
I removed From Dust from my wishlist. I'm very disappointed because I was looking forward to that game.

Did anyone here pre-order these games?

13 years ago*

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(ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡<3 <3 <3

13 years ago

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Don't throw tables :(

13 years ago

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I'm throwing love. I don't know what you are referring to.

13 years ago

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Mod ninja editing? In MY thread?

13 years ago

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13 years ago

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Dont throw hearts! Break them for a health bonus :[

13 years ago

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You are kidding me. Doing this kind of thing just encourages piracy.

It's kind of funny though, I wonder if they do this intentionally. They release ever more pain-in-the-behind DRM measures so that more people buy the game and then download the cracked version so they don't have to deal with the DRM. Then Ubisoft turns around and says 'Hey, we have all these people pirating our game! Each download is a lost sale! Something has to be done about this travesty!'.


13 years ago

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Ubisoft's response (and I'm not even fucking kidding here): "Bear in mind though that the PC version of DRVSF is released simultaneously to consoles."

So they're basically saying: "We're releasing this game on PC at the same time as consoles, so we need more DRM. To hell with legitimate customers."


13 years ago

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I didn't understand what you mean... more importantly I do not understand what the pc version being released at the same time as consoles has got to do with DRM?

13 years ago

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The reasoning probably is that if PC releases at the same time, people who might otherwise have bought it on a console will just pirate the PC version instead. Now I don't agree with them at all in this but that's probably how they see it.

13 years ago

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Yep, that's exactly their reasoning. I don't agree with it either, but it seems like the ones who call the shots at Ubisoft believe release day piracy on PC means less sales on consoles.

That still doesn't explain the DRM for From Dust though, since it was already delayed on PC. There are some who theorise that the delay was also to counter PC piracy and boost first day console sales. Silly Ubisoft.

13 years ago

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can't they just have made the game a steam exclusive. I don't know maybe i am not grasping the apple that feeds the pig during the harsh winter season.

13 years ago

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I thought Ubi Stopped on this?

13 years ago

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Nope. They never said they would really stop, but I guess they removed the DRM on older games. They also changed it on ACII so that it checks when the game first starts, instead of requiring a permanent internet connection.

13 years ago

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Oh kk, well that just dam right sucks :( Ill wait to see if they do the same to what they did With AC2

13 years ago

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It'll be the same system they had in AC2. The only difference is the "Uplay Passport enhanced" key.

13 years ago

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which is only for consoles if I read correctly. It's just like Mass Effect and Dragon Age, where the extra features come with the game, but once you activate the key that's it. If you sell the game or buy it used, the next person has to pay 9-10 bucks to get the extra features.

13 years ago

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And I confirm it will be pirated at most in a week after release.

13 years ago

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Seriously, I don't see what the problem is. Every game on Steam requires you to be online (unless you use offline mode, but comeon, like 1 out of hundreds of people use that, there isnt really any point in using it).

13 years ago

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The DRM kicks you back to the main menu without saving if you lose connection. That is not the same as Steam.

Also, if the authentication servers are down, you cannot play the game at all.

13 years ago

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This. Steam requires a connection to start up when you turn on the computer (though offline mode is supposed to let you play regardless, but it's glitched). This requires a connection to start up, and if at any point you lose connection to their servers, boom, no game for you. Also, unless this is patched, it means that at some point the game will stop working permanently, as Ubi can't be expected to keep the servers running forever.

13 years ago

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Offline mode in steam has always worked for me. Also I can loose net midway through a single player game and not suffer at all.

13 years ago

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And if the servers are dropped for good you cannot play ever again. By by my NWN infinite dungeons....

13 years ago

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I hope not to start a flame war but they just gave me an excuse to pirate it

13 years ago

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Welp, buying From Dust on the PS3 it is

13 years ago

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They would probably applaud your decision. I think the big publishers would much rather everyone switch over to consoles as it gives them more control over what you can do.

13 years ago

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seems too good to let it pass over drm. still buying it. =D

13 years ago

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It wasnt a good idea...

13 years ago

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Moral of the story. Ubisoft is a wretched company and you should not buy anything from them.

13 years ago

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what a fail

13 years ago

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Disappointing. A lot.

13 years ago

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I stopped buying Ubisoft games aaaggesss ago. Not only is most of their games crap, but this DRM stuff just makes things worse. Just another money grubbing "Successful" company.

13 years ago

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Concerning some rage in this thread, it only matters if you can't sustain that permanent connection otherwise if you can, your experiencing one of the best games in mankind(and that's saying something lol :P) to all the haters don't pirate your not going to get a game worthy of its expectations and a game needs to be bought to fully experience that worth. In other words buying the game is definetly worth the price( for example assassins creed 2(HAD PERMANENT CONNECTION{i think}) so stop bloody hating the connection crap and man up. GOSH

Although since writing this post I've realized perhaps most of you guys who would rage out on here would point that it's unfair,etc. etc. and frankly I don't care (these are just my opinions lol) give at least PROPS to the Dev's making these awesome games and not HATE on them( And if all you guys do is just whine THEN DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT; be mature* about it and go on a strike or something lol). Just because of 1 small thing (yes i consider this problem small :P) doesn't mean you should hate the game. If you guys are just RAGING(LOL RAGE!(see pun?)) then get a decent permanent connection.

and that's my opinion :P.

13 years ago

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13 years ago

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Yeah, I just saw that article. It's absolutely ridiculous.

13 years ago

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Yep, not buying the game anymore.

13 years ago

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Good news guys. While Driver still has the online DRM, From Dust does not!

13 years ago

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good i don't really care about Driver

13 years ago

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While that is good news, I will wait to see what unnecessary and insane DRM they implement in place of the always-on. Thanks for the link.

13 years ago

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Silly AAA publishers thinking I want their game so much that I'd stand them wanking off into my face.

13 years ago

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13 years ago

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Oh god, too funny

13 years ago

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Closed 13 years ago by lokonopa.