Mary had a little lamb, little lamb,
little lamb, Mary had a little lamb
whose fleece was white as snow.
And everywhere that Mary went
Mary went, Mary went, everywhere
that Mary went
The lamb was sure to go.

And so Mary and the lamb grew older. And one day Mary's friend - another animal loving girl always carrying a bird with her - asked if she would come with her to visit this real cool underground disco of this crazy looking bald and bearded dude she heard about (the disco and ... well the crazy dude too). Mary agreed and so the four of them went to the disco and they entered the dance floor. Always one step behind Mary was her lovely cuddly fluffy sheep. At first Mary was excited, the music was good and everyone moved to the beat. Some only jumped from one place to another and back or even just on the spot, other seemed to move completely random. Mary tried her best to keep the rhythm and she started moving around and from there the tragedy had begun. You see, Mary was actually quite cute. So as soon as some of the visitors saw her they started approaching Mary and hitting on her. Since Mary spent most of her life time with her sheep she was kinda unexperienced so she tried to evade them to her best and she was succesful in the beginning but then she was spotted by this bull which was already drunk dead. Because as he saw Mary he tripped and tumbled towards her. Mary realized it in time and dodged at the last moment. But her sheep was one step behind her and couldnt move out of the way fast enough! And so the bull hitted on the sheep. The sheep didnt know what to do and it was kinda shy too, so it reacted in the only reasonable way: It exploded. Mary was shocked, her heart started hurting, she took another step and it felt as her heart was ripped out of her chest, another step and the pain increased. And then ..... Mary exploded as well. A world without her sheep was just to cruel of a thought to live in.

The experience of Mary's friend was slightly different. The reason she visited the disco was that she wanted to get laid. And according to her mother, the only source for dating tips she had, she brought a flower with her. Because you make friends with flowers. Everyone knows that! And so it was the same for her as for Mary. As soon as some of the visitors spotted her they started approaching her. Mary's friend took a close look and decided which one she found the cutest. And for her chosen ones she offered them the flower. But this was strange! Everytime she did that they turned around and started running in the other direction. What was this stupidity? She moved around more but everytime the same thing happened. She would never get laid this way. Then she spotted a stairway. It looked like some VIP area but noone asked her. She just could go down?! And so she went down to the next dance floor and again and again but everytime ....

Welp, read the story? Then have this awesome puzzle. Games are for level 2+ and the better games for level 4+. Have fun.

Useless Trivia 1: In Germany there is a proverb which says that at the end of a rainbow a pot of gold is waiting which is kinda mean because you can't never reach the end of a rainbow. And even if by physical impossibility chance you could reach it you would only find out that rainbows are only visible for half. They are circular which means they never had an end to begin with O.o I wonder if the creator of the proverb knew this. Does this proverb exist in other languages too?

Useless Trivia 2: Did you notice that Steam if you are checking the community badge of another user does NOT show the two fields concerning the telephone authentification? I assume this is for security reasons. If that is the case this wasnt thought through properly. Why you ask? Because without those two you have officially 25 actions to do. To reach level 3 community leader you need to complete 26 of all 27. So if someone checks your profile and sees that you have done 25 of 25 actions but you are still community badge level 2 he knows that you have not done any of the both missing actions. With 24 of 25 completed he knows you havent done at least one of them. So yea, way to ensure security ^^

Reachable giveaways include Killing Floor 2, One Piece Burning Blood and two less interesting titles if this helps to motivate you.

Clarification: Question 1 and 2 both refer to the very same game
Small Hint: In Q1 I'm searching for a game title. While I used a rather flowery language and descriptions there should be nothing wrong in there. You have to search for parts which could serve as actual gameplay mechanisms. I know it appears kinda cryptic. But it is doable. There are solvers after all and while the majority is anonymous I assure this is not me 10 times0
Suggestion: Keep on dancing. It's not that hard. Well, protecting Mary's sheep is. Also it would be kinda nice if at least the solver would bump the thread as it keeps me from necroing my own thread T_T

Solution: As it has been asked I will post the solution alongside with some pictures. Well, the gameplay description is pretty much given in the text above. You have to move to the beat as do the enemies and there are several floors you have to conquer. While some enemies just jump in pre-determined patterns (the slimes and Zombies, ...), others move randomly (bats, ...), some are starting to trail you actively (skeletons, most mini-bosses, ...) and attacking you (literally htting on you). And for Mary you always have your one-hit-sheep behind you (or on the same field if moving backwards). The game in question can be determined from the part after Clarification alone. The description is cryptic, you shall keep on dancing and I "necro'ed" my thread. Put it together and you get The Crypt of the Necrodancer.
After that, finding the second character is easy. Has a bird with herand a flower. the flower is a weapon which confuses enemies upon hitting which makes them run in the other direction. She is also namer after a bird, Dove.

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6 years ago*

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Bumps :)

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6 years ago

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yeah finally solved =D

Have a bump :)

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Bump for solved!

6 years ago

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Well, one last necro from my side I guess. It will end today after all.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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So this has ended? Could you offer the answers for those of us who didn't figure it out in time?

6 years ago

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I have added the solution to the OP. If you know the game it should be rather simple. But without it it is probably horriby confusing. But just by visting my profile you could have seen it under the last three games played and also the achievement Icon for Mary and her lamb. Additionally, the game has been on sale that week so there were enough chances to stumble about it :P

6 years ago

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Thanks Adelion. just wanted to know the answer so I could sleep at night :-)


6 years ago

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Closed 6 years ago by Adelion.