Instead of ranting about how much I already love this game, even though it is only in alpha, I'll just give you a youtube link and the website.

StarMade - A Voxel Based Space Adventure

StarMade Website

PS the Alpha is completely free to play!

1 decade ago*

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Looks decent enough, though not as much as some of these several other similar space sims coming out soon. Neat we can already try this one though.

I do tend to hate these cycles where we don't see a single decent game of a genre, then out of fucking now where we get bombarded by 4 or more of the same kind, all in parallel development. Most recently with the FPS zombie survival sandbox genre, now space sim. Both severely needed more, but all at the same time makes you have to choose one or the others, splitting potential player base.

Best space sim being made right now, for me, is Star Citizen. Voxel/procedural generation would be Starforge (though not strictly space sim) or potentially Notch's 0x10c.

1 decade ago

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Out of the games you listed, 0x10c is the only one that really looks similar. While Starforge is sci-fi, it lacks any space elements as far as I've seen. Star Citizen looks good in my opinion, but it's got a pretty different feel to it than this game.

1 decade ago

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As I said, best space sim would be Star Citizen, not specifically voxel/procedural generation.

Starforge let's you build/travel all the way into space and plans to have space vessels, and in the end hopes to create infinite procedurally generated planets in an endless universe. Though, the latter will probably not see the light of day for a long time; if ever.

1 decade ago

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So basically it's another Minecraft clone but in Space?

1 decade ago

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Minecraft was not the first voxel game. That's like saying any new first person shooter is a CoD clone.

1 decade ago

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"StarMade is a minecraft inspired 3D space shooter."

Says that right on their webpage. No problem with it, just their inspiration. Clearly different games.

1 decade ago

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To be fair, almost all first person shooters nowadays are cod clones. They do everything they can to be exactly like it.

1 decade ago

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The first person shooters that I've been playing are nowhere near CoD.

Examples: Planetside 2, Natural Selection 2, CS:GO, Arma 2

1 decade ago

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WOW looks great

1 decade ago

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will give it a shot, ty :)

1 decade ago

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it sucks


1 decade ago

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Sounded awesome until I got to the word voxel :(

At least I have Starbound and Edge of Space to look forward to :>

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by AlexBnt.