The only capitalized character in the puzzle is a vital key element.
Start with the capitalized character, the follow the "instructions" to progress (that's when hint 1 is important)
C'mon, the numbers represent the transposition necessary on every line. I didn't mean to make this too hard. :(
Sorry, didn't realize how hard it was I guess. :P
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Isn't it fine since I included my subject before the first verb already? Adding it twice feels like I'm causing words repetition.
Either way, too lazy to edit again. :P
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I don't have a full explanation, but god himself told me that I'm right
I think it would be necessary because you used should, for example
It should have worked, but it did not
if It should work but it does not, you shall tell me
Of course I can be totally wrong. Do you still think it would cause words' repetition?
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I don't know. Your logic sounds better than mine, so you're probably right.
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Not necessarily. It looks like an example of Conjunction Reduction:
Also, people use it all the time (Google says so)
Though I admit that's a weaker argument :)
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Well, at least it seems that 13 other guys other than me have no darn clue what to do with this.
I think I am not giving a too big hint by saying that "potato" (without quotes) is not the answer.
Although that answer should definitely be the right one here if I was to be asked.
Oh well.. I guess I am not.
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Solved, not even that difficult ;)
once you figure it out
or have a lucky guess
Ok forget that it was super difficult
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Tomorrow 8pm my time.
You can see my giveaways on my SG profile, mouseover "[.....] remaining" to see how much time is left.
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7 Comments - Last post 41 minutes ago by thoughtfulhippo
I bought two of the Bundle Stars "shovelware" bundles. I'm not sure why, I don't even need the games. So here's a crappy puzzle with a crappy and short train at the end. No level requirement. This is my very first train on Steamgifts so please let me know if you take a wrong turn and end up in the fourth dimension.
Pretty simple really, reveal the secret word/message and type it as the answer. I probably fucked up somewhere, so tell me if it should work but doesn't (chances are you'll know the answer by then). I'll post hints later, maybe. I don't know.
Also, please note: YOU CAN enter the giveaways just for the cards or +1 XP. I don't give a single shit. And I never blacklist for ratio/leeching, so enter the giveaways with ease of mind knowing that I welcome filthy leechers because I make filthy shovelware giveaways. All praise cheap CV whoring and cheap games leeching. It is what makes Steamgifts. :D
However, don't fucking leak the giveaways or answer to the puzzle. Thanks.
The words on the right don't hold any meaning. However, the numbers to the left are extremely important, as they represent the number of character space to move to the left or right in order to reveal the message. To simplify the explanation, place your cursor on the characters I call out, and move it as I instruct.
Start with the capitalized letter of the first word, as instructed in the hints section. In this case, it's "T". The number is 00, which means you don't have to move anything. Place your mouse cursor on the capitalized "T" of the word "mast".
The next word is "thesaurus". Now, place your cursor at the same position (starting from left to right and counting the characters) as it was on "mast". In this case, it would be the fourth character ("s"). The number represents the amount of character space you must transpose your mouse pointer. So in the case of "thesaurus", the number is -2. So move your mouse pointer two characters to the left ("h").
Next up we have "transition". Repeating the steps above, place your mouse pointer on the same character as the word above, which is the second character of the word ("r"). The transposition is +4, so move your pointer to the right by 4 characters, which gives you the letter "i".
Repeat until you reveal the hidden message.
As a bonus, a giveaway for Tropico 4 Collector's Bundle was hidden in the description of the last giveaway of the train. It can be found by viewing the source.
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