Hello everyone! I want to talk about the blacklist and the reasons that drive people blacklisting other people.

The more I stay on the forum, looking for interesting topics and nice giveaways/puzzles, the more I find people who blacklisted me. I know, I broke some rules in the past (didn't activate some wins, got suspended, then activated the games) but now I have a clean profile and am trying to improve my ratio. Still, I am in some people's blacklist.
I sometimes write in the forum, but never insulted anyone. Maybe I didn't leave a "thank you" in every giveaway I won, but I'm not in those users' blacklists. It seems I get blacklisted from random people. When I find out, I ask them the reason, and if they answer, they usually say "poor ratio", and sometimes they remove me from their blacklist.
The easiest "solution" that comes to my mind, for people with a "poor ratio" (as it were a guilt), would be to not write in the forum in order to avoid being noticed by blacklisters. This thing sucks, because people who wanted to participate in the discussions are held back by the fear of being blacklisted by someone mad.
A suggestion I could give to the site: in the blacklist (and whitelist) management page, there could be an optional label for every user in the list, so you could know why you blacklisted (whitelisted) him/her.

Please share your thoughts if you want. And have a little train for your time and patience.

8 years ago*

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Who do you blacklist most?

View Results
Users who offend you or other people
Users with poor ratio
Users who don't thank you after you sent them the game
I don't blacklist anyone
Other (please explain in a comment below)

In case you find this helpful. :)

The SG++ add-on will let you add tags to users to remember your reasons for whitelisting or blacklisting an individual.

8 years ago

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Yeah I remember that one :)

Edit: Oh, thank you for the advice!

8 years ago*

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Blacklisting for poor ratio is kinda sad, since not everyone can spend lots of money, especially not for 'some strangers'. But I really appreciate sites like this one, where a lot of kind people give games away for free, without needing something in return.
Personnaly I really dislike blacklists, but I understand that some mistakes are really bad, and you wouldn't want some poeple to win your giveaways

8 years ago

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I totally agree with you

8 years ago

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Maybe, but its incredibly depressing when you send a gift to someone with 5 gifts and 200+ wins. I've had a few like that.

8 years ago

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The easiest solutions would be to make a higher level giveaway, or one of those sgtools giveaways, no need for blacklist.

8 years ago

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High levels aren't a perfect solution. You can (and will) get some users with such numbers even there. It just might be 50 and 300 there.

8 years ago

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Yes, but, the higher the level, the more money they spent... maybe they've been lucky and won a streak of games, but they gave at least some...

8 years ago

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You also get the people that found a game deal to exploit that simply wasn't bundled. It happens, I've seen people at L6 just from one deal they abused because it was under a dollar in some region.

8 years ago

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i think 50:300 is not that bad. in order for you to have 6:1, someone must have 1:6, right? ;)

i get angry, too, when i see someone with 0:200 or 1:200, but 50:300 sounds ok to me. not everyone can have a ratio better than 1:1. that's mathematically impossible. :)

8 years ago

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Love you! no homo

8 years ago

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Honestly, if those 200+ games have active achievements to show that the user played it, they can be level 0 for all I care. I'm more saddened when I see someone with any wins where all of them are untouched. (Bonus sadness if said user literally ever plays is CS, TF, Dota, LoL, or some other time wastersinker.)

8 years ago

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I find the "especially not for 'some strangers'" quite strange, because I never encountered anyone here who had a problem with RECEIVING a gift from some 'strangers'.

8 years ago

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While you are right, some people just can't afford to do that. I barely can afford my own games, so I just give my bundle leftovers. It's not hard for me to imagine someone not even having money for bundles.

8 years ago

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Not my point at all. Of course many people can't afford much, and I have no problem with people who don't have a perfect ratio.

But when Astakoss says that gifted games going to strangers could be an understandable reason for not gifting, I find it it incredibly hypocritical.
Because if it's an understandable reason for not gifting, then you should also have a problem with receiving a game from a stranger.
If you're going to point out the 'strangers'-thing, then you just shouldn't enter giveaways at all.
Just my opinion, of course.

8 years ago

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Technically s/he only noted the viewpoint, and never clearly supported it.

Well, not like we have to worry about that perspective anyway- noone on this site has ever exhibited the selfish, entitled nature of such a hypocritical mindset- right?

8 years ago

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Yeah, that's totally unheard of around here.

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8 years ago

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I meant that it is much more easy to give something to a friend who you know will be happy with it, than someone on the internet, who might not even play the game. I know that I also have a lot of games that I didn't play yet, but that's due to time shortage
Thanks to sites as tremor games, it is till possible to gift easy, so those that really want to, can still do it :)

8 years ago

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The " no money " reason is something that does not always stick. I have had winners with ratio's in the vicinity of 100/1; 200/1 and 250/5 and when I looked at their Steam accounts they had hundreds of games including latest AA and AAA games.

Some that had those ratio's also had non activations and multiple wins.

Those examples are one of the reasons that drives SG users away from doing Public giveaways to more Whitelist, Group, Puzzle and SGTools protected giveaways.

8 years ago

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+1 one of my reasons to start using SGTools.
But I don't blacklist leechers. They may have their reasons to leech, and I have my reasons to use SGTools for not giving them my hard earned money.
However, rule-breakers are another story.

8 years ago*

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That's one of the reasons that my blacklist is small. I use SGTools similar like you to weed out these types of ratio's in combination with the no non activations and no multiple wins reqs.

Before SGTools I tried to weed them out with giveaways that had different (higher) CV levels but that had sometimes not satisfactory results.

8 years ago

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well you cant tell me that no matter how poor you are here ?!?! You have internet access?! Right? You can buy bundle for 1$ ?! right ?! shitty steam gift for 10-15 cents ?! right?!
And its all fine... but when you win 200 games, and give absolutly nothing... well sorry then not that he is a leecher, but also he is an as*hole

8 years ago

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You forgot an important choice in your poll : I never read giveaway descriptions !!!

8 years ago

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Daaaaaamn you're right XD

8 years ago

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Was that the reason you BLed me? :O
I'm amazed that you won't even grace me with a reply...

8 years ago*

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+1 Congrats on your win of Dragon's Dogma! ;)

8 years ago

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Thank you,Luthienjish.Besides the usual blacklist drama it was a good day :)

8 years ago

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Beautiful ratio sir or ma'am. Also the level you seem to have reached may be higher than mine, but its actually a step down. Sorry about the demotion.

8 years ago

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Other: Combination of poll choices and some unlisted choices like returning the favor, too entitled people, anti-Semitic people, those that belittle new users, those that think that they are so much better than the rest and SGTools rule breakers.

I have currently 70 users on my BL

8 years ago*

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I tend to blacklist rule breakers, people who insult other people or who I think might be trying to start a conflict, and people who make xeno- or homophobic statements (there have been a couple of those, sadly).

8 years ago

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people blacklist for whatever reason they want. that doesn't make them sad, lame, stupid, selfish or anything else. each person has the right to block access to their giveaways as they see fit.

the only thing lame about blacklisting is people who complain about it, because they aren't the ones spending money on games that person gives away.

and yes, you will usually found yourself in many blacklists by users you didn't even talk to, or never entered their giveaways. it's very normal since you wouldn't be announcing your blacklists each time you add someone to it.

8 years ago

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people blacklist for whatever reason they want. that doesn't make them sad, lame, stupid, selfish(...)

Well... that's very debatable :D

8 years ago

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I just became a hater because a certain person added on me steam and wanted me to explain "reason" to blacklist him. He didn't accept anything from me as an answer with excuses until i said i just blacklisted random someone without a reason. which i didn't Haters gonna hate. :(

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Could be. He claimed that i was the only one who didn't "listen" and even though he said opposite that looked like a beg to out of blacklist.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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You add random people on steam.... Jim you have a lot of people here that care about you and more importantly that cat. Stay safe.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I used to accept nearly every steam invite I got but out of more than 11 years experience on Steam I can say that I have had truckloads of beggars, CSGO accounts that wanted me to +rep and befriend them without trading or knowing them because in their eyes this gives their Steam account more "weight", trolls, and racist/anti-Semitic people that insulted me and didn't like what's on my Steam profile, people with (multiple) VAC/Game/Trade bans and friends of friends of friends of friends (of friends)³³³³.

But it got worse: tons of scammers, opportunists and lowballers that posted scam links on my Steam profile like for examples the ones that take over your account. Those that tried to scam me in a steam message or Steam trade window.

I was curious once but now I don't care. I'm totally fed up with those I mentioned above and I'm not risking my Steam account.

So I have my Steam account safety maxed out with Steamguard, private inventory, Friends only for everything including media except my Steam profile.

I know that there's no 100% safety but the things mentioned above go a long way.

Now the only thing I have to do is ignore or block the daily Steam invite I get. And I only accept for people I know of for a very good reason.

TL DR: Curiosity can get you burned. I know this for a fact talking about my own experiences.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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A friend request from maybe same user to me, too. I recognized who, then I ignored. -_-;;

8 years ago

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First time me too. Then he changed profile picture added me again. I usually accept and ask people what they want. Not many adds me anyway. :P

8 years ago

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I know everybody has his/her reasons, but it's common that normal active forum users get blacklisted, while silent leechers don't, simply because they are more hidden. I don't dislike the concept of the blacklist, but I dislike the potential abuse people can make of it. I'm not saying it is always the case, of course, but it can be some sort of "you're fat / you're ugly / whatever" exclusion, which is a bit... sad, in my opinion.

8 years ago

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i got blacklisted for showing gay-marriage approval. it can be stupid for me but for those people it's a perfect reason. :3

and i can only be happy to get blacklisted by those users, i don't want to win anything from them

8 years ago

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It's actually stupid :P

8 years ago

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but for homophobes it's a valid reason. :3

8 years ago

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If you hate homophobes and don't want anything from them, you're not different >.>

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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If you hate someone who hates someone else... you hate someone too. You become homophobe-phobic, and it's exactly the same thing, you hate a category of people because they don't think like you.

8 years ago

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The difference is, a homophobe actively or passively works against the rights/dignity of a certain subset of people.
The person who is against homophobes is against hurting that subset of people.

Simplified statements can only get you so far, when you get into details the arguments kinda shatters.

8 years ago

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Ok then, what if I told you that homosexuality may hurt some people? It can be normal for you, for me, for this generation in general. But some people can't stand it. So, a person who is against homophiles is against hurting the homophobes.
It's funny how many people think what others do hurts people and what they do doesn't hurt people.
I'm not homophobe, nor homophile, nor homosexual, but there are some things that make me angry, like the things you see in gay prides (is there any etero pride?) and this mentality that if you're homophile you're on the right side, and if you don't approve gay unions (not homophobe necessarily) you're labeled as nazi, fascist or whatever...
We're going off-topic here :)

8 years ago

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How exactly does the existence of homosexuals hurt people? How does homosexuality hurt people?

You try chaining the same sort of thinking I used whatever you want, but it is not applicable because when you go to the root of that chain, you can clearly see who is doing something harmful and doesn't. You could spin the same thing about racism or whatever, it wouldn't change how the chain starts - with one group wanting people no to be restricted for arbitrary reasons, and the other doing exactly that.
If you want to damage the well-being of a person, diminish or deny them right etc. based on the fact that you don't like something completely harmless about them (and I will keep saying it is harmless as long as you don't prove it is doing harm).

I don't support dumb people who try to make anybody 'homophilic' or whatever the word for making people be very positive about homosexuals. That's dumb and stupid. If you don't like homosexuality, sure, it is your right. You can think about them what you want, you can not socialize with them, you can not buy art made by homosexuals, whatever. Those are all your choices that work on a microscale.
But when you step outside of the boundaries of freedom, when you start trying to reduce other's freedom - that is a problem. Especially since the way people go about it is pure malice. There is no harm for heterosexual people in homosexuals having some form of legally grounded official relationship. If they decide to act against it, despite the fact that it hurts nobody and helps some people, that is damn wrong and disgusting of a thing to do. You are free to not approve of them, but if you block them, if you deny people place in legal system of the country, that is crossing the line. It doesn't hurt you if they can, so let them be happy. You don't need to crush people's dreams to be happy yourself, that I can assure you of.

8 years ago

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Well said.

8 years ago

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Well said indeed.

Edit: the concern about homosexuality nowadays is the fact that they want to equalize homosexual unions to traditional heterosexual families, with full or step-child adoptions. I'm really uncertain about these things. Sure is, the recognition of the legal rights (inheritance, previdence...) for the spouses should be the first to do. In Italy they are discussing this in these days (along with the electoral law... as if these would save our sinking country)

8 years ago*

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thanks :3

btw, welcome to steamgifts. expect these discussions at least one per month xD

8 years ago

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Thank you~
We will see how long my sanity will stay around until it erodes, then (:

8 years ago

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SO I was gonna make a thread about how disappointed I was in SG this week because for the most part it was very low key. NO BL this that I got suspended Hey I am a leecher come get me. Just people being good people. I even gloated in a thread and waited and waited for the hate but it never came. Then a thread like this appears and warms my heart clicky clicky clicky.
Yay everyone being able to get married, it doesn't effect me. Black list away folks.

8 years ago

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there were 2 threads about it some months ago, it was like a blacklist farm for some of us. :3

8 years ago

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Yay. Archi has some good stuff going(its like a big flashing sign and they cant resist.). Its almost like a game to hunt them down to ensure I don't have to give something to them. Allowing them to steal my joy of giving is not acceptable.

8 years ago

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wtf? ò.ò

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I blacklist anyone that says pugs are not cool.
or am I serious

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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what's a pug?

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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So, it's a mental disorder in dogs?

8 years ago

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That was funny.

8 years ago

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I thought they were rather warm.

8 years ago

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Pogs haven't been cool since the 90's man... oh wait, you meant the dogs. Nevermind then.

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8 years ago

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Personally, I only blacklist people who regifted or didn't activate won games more than once, or people with like 50 won/ 0 given ratios (I don't care about ratios otherwise).

Oh, and I'm on the verge of blacklisting people who are extremely disrespectful/ungrateful towards bundled games giveaways and their creators. Haven't blacklisted anyone for this yet, but I might start doing it one day.

8 years ago

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I agree with you :)
But never met people who are disrespectful towards bundle games :O
Personally, I guess every gift is great and a lot of people can't afford non-bundled stuff so something is better than nothing :)

8 years ago

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Occasionally, I come across posts in some discussions where some people are spitting on the bundle gifters. Lame, that kind of behavior.

8 years ago

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Absolutely lame. Some people only want one or two games from a bundle and can't afford to get them, so they're grateful just to have a chance. I know I've signed up for some giveaways with bundle items; heck, I think the majority of ones I've signed up for are, and though I haven't won any, I'm really happy to see so many people being generous with their spare keys.

8 years ago

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Sad but true. I just don't see any reason behind that kind of behaviour. Someone is trying to be nice and give something to someone else (for FREE) and then they go and just spit on them like they did something wrong. Honestly, even though I really don't use my BL much, that kind of people tend to get on it.

8 years ago

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Agreed. It's free handout, people can GTFO instead of complaining.

8 years ago

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Surprising but yes, it happens. I remember seeing some posts like "bundle giveaways killed SG".

8 years ago

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Wow, are there people complaining about bundled game GAs? (sad sigh)
I happily enter such GAs, cause I cannot buy all the bundles or simply I missed.

8 years ago

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You'd have to do something to me personally, for me to blacklist you (Or something really big that pisses me off..).
I don't need thanks from everyone who enters, or wins. I don't mind, but I don't keep track or care if people do. All the thanks I need is people making their gift as received :)

I don't care about ratio. I mean I'd probably never buy a game just to post it here. I put extra keys from Bundles, but I'm not in a financial situation where I can just go around buying games to give away. I can't even afford all the games I want lol Hence, being here in the first place lol.

Rule Breaking.. well I don't even see that. I do a quick look at the winners profile, but out of curiosity, but I don't scan it closely. If someone breaks the rules its up to staff to deal with. I'm not gonna bother, besides, there might always be extenuating circumstances that I'm not aware of for why a rule was broken.

Trolls, or people who are offensive, would be the most likely people to get on my blacklist. But I don't read the discussions much aside from the most recent topics list at the bottom of the homepage. You'd have to stand out, and really irk me, to get it.

8 years ago

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people who wanted to participate in the discussions are held back by the fear of being blacklisted by someone mad

8 years ago

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I don't understand why people blacklist "leechers" either. Maybe i understand the term wrong but I can understand if someone won over 100 games and you might want to give other people more chance but there was a thread one or two days ago a person new member come to forums and said he is here to leech. Some people said i will blacklist you but i can't understand that. I wouldn't blacklist him because that's what this site is about. Giving people games. On the other hand i should really recommend to comment on your wins, it is a good feeling for giver.

8 years ago

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I kind of agree on that. But I think that leeching is not a problem until a certain point. If you win 10 - 20 games here, surely you could do something back. There are plenty of games that can be bought for less then $ 1. I usually do BL people with an extremely bad ratio (like 1:30 (given/won) or so)

Also for a new member to announce on the forum that he's here to leech, kind of sounds like someone who wants that kind of attention.

8 years ago

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Yeah maybe 100 is a bit much. I can agree on that. :D About the attention, of course he is, basicly everybody opens a topic want something. But it was not a troll topic. He said later he just wanted to learn how site works with gifts. With reading there was no reason the blacklist anyone. That was surprising for me when people see "leech" they automaticly blacklist. That was how it looked like for me.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Hmm i am seeing what i am missing in leech part. But again as you said it's hard to value a game. That's the part with i am uncomfortable about leech. I give some games i won't play so if someone want to add that in their library thats good enough for me. Ideal would be of course they want to play.

8 years ago

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Yeah, that's kind of how I feel as well. Usually games I GA are games I already own or just don't want. I don't mind it if somebody gets it and not plays it, but I hate it when someone gets it that has won a ton of games, but never given anything back (that's why I always use a lvl restriction as well).

8 years ago

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You can find such hoarders with larger (sometimes way larger) than 1.00 ratios too. So, the problem with this reasoning when they use it for leechers that it is simply valid for a small amount of what they consider a leecher.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I agree about that feeling, but it has nothing to do with giving back. Most users with hundreds of wins are contributors, and have way way more games than they'd ever play. More than this, they can usually afford to buy (and can certainly trade for) all the games they win. Those givers aren't more worthy of winning anything than those who have given nothing.

The only way to gift to someone who is somewhat worthy is to gift to someone who hasn't won much, someone who has few games on Steam, or someone who plays a large percentage of their games. SG doesn't have any of these conditions, therefore it's impossible to give to someone who might actually benefit from winning.

Then again, this entire discussion is assuming that SG is a site for charitable giving. It's not, it's a random trading game, and in such a game people expect some correspondence between giving and receiving, which is why "leeching" is disliked.

8 years ago

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Bad ratio.. Leecher = insta block
Rule breakers
Sm1 who cant read or ignorants
Lot of negative trading rep like +20/-5
Funny traders as 17 cs keys for Mad Max if we can buy it for 12€ xD (not bl all, only guys who acting like fools about it.. Smth like 17 keys is fair for 12€ code, learn to trade noob... And similar funny guys.
So ez :)

8 years ago*

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If you'd blacklist anyone with insane demands in trades, you'd have to ask cg to expand the blacklist limit to six digits.

8 years ago

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Just auto-blacklist the entire trade forum, that's the only way to go with it~

8 years ago

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Good idea (6 dig, but sometimes u dont know if u must laugh or cry (not BL all, only very epic traders)

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8 years ago

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Heh, that beats my [Some game that costs 0.99 USD on base price and had a 100k free key dump before] for Max Payne 3 Complete offer on barter.vg. That was a blast.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Trolls, regifters and repeat offenders. I think there should be a way for repentant rule-breakers to clean their sheets, though.

8 years ago

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That multiple wins thing should be fixed... like, with a warning if you win a game you already won

8 years ago

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Why does that even need to be there? You can't activate something you already own. If you win a free game, surely you can afford to spend 2 minutes explaining to the creator you already own it.

8 years ago

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No, you can't activate it. But if they send you a gift, you can put it in your inventory for later purposes.
Usually the multiple wins thing happens with massive giveaways, where there are multiple giveaways for many copies of the same game. If you win two, they send you two keys. You redeem one on your account, and what to do with the other one? Contacting the creator to ask for a reroll is usually hard in those massive giveaways. So usually people gift the extra key to a friend (or they regift it), leaving an indelible scar on their profiles.

8 years ago

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All you have to do is not use the key and not marked received, send a message to the creator and let him deal with the rest.
If you don't marked as received, you won't get a multiple wins because it won't show as a win on your profile...

8 years ago

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Yes, we know we should do it that way... But a new user who didn't yet carefully read the rules...

8 years ago

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That's an entirely different problem. Reading the rules is one of the first things you should always do when entering a community, so that's never an excuse for anything.

8 years ago

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I currently have five people on my blacklist. All of them got their spots for the "rule breaking + repeatedly being a major asshole to the nice people on the forums" combo.

8 years ago

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Yes, that's kind of my idea of blacklist XD

8 years ago

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Am I already in? =D

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8 years ago

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Should you? :3

8 years ago

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I thought I fit the min.requiremnts =d

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Poke poke poke am I annoying you yet JIM am I. BURN them all that's what I say. Black list everyone then you can claim you tried to GA games but you had to keep them for yourself because no one would roll.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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damn it JIM you tipped him off. Now I missed my chance I had him I HAD HIM.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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No you are going about this all wrong. You are adding random people now you are letting them escape and hoping they don't bother you again. You certainly don't watch the walking dead.... And you are hoping he is giving up I am hoping you are laying another trap for him or her so I can catch them! Be sure to roll I am gonna add ya!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago*

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Imagine all the pain of poor people who were blacklisted by mistakes of other people, suffering and having no chances to participate in a fresh new event full of hot giveaways =d
Feels good,isn't it? =P

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Oh NO JIM NO. You just decided you needed to be more of a jerk. The others like the guy above who deleted his comment are going to see this reversal of fortunes and think they are next! The ole give a mouse a cookie bit.

8 years ago

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So who did i blacklist eh .
Ppl who obviously break rules.
Leechers ( extreme ones ) like 0-100+
Bots ... if its obvious you cant humanly post the same Thx on 10 giveaways within a second .

And ofc anyone who blacklisted me , cus f*** them :)

8 years ago

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I wanted your ratio to be shit so I could BL you and then I could say "F ME right?" But you ruined it. Thanks for being reasonable.

8 years ago

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I know right :)
I love ppl who are like , omg leecher ... and have 2-100 ratio or something like that :P

I understand there are 2 sides of the coin here ...
Some ppl legit cannot afford to buy games , and i dont mind em at all ... but if you won like 50 things , atleast is kinda needed to giveback atleast a couple games in return :)

8 years ago

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If you won like 50 things and cant buy a couple dollar tier bundles and give them away... you should not be rolling. You should go get another job or find a different hobby because in the time it took you to win those 50 things you could have made a few bucks and then got some low tier bundles. I have seen plenty of those people and I am glad they shared what they could.

8 years ago

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How can you tell they posted within a second if there are no timestamps?

8 years ago

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The site gives timestamp information on every single action taken.
Not visible to users down to the second, though, afaik, and I can totally believe someone'd manage 50 thank yous within a minute without any problem, given a fast enough internet and a willingness to enter with no thought or effort put in to the games or creators.

10 in a minute could still be reasonable- though if you're spamming the same creator that much, forget about blacklisting, you deserve to be kicked once per thoughtless, trite, spammy comment. :P

Your opinion may vary, which is the very fact that makes it important that people try to avoid deliberate spamming [which is predominantly considered rude anywhere you go] and pay attention to any preferences noted in gib descriptions.

Why people feel they shouldn't be put on something as casual as a blacklist for deliberately being rude by 1: not paying someone the least bit of mind or 2: outright disrespecting their outlook, is a bit odd to me, even before getting into the personal freedom of perspective and non-obligatory demands of giveaways that make a filter like that intuitive.

Breaking the social expectations of the site by using bots isn't even really the issue, it's that having them take the offensive behavior listed above amplifies the disrespect shown by such rude actions.

8 years ago

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i you see replies posted before 1 minute, they say "X seconds ago". like this

8 years ago

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I enter only for stuff in my wishlist , and every so often things from it get bundled ... so there are dozens of giveaways for a game .

Lets say Random anime bullshit game gets bundled ... and there are a dozen of gibs for it ...
And you see the same random generic Thankyou comment on every single one ( even when the creator specifically asked not to ) and all that was posted within a minute .
And not only that , but the guy posting it have given 1 game 2 years ago , and won like 50 .

Hes getting blacklisted instantly :)
At least take the time to read what the person who is giving the stuff away has to say , before you spam generic comments .

Also if a comment is a less then minute old, you can actually see when exactly it was posted .

8 years ago

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I BL basicly anyone that really annoys me (not people with a different opinion) and people with extremely low ratio. I also tend to BL people that think their opinion is fact (although that usually also falls in the first category). And I have one person on it who tried to scam me on a trade.

8 years ago

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i blacklist people:
-more than once regifting
-who need more than 10 days to activate won game (after 6-7 days i sending mail about won game, if this is not enough, not my problem)
-something very stupid posted on forum

so far blacklisted 20 people, whitelisted 72

8 years ago

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I have one user BL'ed because they left 10 comments ("Thanks") within a minute. If they'd been even slightly different, I wouldn't have felt the need (perhaps hypocritical(?), as I usually send the same "Thanks" message when I win, though I think that's different than doing so when you just enter). Don't want people to not say thanks if it's warranted, but any sort of diversity in those messages helps prevent people from thinking something else.
I try not to BL anyone and go so far as to WL (almost) anyone who has me WL'ed (though their spot on that list isn't necessarily permanent)(i.e. except for those who include other Groups that I'm unsure if I'm a member of and/or the GA is for bundle fodder).
The entire system could be expanded; comments on profiles, the ability to search your own comment history and for names in your received comments' history (though that's irrelevant (and maybe unrealistic)).
Also: Leaving Trade Feedback could be (and is) (")just as (')abused(')(") (though I personally treat it the same as the Listing).

8 years ago

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99% of the time, I blacklist for ratios (below 0.8 or 8 given per 10 wins) and I'm very upfront about it. Once folks fix their ratio, I remove them so it is hardy a permanent thing.

8 years ago

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I blacklist anyone for leeching mostly, but also assholes and other.
For example, i just blacklisted you for creating topic about blacklist. Do you have any idea how many topics are about blacklist? Too many. Go search "blacklist" and your computer might crash because ir cant handle the amount of topics..
Im tired of it, and i am not alone.

8 years ago

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You what O.O
Creating this topic was also an excuse to make a train, if you didn't notice >.>

8 years ago

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Ooooh a train.. I guess you are excused..

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Believe it or not, some people BL trains!!!
Especially crazy ones, as I noticed!
Psychos they are,aren't they?

from Choo-Choo

to Woof-Woof.

8 years ago

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That made me think of this... :P

8 years ago

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Maybe if the BL wasn't so misused so often, people wouldn't complain so much about it...

8 years ago

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You cant misuse a blacklist. If I decide to blacklist every single one on gametz, I still wouldn't be misusing blacklist, because I decide on who can enter on a game I PAID for.

8 years ago

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If people stopped being under the impression that it's possible to misuse the BL, they wouldn't complain so much about it...

8 years ago

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I blacklist people that had been named Jerry ...

I'm joking , rule breakers mostly and sometimes people that are rude with other ones in the forums

8 years ago

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I've only blacklisted people that blacklisted me first. I only have 3 people in my blacklist. The two of them blacklisted me for no reason at all and they never let me know about it. The other one blacklisted me for a discussion that I had with him. I also asked another one to blacklist me, but that was for fun, so I didn't blacklist him back. I seriously won't blacklist people for any other reason except if they blacklisted me first. I don't think that anyone can get me so mad in order to blacklist him. I don't care if you are even the son of Adolf, because I still won't blacklist you. xD

8 years ago

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I assume that there are even more people that have blacklisted me, but I don't know who they are. xD
And thank you for the chance. I just participated in one giveaway of yours.

8 years ago

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You're welcome!
I should have put the counter-blacklist in the poll :P

8 years ago

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True that. xD It's actually pretty reasonable to blacklist someone that blacklisted you. People can blacklist me without any reason, so why should I allow them to enter my giveaways? ;) It's not even my fault that they blacklisted me.

8 years ago

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Speaking of no reasons, the guy two comments above yours... he blacklisted me for real D:
It's nice to know that someone blacklisted you because you wrote on the forum. At least he told me, who knows how many readers blacklisted me now? :c

8 years ago

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Yeah, at least it's good to know who blacklisted you and for which reason. But still, why all this unreasonable blacklisting? xD

8 years ago

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I think some people find pleasure in blacklisting other ones for no reason. I find it very sad.

8 years ago

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True that. There was a discussion about that in the recent past and we were saying that people like having power over others. Like, I want you, so whitelisted, but not you, so blacklisted. People have the power to do that here, so they do it in an excessive amount. That's all. ;P I understand some people that blacklist other people for serious reasons, although I still wouldn't do it. :P

8 years ago

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That's that excessive amount that concerns me >.>

8 years ago

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realy a good idea.

I did a Giveaway and the guy never told thanks and late a lot to Make as received... well... I think All not the people are just good persons.

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by Schnapser29.