venturing into the global areas. One person, the person who downloaded the game from the workshop, will host and others will join. Joiners will have a long initial download time (depending on the size of the game) and then will be able to join smoothly in future sessions.

Try this vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-MfuHyBoJGE&ab_channel=Dicebreaker

1 year ago

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thanks will take a look at the video later

1 year ago

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Yo wigglenose! No joke, I am 100% willing to sit down and walk through the game with you and/or your son if you'd be down for it. Standing offer any time you'd like. I have my own copy on steam and am willing to do screen share on discord. My friends and I do board game nights online using Tabletop Sim and it's a great time. The controls can take a bit of getting used to, but it's fairly simple when you only focus on the important mechanics. It's basically just a physics simulator that's been specifically tooled to make it easier to roll dice, shuffle cards, and move game pieces.

Most popular board games are playable on it and some even include easy-to-use scripts to assist with things like setup and gameplay.

1 year ago

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wow thanks

1 year ago

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do you want to play workshop content or build your own games?

for games, there are some automated games like monopoly or uno that are easy to play, but i agree, that the controls can be tedious if you haven't played it yet.

creating games is really time consuming and i wouldn't recommend it for a beginner

1 year ago

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Playing a physical board game is a very nice way of spending time with family. What game were you thinking about to buy?

1 year ago

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If you're looking for games to play with your son, check out my workshop. I've made a bunch of mods for tabletop simulator, including all versions of windows solitaire cards. Pokeno is a fun, bingo like game that's super easy to figure out, and Launch is a card game based around the NASA space shuttle program. There's a bunch more


1 year ago*

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