If I don't OWN CoD on Steam it doesn't mean I never played a game. Like I said above, I have MW2 on my PS2, and I didn't even buy PC games until last year unless I found a 10€ collection on some retail AAA series, so I had about... 3 PC games owned. But that doesn't mean I never played any game. I just didn't want to go and ask my dad for money for a game when I could just download it for free.
Steam is not the only way to play games, you know? I have 123 hours on Skyrim on Steam, but I played the game way over 500 hours. It's the game that stopped me from piracy.
In my country, buying a game is considered weird, then comes an asshole like you with a "you don't own the game on Steam, you never played it" attitude... Thank God CDPR for GOG
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So pirating games is an excuse now or what exactly are you trying to say? From MW2 on, all COD titles rely on Steam and you obviously haven't played any of the new ones. That's like saying "I only played Battlefield 2 and I disliked it so all Battlefield games are bad". See, no point in debating.
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You are right, but about pirating... in his (also mine) country, the minimum wage is about 270 euro (which means about 170euro gross), out of which over 100 will go to utilities (I pay 15euro for internet, 7euro for mobile phone x2 , 15-20euro for water, 25-35euro electricity,15 - 50 for gas) . Considering that we have the same Steam prices as US, France or Germany, I, sadly, understand why some people pirate software.
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I see where you're coming from. However, the one thing that doesn't make sense to me is the fact that people in rather impoverished countries claim that they can't afford video games but they do have a PC that is actually good enough to run those games.
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Well, you can buy a decent second hand PC with 300euro: 6770 / 6870 / 560ti for 40-55-60euro, decent cpu + motherboard + 4GB DDR3 kit (~i3 3rd gen / phenom ii x4) for 100euro + psu 20-35euro + case 15-35euro + hdd 35euro + monitor.50-100euro. Plus, if you want to upgrade your build, you will skip a lot of components.
You can't really compare a PC (which is important in today's life and will last at least 2-3 years) with a videogame.
I am not that poor, but when I buy games I only buy them on sale because they are indeed expensive... the witcher 3 = 250ron at a local store; 2 hours at airsoft = 30ron / one beer at the bar I go = 5ron / 1 pizza = 20ron. Piracy is a bad thing indeed, but on the other hand, I can, somehow, understand people who do it.
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Bro, what? it is one of the best selling games every year. You can't argue numbers
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Devil May Cry,Brutal Legend,Dead Island,Far Cry 3,Jet Set Radio,Dynasty Warriors,Dante's Inferno
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I agree on Far Cry 3, the first 5 or so hours was fun, after that bored and slowly lost interest, maybe i dont like the tropical atmosphere.
I have a feeling that dead island will be the same.
BUT Blood Dragon was amazing so i think its the tropical thing.
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I think it was the tropical thing and perhaps the attempt at commentary about FPS and the people that'd enjoy them.
In contrast Blood Dragon wasn't trying to say anything but rather going off of rule of fun and 80's awesomeness
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The first 5 hours was fun because the game was well made, after that like said i find boring to do the same stuff, also i got the silent sniper rifle from start and was easymode.
Still after so many years i can't understand what i disline in games, thats why i dont write critics :)
Like asheep in the grass, offer me a game or tell me a good thing about it and i will buy it if i find something interesting.
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Well, the only repetitive part imo was unlocking outposts, but the rest would change since you have lots of ways of doing a mission, and lots of unlocking and upgrades to do, to make a more interesting gameplay, besides main missions were everything except boring ^^
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There's a lack of variety for a game that size, after a while i just gave up on exploring or doing side missions
Yes, its a very well made game, way better than Dead Island, but its too generic to keep me interested for too long, just like Tethnic said, after 5 hours the novelty was over and i just started getting bored
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FC3 is a big eye candy what is looks like a goty at first look, but it's in the same situation as the fc2, after 4-5 hour the game is lost the freshness and start getting boring and you start to recognize the game faults.
FC3 is try to make a big epic open world fps-rpg hybrid, but if i want to be honest the game is fail almost every aspect.
maybe better than the fc2, but this is not a big achievement.
Dead Island: almost the same situation as the fc3, fun for 3-5 hour in single player, I guess it is lot more fun in co-op but that's a different thing.
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I'm with you for Devil May Cry. I've been playing them all so far and I'm now in the middle of the 3rd. It's the best so far, but still fails to grip me much. Haven't played the reboot though, that looks pretty good. As for Dante's Inferno, I liked it but didn't expect to see it on this thread. It seems to me a very unpopular game that deserves a bit more recognition, but I can see why some people wouldn't like it :)
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i must have seen it, like 10 times before i finally beat the boss, that penis is engraved in my head
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Haha, and giant Cleopatra climbing a giant dong with gaping nipples that have tongues, that spew deadly babies? Yeah, that game was all sorts of messed up
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I dont think DMC sucks though, the combat was always really impressive, but if you dont enjoy the humor that is constantly thrown at you, it gets unbearable quite fast, also now that you reached the 3rd, you might see the lack of originality as a problem as well, DMC3 stole from castlevania without doing anything special with it.
As for Dante,i love the enemy design, especially the bosses, but you cant just take from GOW and expect it to be good, it's just very weirdly made and for the most part the level design was surprisingly generic, but the real reason i hate the game is the final boss
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Yeah the levels are reaaaaaaally boring. As for the humour, I'm usually ok with silly jokes like that, but they're not funny to me, and the "I'm so cool" cheesiness is so high up there. Like I said, I've dealt with and liked characters like that before, but it just doesn't do it for me. Still, the gameplay is enough to keep me playing, and the enemies DO look cool. One of the worst parts is the long bosses with way too much health.
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As a polish Techland fanboy I am sad, but I actually agree in some parts with Dead Island. I finished it with every hero and forgot only about Ryder Whyte way. Well, game has some bugs, and the biggest is lvling up on Prologue :D Once when I was bored i reached 32 lvl from it. At all I must say that it has funny and good easter eggs, storyline might be interesting for some of us, for some just meh. The biggest disappointment was face mimic... Don't they have fkin face muscles? At all this game would be 7/10 for me, but DI: Riptide was even worse... If not sniper rifles, wolverine claws and John, this game wouldn't even get a 5/10 from me. It was nothing new at all, still no face mimic, more bugs... and the only fresh and good thing was new zombies.
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I really loved FC3 and I enjoy Dynasty Warriors, in regards to DW, people are just sick of it being the same game each iteration!
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GTA series as a whole. Maybe I'm weird but I just don't see the appeal.
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that, and they really jumped the shark after the first one. I mean, ya got fucking dubstep guns, superpowers, and fighting satan.
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Well if you don't see the appeal of being a coke lord, and Tommy Vercetti himself. All I have to say that I may have no idea what to say. But I sure am certain, that you have an opinion there! Which is nice. Being an individual is nice. (Off to bed for me, I can't think straight.)
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I like shooters and open-world games. Racing, not so much.
But you know what? I actually adore Saint's Row.
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Yup, I can't find what's so unique that makes HL a classic, feels like a generic shooter with a pretty linear story to me...
Portal though... It may have a linear story, but it's a really fun linear story that makes you think sometimes, so it's not so mindless. Finished both games 2 times, time to play them again as an achievement completionist.
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It's all about when it was released. Damn long single player in every installment, awesome physics and gravity gun in second, great story. Now many fps games have those (maybe not so long single player, but still). It's like movies - some movies are considered classics, but when you would watch them now they are just meh.
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You're right, trying to think of a shooter from that time with a better story, I can't. That "generic" was once something unique that got repeated over and over, like what happens today with MOBAs, you need to be Blizzard to get noticed (played Sins Of A Dark Age today, it has way more features than LoL and I think it's the same level of pay2getuselessitemsfaster that LoL has. Also, it runs a lot better than most MOBAs, but it will never get in the game, since it doesn't have the budget for the PR and ads to do it).
But I'll never understand what people see in CoD that's worth 60€ a year + 50€ season pass... "Here we have the new and innovative shadow effect Nvidia added to our graphics this year, along with a environment friendly recycled story we had last year, but we changed the season and added bigger jumps. Also, the main menu is only 60€ and you can even play the full game for only and extra 155,67€"
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++ movies (well at least the ones with no special effects that make you cringe) age better than games tho
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See you say this, but I can't hear anything but blasphemy. Half Life is like my Holy Grail of gaming. I have spent the most hours of any video game, maybe even par with minecraft, playing that glorious majesty. And not just the game itself, but like all the campaign mods. A decent amount of which added so many new stories.
But this was also many years ago, so you know, nostalgia and all that.
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Slow, boring, streamlined and mediocre gameplay. I just don't see the appeal.
Yes, shoot me, strangle me, do whatever you want with me, but that's the truth.
But what about mods? As far as I saw, there are some good mods that make the game "better", but the gameplay is still the same.
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EVERY Bethesda game is better with mods. That's pretty much the main appeal of every single Bethesda game. It's... Sad, to be honest. I mean, I can still play New Vegas and Oblivion and kind of Skyrim but they're terribly short and boring overall. I exclude Oblivion for nostalgia reasons.
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+4 I don't think it sucks, but I'm pretty sure it's overrated
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+5 (but I do love the main theme and some other soundtracks, and all those fus ro dah videos). But then again, I'm not an open world guy (other than AC maybe, so what do I know)
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I love open world games which is why I have 300+ games on both Skyrim and New Vegas ( and would definitely have that much on Oblivion but I got it on Steam not too long ago and was too lazy to actually install and play it much. Oh, yeah, and modding. It's a bitch. )
The music is great but it's like playing a dungeon crawler that has great music but you can't be arsed to continue so you lose out on some of the content that isn't, y'know, gameplay.
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Counter Strike - all of them. Feels like COD online more and more as time goes on.
Assassins Creed - Except Black Flag.
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I don't get minecraft too! Let's be on the same blaclist bandwagon!
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Half of steam games are sucks and 37 percent of Steam games have never been played---->Fact xD
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the appeal is being in the same room or on voip, and trying to finish a level and screwing up, it's hilarious and fun. "no dont go there!" "i'll save you" getting shot in the process of saving someone else, its really fun.
Solo or randoms online, not really fun unless you like speed running or something.
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Deus Ex: GOTY is not a top 100 video game involving stealth as a mechanic let along a top 100 PC game of all time. There's literally not one thing it does that has held up well. Nothing.
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Dude, sure, the game is old and has clunky mechanics. Nowadays the game has tons of mods that make the game better! Biggest example would be the GMDX mod.
It contains: Enhanced AI, rebalanced weapons and augmentations, bug fixes etc.
Still not conviced? Click here for proof.
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Top 100? Pfft. You're right. It's actually somewhere in the top 5 video games of all time.
And if you've only played the first mission or so then you haven't really seen what the game has to offer. First mission is widely agreed to be pretty terrible.
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Halo series, Minecraft, Gears of War, Hotline Miami 1/2, League of Legends.
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Gears of war. It was really horrible in my meaning. Over-the-top, but still dull and boring, story, waaay too "macho" men, everything greywashed and blood everywhere.
Other than that, I'm usually quite good at deciding what games I'll like by looking at them beforehand.
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Oh, and Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. It's the only game in the series I've played, and I've only played about 4 hours of it, but it was some of the worst hours in my video game experience. Huge, empty world, dull graphics, stupid AI and stale NPC's.
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Hm, this might be touchy topic and might even piss some people off. But I'm pretty sure everyone has played games before that most people seem to like, yet you thought they absolutely sucked.
Mine would be:
Tomb Raider 2013 - 96% overwhelmingly positive. Finished the game from start to finish 2 times to get all achievements, and didn't enjoy at all. Repetitive gameplay consisting mostly of shoot-out segments and QTE. Close to zero variety topped by dumbed down puzzles.
Bioshock Infinite - I wouldn't say it was bad, but it felt quite repetitive, despite the intriguing story. What do you think worth finishing?
And since the other topic is getting less attention, the GA link from that topic is here:
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