
11 years ago*

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We just had one of these threads. And.. you're not supposed to post political stuff. But good luck to ye. Nothing I can do. Or 99.99999% of the people on here I would think.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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The no political stuff rule is meant to weed out the "'Fuck you, Democrats!' 'No, fuck you, Republicans!'" nonsense. I'm personally okay with this sort of post. Can't speak for the other mods, but I'm letting this one stay.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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But those discussions are so constructive....

11 years ago

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Especially the part where someone calls someone a communist, and all disputants gang up on them.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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" Nothing I can do. Or 99.99999% of the people on here I would think."

not true. we could pointlessly make fun of "analphabet" Its a real word, but nobody ever uses it and it has anal in it. anal alphabet. letter butsecks. we are internet. its our duty.

11 years ago

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heh...he said doody

11 years ago

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I think you misunderstood the concept of "revolution", it's not really a revolution and unfortunatelly it's not true at all. We are not using violence here in São Paulo and Brasilia (if I'm not wrong) but in Rio de Janeiro some people are doing bad things. These guys are not citizens, just troublemakers and they're making the manifestation looks like a mess.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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I never said we were, otherwise I wouldn't support this. Actually this is exactly what I expected since I was 14 (not long ago, 5 years :p)

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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São Paulo too.

11 years ago

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"There is no cause so noble it will not attract some idiots."

11 years ago

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<3 wes, love that.

11 years ago

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I've gotta start using that quote!

11 years ago

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I was actually invited to go on Curitiba's movement today, but hell, I don't wanna be represented by those animals that are vandalizing. That's what held me from going - well, that and being a woman living in the other side of the town going alone, Curitiba is kind of safe but not that much.

11 years ago

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Well I'm glad that today nothing happened either in Ponte Estaiada nor Paulista. Tomorrow, Sé (I won't be there, not that safe even on a normal day)

11 years ago

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Yes, still, I hope something comes out of this, hope this won't die so soon. Universities around here were ending classes earlier so their students could make it, Boca Maldita was beautifully full of people.

11 years ago

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All these trouble for BUS FARES????

11 years ago

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Read the op. Really, people usually say it's good to, you know, know what the thread is about.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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As I understand it all that fuss is about the government spending tons of moolah on frivolous things like Football World Cup instead of education, public health service etc. Bus fares are just a cherry on that shit sundae. Besides those fares seem far too expensive.

11 years ago

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Yes, you can take it as the last drop of the cup.

11 years ago

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Started because of this but now everything is involved, security, health, job etc.

11 years ago

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That was the straw that broke the camel's back.

11 years ago

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O boy more social justice to not care about.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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well life is complex. Social injustice on scary scales happens all over the globe continually. Eventually we have to choose to ignore some things. It sounds worse than it is. Anyone trying to push an agenda has to recognize this and realize the limits of what you can do.

It can be something as simple as "hey my life sucks too". For instance there are people who have these "First world problems" things like being unable to pay back student loans with any effectiveness. Sure it's nothing like being paid below the poverty line for 3 generations in your family of college graduates but it still doesn't leave a lot of room for the urgent concern of Brazil's issues.

There's "Burned out" for instance someone who traveled to Katrina, Haiti, Syria, Boston may be burned out on going full steam on social justice outside their country (because this person is Mexican or Welsh or something). We can only do so much.

Of course there are plenty of people who are just dicks and don't care about social injustice out of laziness and apathy.

I think in any movement you should be pushing for information spread as your bare minimum. I'm not in a position to help out much on Brazil but I can take in your information, learn something about what's going on there that way if someone starts talking about how "Brazilians be crazy fighting the World Cup man that's money on the table" I can point out that there are reasons for their actions.

11 years ago

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Thank you for your consideration

11 years ago

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Well, you obviously care enough to bump the thread, so thanks!

11 years ago

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ignorant american? haha, it even is true xD

11 years ago

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would we not be better served by linking to her video rather than a clone?

11 years ago

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Didn't knew about the original one! So sorry about this, I'm going to fix this now!

Edit: Fixed :)

11 years ago

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I still prefer this one

11 years ago

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I've heard a weird word there: wBHD3

11 years ago

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Let's thank the World Cup. It does bring more problems than anything else.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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The world's going crazy. This is an example of what troubles it brings when technology progresses faster than society.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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By technology I didn't mean the minor things like internet speed and such, I meant it in generality.

EDIT: also what you mentioned isn't such a big problem, I have exactly the same internet speed.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Somehow I know that feeling... I paid $80 a month (tax included) for lousy, stuttering 1Mbps connection. Yes, 1Mbps, not 1MBps... And the main reason is because private ISP cannot compete with "government body" that manage telecommunication in my city.
Minimum salary in my city is around $150/month, thankfully I have a job with much bigger salary...

Corruption made the country rotten to the core. We need people who's eloquent enough to reach the top midst this corruption, but strong-willed as to weed out the source of corruption. But it looks so faraway that I couldn't help thinking that it is impossible. sigh

11 years ago

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Well, Brazil had the best corruption teachers that could have ever existed. Portuguese ones... Gianlucca, Many people here in Portugal know how you feel, and it's a good thing that there people actually fight for their rights. Good luck, and I hope it ends well.

And I wasn't a big supporter of the World Cup being hosted in Brazil, like I wasn't of the Euro Cup being hosted here in Portugal, for the exact same reasons, Millions being wasted for an event that doesn't contribute at all to a country's economy. It's just a small trimester boost, nothing else.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Bus fee raised to $1.60? Man I have to pay €3.30 to travel even 1 in-city bus stop distance.. and €6.00 if it's after 11pm..

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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You could see it in my profile, but Finland.
(Yeah, atleast we have healthcare and stuff..)

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Not to mention other issues like security, good bus service, schools, hospitals and others benefits.

In other hand, this is why we are called third world grade country.

In the end, there should be a good reason to ask for this manifestation, otherwise this could be a crazy action against our own country.

11 years ago

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É amigo, esse é nosso Brasil

11 years ago

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Infelizmente tem que ser assim, na base do protesto. Finalmente a população acordou.

11 years ago

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bus fare here is 2.25 .. But we do not have any of the problems mentioned... at least not to the extreme you are saying .. We also have no chance to get the world cup ..
Bookmarking this one to read after school.

11 years ago

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One of my good friends on Steam lives in this area and has been active in this movement. I hope for his safety and everyone else involved that it is able to remain non violent. Good luck and I hope you achieve the goals your country needs to progress and to improve.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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é mano, demorou, se fosse feitos protesto como esse à 10 anos atrás, os gastos com a Copa do Mundo não seria essa putaria.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Nossa, Palácio do Planalto? Aquilo é o Congresso Nacional, mais especificamente a Câmara dos Deputados... Palácio do Planalto é o local onde trabalha a Presidente da República.

Palácio do Planalto está para White House assim como Câmara dos Deputados está para House of Representatives.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Continua sendo na Praça dos Três Poderes :p

11 years ago

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Se a Câmara e o Senado já são bastante diferentes, e fazem parte do mesmo poder, imagina o Palácio do Planalto, que é do Executivo. São coisas totalmente diferentes, embora fiquem a alguns metros de distância. Nada contra o OP, cometeu um erro bobo na hora de digitar e isso é aceitável, mas tem muita gente aí que não sabe nem do que se trata essas reivindicações. Nunca nem pegou o texto da PEC 37 pra saber do que fala de verdade, nunca abriu a Constituição pra saber seus direitos, e por aí vai.

Sua afirmação me lembra um post que vi certa vez no Facebook, com uma foto do Plenário da Câmara. Nela um mané qualquer comentou "tem que matar todos esses de terninho aí". Ocorre que eu era um dos "de terninho" na foto, e sob os olhos da maioria da população, deveria morrer junto com os deputados, sendo que eu sou simplesmente um servidor público como qualquer outro de qualquer outro órgão. A galera não sabe nem diferenciar quem tem culpa de quem não tem. Prova disso é o próprio Diretor-Geral da Câmara ter levado chutes e cuspidas anteontem, sendo que o cara não é deputado, é servidor.

Não tiro a legitimidade das manifestações, mas muita gente aí só quer ver o circo pegar fogo. É uma pena que tenha esse tipo de gente mal-intencionada no meio de tantos outros fazendo a coisa com seriedade.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Concordo plenamente.

11 years ago

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Desculpa, não consegui parar de rir.
"Sua afirmação me lembra um post que vi certa vez no Facebook...Nela um mané qualquer comentou "tem que matar todos esses de terninho aí"

Essa minha afirmação - "Continua sendo na Praça dos Três Poderes :p
" - te fez lembrar isso? Concordo, muita gente nunca abriu a Constituição para saber seus direitos e eu acho isso bom porque muita gente vai interpretar mal os seus direitos.

11 years ago

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Está desculpado.

Respondendo: sim, lembrou. Vejo que a metáfora não se mostrou clara, mas não tem problema, eu a explico.

Você dizer continua sendo na Praça dos Três Poderes, pelo menos para o leitor comum, deixa a entender que Palácio do Planalto e Congresso Nacional não são lá muito diferentes, sendo que eles são completamente diferentes. Talvez seu comentário tenha sido até em tom de brincadeira. Só que, depois de ver dezenas de publicações completamente ilógicas do ponto de vista jurídico/político na internet, a gente nunca sabe. E olha que eu nem sou formado em direito. Mas é obrigação de cada cidadão abrir a Constituição e saber pelo menos o básico sobre onde se vive. Não estou falando especificamente de você.

E isso me lembrou o episódio supracitado, pois o comentário infeliz a que aludi deixa a entender que todos dentro do Plenário eram iguais, deputados e servidores, sendo que são cargos com atribuições e responsabilidades completamente diferentes. Ou seja, no geral, as pessoas nem sabem do que estão falando, só querem "entrar na onda" e reclamar. No protesto que ocorreu aqui nessa semana, muitos servidores foram ver o que estava acontecendo, e tiveram que tirar o crachá, porque corriam o risco de apanhar só por trabalhar na Câmara dos Deputados. Como eu disse, o Diretor-Geral foi agredido. Não é deputado? Continua sendo do Congresso Nacional. Esse é o pensamento da maioria das pessoas.

Tenho certeza que agora ficou claro.

11 years ago

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Continuo sem entender sua confusão. Pra falar a verdade eu entendi, o que não entendi foi de onde ela surgiu. Qual a relação de eu ter falado que ambos estão na Praça dos Três Poderes com confundir a competência de cada órgão dos três poderes?

Essa sua percepção pode ser comparada àquelas pessoas que fazem um escândalo por que uma novela/filme/seriado não tem uma pessoa negra e julgam isso como preconceito.

Vou relevar, pelo que entendi você é funcionário da Câmara ou algo assim, você deve conviver com pessoas que tentam modificar qualquer coisa dita ou escrita para encontrar algo oculto onde não existe e por isso vê isso em todo lugar.

Não tenho cabeça pra ficar discutindo sobre isso agora, estou muito feliz com o que estou vendo e vivendo e finalmente tenho orgulho de dizer pra todos que sou brasileiro :)

11 years ago

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Corrupt governments, Corrupt governments everywhere(?) nah , seriously, that is happen in all the world, this happened in Argentina, Spain, Brazil now and in other places, the people is not s.... , they know what this governments do... and they are doing Manifestations to tell them what they not want...

11 years ago

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I am from Argentina so i understand what corruption means.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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"...but our corruption is greater than other countries"

No. I know everyone likes to think that their country is at the top of the corruption charts, but it's just not true. For all but one country in the world, there are others that are worse off, usually much worse. And for the record, my country is quite obviously the one with the most corruption.

That aside, I can only wish you great success in your revolution! Hopefully you'll achieve what the people here haven't been able to, and will secure yourselves a better future! Stay strong and don't let go of the hope for improvement!

And, most importantly, figure out what you're going to do after winning! Because most revolutions fail to change the status quo, and instead simply replace the people at the top.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Well, not quite. We have much fewer protesters, sadly, even after accounting for the population difference. I'm not among them myself, because I can't stand tobacco smoke, and protests are always full of smokers.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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And we would be happy to host it. Why didn't you voice your opinion while they were still lobbying? It's not like you didn't know what you were getting into after South Africa.
Our bus fee is raised from 2€ to 6€ btw for one zone outside cities, not sure what that has to do with anything though

"This would not be a problem in a country where 13 milion people starve every day, in a country where public schools are not good, where people die in hospitals while waiting for a medic."
Would it not?

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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bus is $5 here (as in if I want to get to the nearest big city which is about 6kilometers away)

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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I have no idea, I don't go to work and I never did:s So I guess our healthcare system is pretty good. The point of me stating the bus price didn't mean I was commenting on Brazil, it was simply a statement. I have no idea if our prices are high or not.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Chega disso, todo mundo acordou, só fica na bolha quem é cego ou participa. Bora, Brasil.

11 years ago

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Talk about a political discussion...

11 years ago

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I guess a lot of people here who are from developed western countries with 1300-1600 euro minimum wages can't fully understand the hardships you are facing there. Also you should look at that bus fares as a trigger to the events, usually there are so many other reasons and so much accumulated stress from the past before coming to that point, for instance it was the destruction of a Park to make a Shopping Mall here, ofc the construction would be done by the son in law of our Prime Minister (ehm did someone say anything about corruption?)

Btw I also didn't like when the thread about our country (Turkey) was closed coz of being a political topic.

What kinda political view supports corruption and government/police violence?

Even if you can't do anything against it, just spreading the word against the corruption, unfairness, dictatorship and violence in international platforms is good enough imo.

Much love and good wishes from Turkey..

11 years ago

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Declaring a government corrupt is an opinion, and government violence is sometimes warranted. People disagree about what is corruption and when violence is warranted, hence political views. We have one side of the story in Brazil, just like you were giving one side of the story in Turkey.

This thread should be closed like the other, or all political conversation (and all other types of debate) should be deemed legitimate.

11 years ago

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Somehow not just me but everyone was giving "one side" of the story "Oh that includes global news agencies including CNN international btw.." maybe because that was the only truth that can be shown and proved you ever thought of that? And the thread was not mine saying "just like you were giving one side of the story in Turkey" sounds like I'm a source of misinformation, I didn't even try creating one of those threads...

Oh if you wanna hear the other side of the story maybe you should contact such media publishing fake interviews

Of course these threads shouldn't be the final destination or source of information, these just work to raise some awareness about what's going on in your home country or somewhere in the world. And everyone is free to investigate it further by using any means that they consider reliable...

11 years ago

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I honestly did not remember who created the Turkey thread and since you brought it up I suspected it was you. I apologize for that assumption.

Otherwise, I stand by what I said. Everyone has agendas that motivate how they perceive information and how they choose to communicate it to others and what information they choose to communicate. The sampling of Turkish citizens on this site is extremely small and are likely to mostly fit a certain demographic profile. When conducting an accurate survey you don't canvas just the people coming out of GameStop because they're likely to give a generally different picture than the people coming out of Macy's, those coming out of McDonald's, and those that stayed home.

11 years ago

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Well actually the "who created it" part made it more questionable for me since it was created by a SG mod... Anyway I'm glad to hear this thread won't be closed ty barton

11 years ago

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I'm all for the legitimation of the debate. After all we're all grown-up adults and I don't think there's the need of babysitting us.

11 years ago

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Agreed. If there is going to be babysitting though, I want to see it handled equitably.

11 years ago

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I didn't close that thread, and it was probably only closed to mollify people complaining it was a 'political' topic. As jade pointed out before, the whole purpose of that rule is to prevent the posting of threads about controversial topics that largely divide along traditional party lines and wind up descending into flame wars with a bunch of arguing and name-calling and other really mature, productive stuff like that. It would be better worded as discouraging the posting of threads about controversial topics, whether they be political, religious, about thanking people in giveaway comments, etc.. There's nothing particularly controversial about government corruption, and this one doesn't even have the vague undertones of possible religiously-based controversy, as it's purely an issue of misuse and misappropriation of public funds.

11 years ago

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Your response repeatedly reinforces the myth of there being a foregone conclusion here about "corruption", "misuse", and "misappropriation".

The only reason this topic is not more controversial is that most people are all too willing to blindly accept truths wrapped in populist labels.

11 years ago

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Well, if people with an opposing viewpoint show up and it gets out of hand, then we can close it, since keeping the peace and not letting flame wars rage in the forum is the whole point.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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maybe more people should be involved in politics, or at least on how the country works. I'm not judging you in anyway, or your commitment to the protest, but what I have seen here. In my town (devia estar escrevendo em português, mas tudo bem), are just people wanting to be part of history trough a #hashtag, or even worse. I do think it's a great thing that's happening, since my adolescence I've been waiting for things like this. But when I see people shocked about police brutality, or even just saying he's against corruption (but probably would pay someone to look the other way), I do get my hopes down. I do hope, that this at least starts a revolution on peoples mind, because I don't see much change soon. This is just my opinion from what I seen in my town, and those who I know that are being part of the act. I'm happy people discovered they have the right to speak for themselves, I just don't know if they have anything good to say. I haven't been on the streets yet, and I will be, hopefully what I see on Facebook does not represent the movement.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Yeah, this is not really the right place to post this.

11 years ago

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I'm stuck on Q4

11 years ago

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Shit man; just watched the video.. Left a proper indent on me. I'll make sure to share it etc. Hope things get better; with enough support people will listen.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by Gianlucca.