So I was wondering about just another GA group which is gonna be like this - A group of 15-20 members. I see how in every other group they say a GA per month is compulsory and thats not very fair since most of them make bundle games giveaways. So I was just thinking how about using money instead! Every member gonna donate $1 every month (or more, out of generosity if they want) using paypal or some fundraising site. Then I am gonna create a GA worth 20$ of a game (if there are 20 members and each member gives 1$). To make sure that i dont earn profit off of it, I am gonna make sure its a steam gift everytime. Each member gets a pretty high winning chance at a low cost. I am also gonna enter and donate my share :)

Either THIS^ or another RAFFLE group.

Please point out some drawbacks and solutions to overcome them if this is flawed. Also I'll be looking for some members to make this group happen. Rules for entering (for now) would be having created at least 1 GA here on SG and contributing 1$ on joining.

Looking forward to your comments (I hope I dont have to go with Raffle)

11 years ago*

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Small chance of people trusting a guy with 2 giveaways with their money..

11 years ago

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+1 yeah no offense but you don't really have any rep unless you have a big steamtrades profile

11 years ago

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Well, it just so happens that OP has 76 rep on strades.

11 years ago

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well then that helps. maybe he could do it then

11 years ago

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Well, then again OP is also part of the brigade selling BTA Humble Bundles for 2 TF2 keys.

11 years ago

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oh, well then >:( nobody can trust this guy

11 years ago

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This won't work, it would require members to trust their money to you and actually buy 20$ game and not 20$ game from 2.5$ sale and keep the rest for yourself.

I don't think any private groups allow bundle giveaways or count them separately.

11 years ago

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Why would someone do this?You'll only profit if you're lucky.

11 years ago

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This violates site rules.

  • Do not ask for any sort of payment/exchange in order to enter a giveaway. This applies to group rules as well.

They have to pay $1 to enter the $20 giveaway. You could say "well you have to pay $1 to stay in the group", but that doesn't really work either.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by STAB.