I'm thinking of starting my own group. I'm only looking to gauge interest for now. I'll send out instructions for joining later if and when I decide to go ahead with the idea.

The group won't have any monthly or ratio requirements. You won't have to contribute anything, ever. It's just a way for me to reach more people with my GAs.

These are the requirements to apply:

  1. Level 4. SG account at least 6 months old.
  2. Minimum real CV ratio 0.8, preferably > 1.0
    • This is the requirement that I'm most flexible on. I don't mind if your ratio is a bit lower if you exceed the other criteria by a wide margin.
  3. Played at least 20% of your wins. I'll be checking the '≥25% complete' stat using the "do you even play, bro?" script.
  4. Won fewer than 60 games in the past year.
    • I can allow up to 100 but that's the absolute upper limit and you need to have played a very high percentage of your wins, especially recent ones. Very high = 50% or more
  5. Giveaway activity in the past 6 months. I can make exceptions to this if you've been very generous overall.
    • Your giveaways should be "normal". By that I mean: No overpriced shovelware, hentai, cheap/low quality games, dev/curator stuff, CV exploits, etc.
    • Most of your giveaways should be relatively accessible (Public, invite-only GAs for community events, GAs to groups like U-7, TalePlay, PA, PAGYWOSG, QGG companion)
    • No heavy region restrictions to a single country or small region.
  6. Be polite and respectful.
  7. Must play Psychonauts 1 upon joining the group, but only if your name is xxxka

Please comment below if you're interested. I won't reply to each comment, but I'll make a note of your interest.

Edit 1: Updated requirement #5 from 3 months to 6 months. I don't mind periods of inactivity if the other conditions are met.
Edit 2: Made exception to basic limit of requirement #4 more explicit.

Mandatory GA
SGTools rules are not a reflection of group joining requirements. You may still apply even if you don't pass the SGTools check.

1 month ago*

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I'm up for it. :)

1 month ago

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Requirements seems fine so I'd be interested in joining. If I qualify, that is... ;)

1 month ago

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That sounds pretty solid. I'm having trouble keeping my ratio above 0.7. Managed to creep it up I think to 0.75 and then this last week has been some kind of insane and wonderful spacecat catnip fest. But otherwise count me as interested, since it's just a post to gauge interest.

1 month ago

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Ratio is one of those things that I'm flexible on, as long as everything else checks out. I just had to draw the line somewhere ^^

1 month ago

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I hope I'm eligible.

1 month ago

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1 month ago

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Feel like I am eligible

for 4 I think I am just over 60 for the past year(give it a couple weeks and it might dip right below 60 as I enter even less now), excluding DLC might drop it under 60 to. 5 feels met, all mystery bundles/bundle extras with some games specifically bought for gifts sprinkled around. Almost all of my group giveaways are the mentioned groups or discussion related methods to enter.

just leaving my blaeo won page link here

1 month ago

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Why not just give games away to TalePlay, PA, QGG companion, U-7, and SG Pillars? That's my strategy.

Running a group can be a good amount of work.

I don't meet the 60 games in the last year rule (I think I won 60 in the last month!) and also by the 20% rule (I'm at 18%). But considering how many wins I have, I think that's pretty good!

1 month ago*

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Why not just give games away to TalePlay, PA, QGG companion, U-7, and SG Pillars? That's my strategy.

I've given to those groups and continue to do so, at least to U-7 and PA.

The main issue I have with those groups is that they often have stringent requirements in one area but zero requirements in others. For example, someone in SG Pillars could have an amazing ratio but might have played less 1% of their wins and is farming the rest for cards. I'm trying to consider the totality of the picture and find average, well-rounded users, which no single group out there does AFAIK. To be clear, I'm not trying to diminish those group. They all have their place and purpose. I'm especially fond of U-7 (Unluckies only) and Playing Matters.

The real question is: Why not make this a WL recruitment thread instead of a new group? I thought about it, but I prefer to keep the two separate for logistical reasons. It gives me more flexibility.

Running a group can be a good amount of work.

Not in this case. Members aren't expected to do any giveaways or play their wins, so there's nothing for me to check really. The only work is a periodic review of users' overall ratios and play stats to make sure they haven't slipped too much. I shouldn't have to do it more than once a quarter. It's no more work than maintaining a WL.

I don't meet the 60 games in the last year rule (I think I won 60 in the last month!) and also by the 20% rule (I'm at 18%). But considering how many wins I have, I think that's pretty good!

18% is pretty impressive for that frequency of wins! Not something I see usually.

1 month ago

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What's the issue then with PA or TalePlay? They do require you play the win unlike SG Pillars.

From my view, there's enough people in the Public SG pool doing +1s with awful ratios, that I don't care if PA/TalePlay winners have bad ratios. At least they're playing the win! That's what matters to me.

1 month ago

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I've no experience gifting to Taleplay, so no opinion on it. As for PA, I think it's a great group. That's why I continue making GAs for it, but I'd like to reward those who also give back to the community or at least don't win very often, hence the 0.8 rule. I don't think that's such a huge ask.

Like I said to Yamaraus, I'm flexible on the ratio. It's the least important factor for me. I might lower it to 0.7 or 0.6 if I don't get enough applicants.

1 month ago

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For some reason, I feel you might be disappointed with the TalePlay group. Even in PA, some people never end up playing the game for one reason or another - though they do get kicked out eventually.

1 month ago

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In TalePlay, I do report people that don't play their wins and the admin is quick to kick them. It's a manual process so not as nice as PA's website. I do wish there was a website for TalePlay, and I do prefer the 30 days of PA.

But TalePlay is open and PA is closed, so I make giveaways to both until PA opens again. There are honest and consistent players like yourself that can't get into PA and have joined TalePlay, so I like to be able to gift to them too. There's always abusers, but all things considered I'm happy with both.

1 month ago

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It seems three months is too long. On the other hand, for those who actually play, it more convenient. In any case, manual moderation takes time and effort...

1 month ago

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I'm a chronically slow player so I prefer the 3 months over 1. So much so I will frequently skip giveaways in PA because I'm not 100% sure I'll be able to finish the game I'm currently playing and start on the PA win in the required time.
I feel that as long as it gets played it shouldn't matter. Anyway, just wanted to share another perspective. :)

1 month ago

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I totally get you, the counter issue is that some people in TalePlay rack up lots of wins in a 3 month span only to play none :(

Also in PA you only need to play 5 hours in 1 month. not that bad

PA should add a "I need more time" button on the website that extends your deadline by another 30 days!

1 month ago

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I did not consider that issue! Perhaps the number of wins can be limited: max unplayed 3 wins, and if you're new you can only have 1 win until you beat it?

A button to extend your time on PA would be great! But I'm not sure the developer of the site is still around - there was an issue with the site earlier in the year and Mouse had to temporarily use the PAGYWOSG website.

1 month ago

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I have taken to blacklisting people who win multiple games from me but who haven't played any yet. I unblacklist them once they play a win or two. I've only ever unblacklisted one person - the rest never played anything. This has helped cut down on abusers though. After 3 months, I report them and they get kicked.

Currently have 16 TalePlay users blacklisted, waiting for their 3 months to be up so I can report them and they get kicked.

4 weeks ago

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Racking up wins is why I'm super careful choosing what giveaways I enter for TalePlay. I usually seem to win nothing, or everything all at once!

I'm another who has trouble committing to playing in a month, but 3 months is flexible. I can plan the game time in. Sometimes 10 hours of gaming takes me a few weeks, sometimes only a handful of days. Happy for TalePlay and in particular your interesting giveaways, lext.

I'm in pagywosg also though, so I do try to tackle my wins eventually.

4 weeks ago

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Remember if you get too lucky, you can ask for a reroll on things. Or if you find yourself with too many, you can ask for an extension.

4 weeks ago

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Please add me to the list for eligibility check...

1 month ago

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I have no idea what percent of my wins I have played since I don't really focus on it. I only enter for games I am interested in playing, but when I look for a new game to play, I just look through all the games I own and try to find what I am the most interested in playing at that time to give myself the best chance of enjoying it. I do play games sometimes for the PAGYWOSG monthly events though.

1 month ago

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According to the script, you're at 36% which is fantastic. Your approach for playing games is really sensible and is what I'm trying to follow these days. I focused a lot on my SG wins last year because I'd been neglecting them, but once I got that percentage over 50%, I was able to relax a bit and spend more time on whatever I was in the mood for. I still have a few real gems in my SG win catalogue that I really should play...

1 month ago

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Yeah, I feel bad sometimes about not playing wins, especially old ones, but they will get played eventually. I don't activate any games on my Steam account, even if they are free, unless I want to play them because I have a massive backlog of games that I am interested in playing and I don't want the extra clutter to sift through. I don't care about the numbers on my Steam account for things like levels, achievements, or any of that, I just use Steam as a tool to buy, install, and play games.

I also try to stay away from any groups where you are required to play a game within a certain time because I find that stressful and it makes me not enjoy the game as much. I like to play a wide variety of games and I might not be in the mood right now or even in the next few months to play a certain type of game and if I force myself to play it now, I might not enjoy it, but if I just waited until I was in the right mood or state of mind for that type of game, I might enjoy it a lot.

I do play games for the PAGYWOSG event, but I only pick shorter games and I have an entire month, so I am not as worried about the time constraint. I also usually take a lot longer to play through a game that what HLTB says the average time is. I like to relax, explore everything in the game, and just take my time with it instead of using a guide and rushing through as quick as possible.

1 month ago*

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I get that feeling on neglecting wins, I dedicated some past month to just going through and doing them, even some of the bad ones(might do a few more bad ones once I am more caught up on recent stuff). This month and last are getting a good chunk of wins done in them to.

I want to maintain a 80%+ beaten/completed rate, Ideally get to the point where I can pick backlog games for win categories in pagywosg.

1 month ago

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I'm happy to hover around 70% for now. If I can get to 80%, great, but I don't want to force it. Problem is that a lot of my older wins are from a time when I was much less discerning about what I tried to win and are not things I'm very excited to play. I don't want to stress too much about it. Playing games should be fun, not a chore.

1 month ago

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fortunately I knocked out most of the old ones from that era, there are a couple I have interest in playing still(L4D2, waiting for IRL friends on this one, not randoms... so it may never happen) and mark of the ninja(I started this... but didn't put in a I hated it category on steam so IDK if I dropped it or got distracted back then)

rest is multiplayer or stuff I just can't convince myself to play(like a bunch of these RTS games)... I did a few and I was getting to the point where I just wanted to close it and open starcraft.

Tempted to give a family member login info and get them to play a couple of the games for me(like blades of the shogun which I let SG people bait me into despite knowing I dislike stealth games... got to where you get sniper dude on first level... and I just... wanted to stop)

1 month ago

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I luckily was always discerning with my wins - I've only won things I genuinely would like to play. But even so, being in groups like MJT and NVPG mean you can rack up a lot of games to play!

1 month ago

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PK's 'Treasure your wins' group is more like it! I'm loving how specified the criteria are. I'd love to join if you'd have me (⁠✷⁠‿⁠✷⁠).

1 month ago

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I like that name, can I burrow it? ^^

I'm loving how specified the criteria are.

Yeah. It's like an elaborate sgtools rule with some extra parameters that I wish existed (num_won_year, percentage_wins_played) ;)

1 month ago

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Lol absolutely :)

1 month ago

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Self bump for the super cool name!

1 month ago

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I am interested but I am not sure I played a lot of my games. I did try a lot of my games but I find it difficult to not participate in GAs (damn it), but life is well, unexpected. All my mandatory plays are of course played.
Interesting to see if I actually make the mark.
And bump of course, as you giveaway good games.

1 month ago

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You play more than enough! More than 50% last I checked. There's a reason you're on my WL :P

but I find it difficult to not participate in GAs (damn it)

Tell me about it! it's one of the reasons I sometimes think about taking a long break from SG. I have enough games for the next 10 years even if I don't buy a single new one. I don't need the constant temptation to get more.

1 month ago

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Ah, a small burden off my back.
Now, let me go participate in more GAs...
NO, STOP! bad Sponge!

1 month ago

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This sounds nice. I'd be interested in joining if you'll have me.

1 month ago

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I'd be up for it

1 month ago

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Damn, why all groups have being polite in rules

1 month ago

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I added a special 7th rule, just for you.

1 month ago

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1 month ago

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I would fit in, since I am very boring!

That said, I would fail #2 (my ratio is about 0.6 right now) and #4 (won 80 to 90 GAs this year)... but I have played and finished about 60% of my wins, which is possibly "very high"?


1 month ago

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Rule 7 is definitely one that every new group should adopt into strict enforcement from now on. :D

1 month ago

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Not needed, I am already banned from 90% active sg groups :D

1 month ago

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I'd like to join if you want to have a permanently suspended user in your group. :P

1 month ago

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I'd be interested in joining. :)

1 month ago

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I like the basic rules you have.

At one point, I was thinking of creating a group for the same reasons you outlined in your response to lext. There are a lot of great groups with rules I think work, but none had the right combination for me. My idea was to base it around a number/percentage and use that to make requirements about number of games, unplayed games, average completion percentage, SG wins, unplayed wins, etc.
...but then I realised, the main reason I don't join those kind of groups is that I don't enter many giveaways. :D

1 month ago

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That's sort of the catch-22 of this situation. The people you'd want to be part of the group and precisely those who are least likely to apply because they don't enter many giveaways and are perfectly satisfied to win 2-3 games a year from public giveaways, if that.

I'm not committed to creating the group, yet. Just trying to feel things out. I might scrap the whole idea and just WL a few of those who applied... we'll see.

1 month ago

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I'd like to join (already played Psychonauts 1, can play 2 if needed, even though I'm not xxxka)

1 month ago

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Umm.. I'm afraid you misunderstood the rule Adam. You have to play Psychonauts AGAIN, even if you've beaten it. But your name isn't xxxka, so you're off the hook :)

1 month ago

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What if I rename to adam1225? Would that be enough?

1 month ago

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Needs more X's.

1 month ago

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Not sure. Maybe if you also grow a beard.

1 month ago

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I think I match the requirements, and I sure want to follow you on this adevnture

1 month ago

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Welcome to the adventure, a journey into the abyss! The blind leading the blind. No refunds allowed :P

I honestly have no idea what I'm doing. Some days I even wonder "What am I even doing here?" :)

1 month ago*

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Aren't we all?

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1 month ago

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Commenting to express my interest. I understand you’ll make a note, so no reply is needed.

1 month ago

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I was going to check myself to be sure, but I can't get the script to work. It seems to load, but when I click the Provide API Key button nothing happens. Oh well, I do try to play my games as soon as I get them, even if that's the ONLY time I end up playing them (for a while anyway), so I believe I'm eligible. Either way, I'm interested.

1 month ago

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You're at 25% played so you definitely pass requirement #3. You're also already on my WL. It's funny how many of the applicants are! It makes sense because I use roughly similar criteria for my WL.

I'll still add whitelistees to the group because I might do group exclusive GAs (w/o the WL) and it gives you the option of gifting to the group.

1 month ago

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So it turns out I needed to install some updates for Windows, then some updates for Firefox. My fault for leaving my PC on 24/7. Oh well, it works now. That's the important thing. It turns out my "games with any playtime" is only 83%, which surprised me (as in, I thought it was higher). The 25% you mentioned is for games that are "≥25% complete" which I didn't even know was a stat. I recently discovered the BLAEO website, so I'll be working on that stat a bit more in the near future.

Oh, and you were also already on my whitelist, so that means we've had similar pleasant discussions in the past.

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1 month ago

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I would be interested.
I do meet almost every rule you came up with by just using SG and playing games the way i do without the need to go out of my way.

However i might "struggle" with the made a GA in the recent 3 month from time to time as i do not buy as much bundles anymore as i did in the past and the vast majority of the GA´s i made and will make are leftovers from them.
I will not change my use of SG for a group so this situation will come and go now and then if this is a major concern i am ok with it without any hard feelings.

1 month ago

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That's completely understandable and doesn't disqualify you at all. That's why I said that I would make exceptions. Your overall ratio is amazing! People are not expected to keep making GAs in perpetuity just to be good members in my eyes. I don't even care if someone's been inactive for 2 years if other conditions are met.

There are many reasons why someone might stop making GAs, ranging anywhere from general lack of interest to financial pressure. I don't want this to be a group that caters to "power users" who make tons of GAs. There are plenty of those.

PS: I changed that rule from 3 months to 6.

1 month ago*

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Hello, I am commenting primarily because I am interested in knowing what percentage of my wins I've played. Although I joined both Steam and SG less than a decade ago, I have realized that I have already gathered more games than I can ever play, and instead of buying more games or entering many giveaways, I recently started focusing on playing more of the games I already own, keeping an eye on completion when possible (got from 34% to 48% overall). Thanks!

1 month ago

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1 month ago

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1 month ago

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Closed 2 weeks ago by PoeticKatana.