I use them, and various consoles and handhelds. I play games, and don't care where I play them. Though my Desura collection is only about 150 games, my Origin account is about 20 and forget my nearly non existent uPlay account.
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"I play games, and don't care where I play them." I'm with this. I don't want to miss out on some good title just because i "hate" consoles or Origin etc.
Don't care where and on what i play them. As long as i do :P
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My biggest problem was GFWL eating my save if it changed online/offline and having activation limits and usually having more activation limits from securom. As long as there is no activation limit and there is a fully functional offline mode with saves that work whether you are on or offline, I don't care anymore. I used to hate Steam, but sales.
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For Origin, I hate BF3 and The Sims DRM, I think they removed the activation limits from DS2 and they finally fixed the free ME1 DLC, so you don't have too contact them for a key. uPlay, I have only ever used for Blood Dragon, it had some issues being stuck on updating uplay, but it fixed itself, so it's okay. Also, you can earn points for DLC(which should have been free anyway) so that's good too, I guess.
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I hate when people use the line "people on the internet" :p :3
Note:dont really :D
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why would i limit the range of games i can play by ignoring clients like origin and uplay?
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there are some good games on origin and uplay that you cant get on steam. we could argue about if e.g. battlefield 3 is a good game, but i am grown-up, so i won't. ;)
and if you have games like assassins creed, far cry 3, alice, trials or whatever on steam - man, you are already using uplay. :)
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For me (and I think for quite a few others it's like that too) it's simply that I don't want to have to install a bunch of software just to play a game. Back when Steam started it was quite meh too. Now things changed and I actually want to have stuff on Steam for various reasons. Now, I'm a big Battlefield fan. And I have to install Origin. It just sucks. It's yet another piece of software I have to keep on my computer. Yet another friend list. Another store. Same goes for UPlay. And then there is GFWL (luckily dead now) or Social Club...all this stuff is just too much. I can get companies want to do their own independent thing for some reason. But in the end...it's just really inconvenient for me. I don't even think about using Desura or Capsule or whatever else there is.
I like what Steam became, I like the idea of having all games on one account and not spread over other various services.
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well for some games you have desura just activate keys that will promise Steam keys through desura account.
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For the most part, I have no issues with non-Steam DRMs. Having games on Steam is just nice for convenience.
I actually like Desura, and UPlay has some pretty neat stuff with achievements.
On the other hand, GFWL is awful. Glad to see it go. And Origin just doesn't seem to run that well for me and its store is cluttered with non-PC stuff.
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That question is like "What is wrong with multiple kinds of cancer".
Steam was there first and has a lot of games and I like it because I don't need shitty DVDs to install my games. That's the only reason why I accept and somewhat like it. DRM is nothing I ever wanted, it's useless and will only affect paying customers. So why should I install multiple clients that do nothing better? For cheap keys? Well, I prefer to pay a few bucks more and don't infect my system with uPlay and other lousy done stuff.
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I basically agree with you but there really is no way around UPlay even if you buy such a game on Steam.
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Sometimes, if they're not as good, ppl will not play it at all.
However, the problem doesn't even only limited to a little quality gap.
Steam has offline mode and almost everygame that has single player mode are playable (if not all), but games on origin and uPlay have always online DRM. Using offline mode = unplayable.
Sometimes, I'll need to play some game to wait while I'm downloading things, or play some games while the connection is down. Steam is the better candidate in this case.
This and some other things also show (or hinted) that other retailers/platforms(or whatever they suppose to be called) are greedier than Steam.
That'll also cause many people to be less willing to use them. (Did you see how EA boast about how their "battlelog" got so many user despite the fact that you can't play the game without it and many people complained about it-_-.)
Also, I personally find that Steam is the safest one, and Origin is risky as hell... for now
Still, I prefer the physical copies above all these digital retailers. It can be more localized and means it can be cheaper. A lot cheaper... sometimes
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TL:DR sorry, but from the first two sentences I can tell you that I agree with you. I myself use Origin for EA games, Uplay for ubisoft's, and Steam for general games. Why you ask? Simple - I encourage competition. I dont want to see steam becomes a monopoly (they pretty close to it though) because that will be our doom.
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uPlay isn't always-online. They figured out it wasn't such a good idea after all. BF3 and The Sims are games, not DRM.
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It does count kinda, Uplay or Origin may be dead too someday :P It can happen with Steam too but I think the chance is less so I prefer everything on Steam.
And I want all my games in one library, paying a few bucks more is nothing compared to the hassle of having to use 10 platforms for your games.
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just limits your options
What are you even saying? Do UPlay, Origin and so on have any special features I haven't heard of yet?
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You can -limit- the type of information it sends, but it also says that it will still be sending information. As part of the EULA you also agreed that it can transmit your data at will, without requiring your express consent (or knowledge of what it is sending) each time it does so. There is no opt-out to that except to not install Origin. There was a big thing about this ages ago, not so much the practice of gathering information, but the lack of transparency and that the EULA meant they aren't restricted in what they gather.
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It's interesting to know that you know almost all PC gamers and I have no clue who you are. Oh wait, you are generalizing millions of people. What was that about close-minded and stuck-up again?
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Yeah you better buy all consoles too because otherwise you won't be able to play some games you never wanted to play anyways.
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In a word: you said it in your title: DRM itself.
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I have nothing to complain about Origin, GOG, and Desura other than the fact that they AREN'T steam. It's just a lot easier to have one service for all of my games. uPlay on the other hand has had some pretty serious issues, but they're working to fix them, although it is a pain to launch it when I play Ubisoft games through steam.
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Case in point i bet the farcry 3 dlc is still not working on uplay.
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There is nothing wrong with them per se. It's more that they offer little (or nothing) in the way of positives while often having more negatives or simply not justifying the additional hinderences to getting into your game.
In the case of Origin, you have the slippery-slope EULA and its attempt to assert itself over games that previously didn't require Origin. Desura has an interface that I find to be generally clumsy and awkward to navigate, though is otherwise pretty okay. uPlay I don't have much experience with, other than being another mandatory step even when launched through a different digital DRM (steam).
I find it's generally a lack of giving the consumer anything in return for putting up with the added little licks of frustration. Origin in particular is irksome that it's prices remain high, while having a small selection, bad EULA and some strange still-unpatched bugs, such as download files being scrubbed repeatedly for no reason while downloading, or in my case, deleting the parent directory when attempting to install it for the first time (I shit you not). Just lately Origin has been playing the catch-up game, trying to offer something for it's inconvenience with the short term refund if you simply don't like a game, which is good and all, but some kinds of negative can't be so simply overlooked. Just as Steam's typical automated support filters can't really be overlooked no matter how great the price range and selection is, y'know?
So yeah, there's nothing "wrong" with non-steam distribution platforms, but they tend to be clunky, intrusive, unnecessary and offer little in return, whereas Steam is more than a mere mandatory security measure, it's actually something that people try out willingly and with good reason. Steam is far more of a service than a DRM, now.
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124 Comments - Last post 23 minutes ago by PsychoApeMan
As the title asks; what is so wrong with DRM services besides Steam? I mean, I'll be honest, I was wary of non-Steam DRM, but then I actually tried using Origin, and I had no problem. I mean, opening another window isn't as bad as you think. Now, Steam is ultimate when it comes to gaming+Socializing, but avoiding Origin/uPlay/Deusra completely just because it's not Steam just limits your options. Now, maybe not Desura, because it seems like crap anyways, but Origin and uPlay aren't any problems at all. I mean, I see people willing to spend $15 on Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon Steam keys, but if someone sells a uPlay key for $2? They won't take it. You're just wasting money. It's not that hard to open a different window.
And to the people who have never tried: Try it sometime. I mean, use your Origin keys you got from the bundle! You really have no reason not to! Now, don't go installing one of them without a game, but if you do, then go ahead! With the nVidia bundle here, Origins, Blacklist, and Black Flag will be being sold for cheap. So take this opportunity to try out other DRM services! I doubt you'll be disappointed
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