Group is currently closed, but you may leave your application here. When next recruitment starts, will begin the process of viewing application.

Only 5 requirements (1~3 is used to validate application)

  1. SG level 6 + required (or Level 5 with 300 sent and most recent GA is within 7 days)
  2. Send/Win ration is more than 3 (by means of # or $, not Real CV)
  3. At least 50% of your GAs ($ or #) have to be public. (to be clear, the train made in Disscussion count) (edit: there is space to talk about this one)
  4. Try to keep your in group ratio in 3 won/ 2 sent.
  5. Please please make you first GA before you enter any GA. (For new member only, and if possible, pls make a high tire bundled game or non-bundled game as your 1st GA)

For requirement 2, for example, you sent 300 games and won less than 100 games, qualified. (Because Lvl 5+ already make sure you have enough CV, which is $500+ ; and send/win ration > 3 represent you are really awesome) Special case here: If you are giving $3000 value games, and won less than $1000 value games, it is also considered as qualified.
Since someone asked, requirement 2 and 3 are only used to validate new member, you do not need to maintain them. Basically, this group will ruin your ratio.

Then here is the general stuff :

  1. There is no restriction for making GA of bundle game or non bundle game, it is up to you. (although non-bundled game will be valued more)
  2. Respect each other
  3. Try to keep your SG name and Steam name same. (It's up to you. If you don't want to change, it's totally fine. )
  4. No VAC ban on steam.
  5. GA should not have country restriction. (For example: Gift can only be redeemed in one or two countries is not allowed. However,in some special cases, like the deep sliver 2 bundle in humble bundle; your GA could have restriction on NA,EU or so.)
  6. It's totally fine to share your GA with other group (and your blue heart of course), but pls notice that your sent will be divided. (For example, you create a GA that shared with total 3 groups, then you in group ratio in this group would only count as you send 0.33 gift. ). By the way, SG will help us to calculate it ,you can just check you ratio here:

By applying below, I assume you do read everything here and everything in the group page

That's it!

Group site:
Current GA :
Real CV checker,if you need

8 years ago*

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I'd like to take a seat in the King's waiting room, if you don't mind :)

7 years ago

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Group is currently closed, no invite anyone at this time.

7 years ago

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As an exception, there is a place for level 10?

7 years ago

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Group is currently closed.
Will start invite new member after one week or so.

Will invite you when the time comes, okay?

7 years ago*

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Yeah, well. I'll wait for your invitation. Please accept my request for adding friends.

7 years ago

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Sry if I let you down.
Becasue this group is currently dealing with a few members' group CV, so it's not suitable for any new members.

7 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by Lancelot0001.