The psychology behind video games is a really interesting concept. Finishing a game has a therapeutic effect on the mind. When I beat a game I feel a deep sense of accomplishment, pride and relief. After beating the last boss, or fighting through the hardest level we feel refreshed. Games makes us feel in control, it's probably one of the main reasons we love to play them.

I wonder what do you feel when you finish a game? When it's over do you listen to the ending song, wait through the credits?

Here are a few ending themes from games that made me wait through the credits:

Lisa Miskovsky - Still Alive (Mirror's Edge)

Honor for all - Jon Licht & Daniel Licht (Dishonored)

Troy Baker And Courtnee Draper- Will the Circle Be Unbroken (Bioshock Infinite)

Darren Korb & Ashley Barret - Setting Sail Coming Home (Bastion)

10 years ago*

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10 years ago

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You put the "fake" Still Alive, but forgot the "original" one from Portal :D

To answer the question: I usually take a minute or two to understand what just happened, process the main story, the ending and my overall experience in the game.
If there's a catchy credits theme, I'll stay for it, otherwise I thank the creators of the game and move on. :)

10 years ago

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+1 for portal ending

10 years ago

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It depends on the game.

With Half-Life 2 and Tomb Raider for example even though I wanted to finish those games I didn't really feel any sanctification upon completing them.

However I did feel satisfied completing Saints Row 3 and Kirby Superstar Ultra.

I only see the credits if the ending theme isn't garbage.

10 years ago

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In my opinion, Half-Life 2 ending isn't satisfactory, because I found the game too easy (even in Hard mode), and it is worth it only if you play Episode One and Two afterwards. That's why I prefer Half-Life 1.

10 years ago

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I feel empty :(

10 years ago

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Depends on the game... For some it's "Hell yeah ! In your face !", some are more like "Meh, not bad but could have been better", hopefully I didn't finished a lot of games I felt like "that was about f*cking time..."

Papo & Yo. Definately one of the games that actually made me feel like "Whoah. So that was it..." with shivers not of fear, but that feeling you played something with such a real, profund meaning, that you don't even know if the term "game" is the right one...

10 years ago

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If the game is good enough for my weird taste, I finish it, and feel really bad for not having more time of fun with it. Else I simply don't finish it.

10 years ago

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Feel bored again?

10 years ago

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The feeling I get can vary from "God, finally finished it" to "Wow...proceeds to ponder on life" depending on the game. Of course, I prefer the latter and I always yearn for another game that just makes me depressed and empty at the end of it not just because it has a sad story/ ending but because it was such a great game that I'm sad to finish it. Braid and Limbo are two such games.

10 years ago

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i cried when i heard this playing through the cinematics. I feel so attached to my games that i hate to see them end.

10 years ago

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Some of them grindy/not too good, then just the feeling of finally finished and I can leave this forever.
on the other hand:
Dust: The Elysian Tale: when you just go on and on, during the game, not caring about, that it will end sometime.Then you suddenly realize, that probably this is end end of the game (final bossfights) While fighting, I felt sadness about this wonderful game will end. Then I won, the hero prevailed. And the ninjas came with onions. Heaps of onions. Then the faint hint of the story being continued somehow. (wondorous joy! still tears) Then credits with beautiful pictures about various parts of the journey, some of them epilogue-ish. One of the strongest ending of all the games I've played ; really happy about completing the game and "made this journey", but feeling incredibly bad about it being ended.

10 years ago

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When I finish a game I feel like I'm lost, like IDK what to do with my life anymore

10 years ago

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Depends on what game I finished and if the ending is good.

Sometimes I would feel empty if the ending was nothing special. For example: Crysis 2.
Sometimes I would feel triumph and happiness if the game was really good and the ending was rewarding. For example: Amnesia: TDD
Sometimes I would feel anger, despair and disbelief because something horrible has happened. For example: Half-Life 2: Episode 2
Sometimes my mind would be a complete mess, and I would need to sit down and collect my thoughts: For example: Bioshock: Infinite
Sometimes I would cry because the game ended in the prefect way: Mass Effect 3: Mass Effect Happy Ending Mod

If the credits are not too long (like in most Ubisoft titles) I will sit through them and read all the names that were responsible for the experience I just had. It helps if it has nice memorable music playing in the background, you posted some good examples.

10 years ago

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I haven't many Ubisoft titles but Rayman Origins have the longest credits I have ever seen.

10 years ago

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Ubisoft Titles always have incredibly long credits. :P

10 years ago

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The only Ubisoft title I've finished was Heroes of the Might and Magic V. (+expansions) I don't remember it having long credits, although I probably skipped it.

10 years ago

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its really rare if the end of a game makes feel anything, most time i am just like ""

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Same here ... but i´m on that boat where you mostly don´t finish anything anymore -.-

Last finished game was Hitman Absolution, and only because i wanted to get rid of those 14GB it infested on my HD. Felt really good to get rid off!

Mystic Quest on GB was prbly the most troublesome, i was kinda emerged in it´s world and seeing it end was a little "shattering" at the time :D

10 years ago

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"Ok. Now 100% achievements."

10 years ago

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+1 When the game isn't frustrating.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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I feel, nothing.

10 years ago

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Depends on the game, if its a normal or mediocre game, I will move on to the next, Games like Metal Gear Solid and some RPG's have accomplishment traits for me!

10 years ago

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I usually feel kind of ripped off

10 years ago

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Usually the feeling of accomplishment and awe (if the game is really good) last for a few seconds. Then followed by emptiness and thoughts of "What am I going to do now? I spent a few days of my life in it" lol. Then reality sinks in.
But for games like Brothers a Tale of Two Sons, I somehow teared. Manly tears of course =X

10 years ago

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A bit unhappy to be not able to continue to play the game anymore. Also, I analyze the characters in retrospect. (anyone else do that?)

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Depends on the game. If it's a piece of shit game, I feel glad it's finally over and I don't have to play it anymore(don't ask me why I didn't stop playing it before, cause I don't know). if it's a good game I feel a sense of accomplishment of a job well done(especially if the ending is good and not total shit), but also a little sad that it's over.

10 years ago

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Nothing, because I don't finish them.

10 years ago

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I sat through the Metro 2033 credits.


10 years ago

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I've never felt so good as i did when i finished Fallout 3 (Spoiler: when i discovered the code seconds before die) and MGS 3: Snake Eater (Spoiler: I had to press that square button to finish the Boss).

10 years ago

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now what am i going to do

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by Laptoprocker.