[This is a necroed thread created Oct 2015]

I recently switched (reluctantly) from doing mostly Level 1 and 2 public giveaways to Level 4. Filing support tickets after almost each giveaway (after doing the needful of course) isn't my idea of fun, and I was hoping Level 4 giveaways would reduce the number of regifters and other questionable winners. Unfortunately the results aren't much better, if at all. In the 9 Level 4 public giveaways I created this week, I had to file 7 requests for new winners, 6 of which were approved. Not good.

Let's see if Level 4 Invite-only works better...

[Update: All ended]

And no, as tempting as it is, I'm not going to switch to whitelist-only giveaways. I just want to find a reliable way to get good, honest, decent winners. Puzzles are not the answer either, as I empathize with other users who, like me, can't solve most of them. Other suggestions?

A couple of notes about the poll:

  1. If you're not using Windows, choose the option that's closest to what you do (e.g. replace Ctrl with Cmd for Mac).
  2. If you're not interested in any of the games, vote for the method you would use if you were.

Update: The 9 Level 4 invite-only giveaways linked above went much better than the public ones. Only 1 request for a new winner (which was denied, as the user already served suspension for the (relatively minor) infraction). 1 out of 9 is much much better than 7 out of 9, so perhaps not all hope is lost. Now let's see how my 9 whitelist giveaways end. Anything other than 0 reroll requests would be a disappointment, but let's see... Update #2 And indeed my whitelist did not disappoint. No reroll requests needed in any of the 9 giveaways.

8 years ago*

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How do you open the links to the giveaways?

View Results
In the same window/tab, by clicking the link
In the same window/tab, by double-clicking the link
In a new tab, by holding Ctrl when clicking the link
In a new tab, by pressing the mouse wheel
In a new tab, by right-clicking the link and selecting the new tab option
In a new window, by right-clicking the link and selecting the new window option
In a new window, by holding Shift when clicking the link
Dan Quayle does it for me

Team MouseWheel

8 years ago

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Wow, I did not know that was an issue. I will look out for those from now on.

8 years ago

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wheel click for me :p.

Too bad regifters...

8 years ago

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"And no, as tempting as it is, I'm not going to switch to whitelist-only giveaways."

You'll see the light eventually Yirg ;-) I can't even imagine doing it any other way at this point.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Mouse wheel :)

I'm not sure levels have something to do with this. I've met some lovely people who were level 1 and some regifters who were level 8... I know you don't want to make whitelist only GA but this seems to me the only solution. You can hide some private GA in your comments too, but that makes a lot of work.

8 years ago

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You are either one of the unluckiest people on the planet or your criteria on a good winner is way too harsh.
Out of my 600+ winners I had to request a reroll once for breaking the rules, 4-5 times because they didn't bother to activate the gift. And more than half of my GAs are completely public, the rest are for a 10k+ group (plus a few more small groups, but they always go together as one).

Oh, for the poll: I rarely ever open them, but if I do to check if there is anything meaningful in the description (so far in my entered 3-4 thousand, that happened maybe twice…?), I use the overlay function of SG++. Faster and needs less memory, plus easier to just click away.

8 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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I just right click and create new TAB...
I tried and found out low level have a lot problems but when i switch to level 4-6. I havnt' encountered any issue at all. so I am kinda reclutent to create level 0 and 1 GA anymore...

8 years ago

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I click and open in same window on iPad then read description and click back button.

8 years ago

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Seven out of nine at level 4 is crazy. I've done huge batches of giveaways with no restriction at all and only had to request rerolls on 15% or so.

8 years ago

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I use Steamgifts++, so just click as it keeps hovering on the same page. alternatively, I hold CTRL and click.

8 years ago

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ctrl, since I'm on touchpad :D ... or sometimes I use the top right active zone of it, that works as middle click.

8 years ago*

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In a new tab, by pressing the mouse wheel

What? how does that work?

i do right-click, new tab but I'm gonna try ctrl if I can remember it.

8 years ago

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I was slowly working towards level 3 and when i got to it i was so happy!Darn it, now i have to work on gettin' that level 4. JK
Why dont you create some sort of group, you will probably have a lot of members and everyone will be onboard with rules and if not you can always just kick them out?

8 years ago

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The last group I created was for Level 0 users only (really). No-one broke the rules, but a couple of giveaways that didn't reach 5 entries convinced me to end this experiment prematurely.

There's a place for whitelist giveaways and there's a place for group giveaways (had loads of fun with this one), but I just prefer that the bulk of my giveaways to be public. I think the main reason is that as a user I hate being locked out of group giveaways, and I don't want to do it myself unless there's a special occasion that calls for it.

8 years ago

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It was nice to review the rules, and thanks for including games with them. I entered for Joylancer.

8 years ago

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Mouse whell FTW!

8 years ago

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What Chack says. Weird poll question.

8 years ago

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Man thats just crazy to think u had to reroll for level 4's now even ><. i once had to reroll a GA 3 times and thaught that was too much >< sadly to reduce regifters is to BL them after u filed for a support ticket. The 1 month regift free policy isnt helping either but thats a discussion that has been discussed alrdy many times before :P I geuss the safest way still to reduce risk for expensive giveaways is through Invite only /WL

But i do agree giveaways should be for all levels and not restricted to WL and group /invite only. Though i am not the richest kind of person so i would like my Ga to be falling into the hands to those who made at least 1 GA preferably :)

As for me though in terms of puzzles i have made 2 thusfar and i do tend to make em fairly easy and i even add more hints along the way.
[some previous ones i made ;p 1 & 2

This way u have people enjoying doing your puzzle and arent that put off by puzzles in general i enjoy people's feedback on the puzzle + u reward the people that visit the forums and u reduce the risk of bots /regifters at least from what i have experienced. But sadly in general not much u can do on regifters :(

8 years ago

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I didn't know you can use the mouse wheel to open in a new tab!! This will save me so much time in the future <3

8 years ago

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Bump and meow. Thanks!

8 years ago

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Mouse Wheel, always the wheel.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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I get used to "double tapping' on my touchpad on laptop and was kinda lost when started to sit more in front of my PC with M+K. But I accidentally tapped wheel when hovering over a link.. and I never turned back :D

8 years ago

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I also created a bunch of level 4 GAs recently. They've all been marked received fine, but I should follow-up and check they have all been activated. Is there an easy way to check? Or just look on the winners steam profile and search for the game?

As for the poll... When I use my PC, I use chrome, and open all links in new tabs. But 90% of the time in use SG from my smartphone while I'm commuting and working. So just click and generally get frustrated at using my terrible phone.

8 years ago

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use this: http://www.sgtools.info/ It's not 100%, you still need to do some profile browsing from time to time but, most of the time, it's all you need.

8 years ago

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so tired yirg but please have a bump

8 years ago

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I've only had to reroll maybe like 10 times for all of my counting level 1 giveaways. Invite only works surprisingly well.

8 years ago

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