Just win a new giveaway ( https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/iMmSD/lego-the-incredibles ) but the key is region lock and the creator ask the delete of the giveaway, i am agree on my side but i don't know if i have special action to do on my side ...

If veteran from steamgifts or people that already get this problem could help me/reply me, thanks :)

2 years ago

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just consent to the deletion on the giveaway page and creator and mods will take care of it

2 years ago

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If there's no region restriction on the giveaway why would he do that?

2 years ago

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To not be an ass for no reason? Everyone makes mistakes.

2 years ago

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The giveaway creator didn't know the key was region restricted and the winner is in a region where the key can not be activated. The giveaway creator does not have a key to give the winner that will activate in their region and support does not allow picking a new winner when the region restriction for the giveaway was not set correctly (probably because it may lead to a bunch of re-rolls before a winner is found that can activate the key). The winner has the option of either marking the giveaway as not received or they can agree to delete the giveaway.

2 years ago

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Most people don't region restrict their giveaways, as it's not usually required with most games.
People in weird regions with known restrictions often have to, and take it for granted that everyone else has to be mindful of that.
Maybe like yourself - I see you have a few region restricted giveaways?
It's common courtesy to allow deletion of a giveaway for region restrictions - as the key maybe invalid, it's just that it can't be activated by the winner for reasons that were out of their known control.

2 years ago

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^^^^ This

If the gifter wasn't doing anything nefarious, it's just good community manners to agree to a deletion. The site rules won't allow for a re-roll to try to get a winner in the correct region, BTW, so the only course of action is a deletion.

2 years ago

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I get most (not all) of the items I give away from Fanatical. The only way to find out if there's a region restriction from them is, before purchasing the bundle, click on a "Will this work in my country?" option, then individually check all 236 (I believe that's the number of "regions" but I could be wrong) one at a time... for all the games I'm getting in the bundle. Do you have any idea how long that would take? I do check a few, but I have never found one that had any sort of restriction. So, I don't put region lock on my giveaways, but I do mention "to the best of my knowledge, none of the games from these bundles have any sort of regional restrictions." That way, if there does turn out to be, the winner knows I didn't do it on purpose.

2 years ago

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All you really need to do is leave a comment on the GA page saying that you agree to the deletion of the Giveaway.

2 years ago

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  • To delete a giveaway, barring special circumstances, consent by both GA creator and winner is required. Note that deletion approval is not required to be provided. While it's generally the respectful, polite thing to do, there may be cases where you believe the GA creator was trolling with his giveaway, and you may not feel a deletion is warranted. Leaving the giveaway open may also encourage the GA creator to provide the key later on.

    Further, GA creators often offer "bribes" [read: another steam key, usually a low value one] in exchange for agreeing to the deletion, and you may have the belief a certain giveaway warrants such a response. At the same time, you may not in any way encourage those, due to the site's no solicitation rule, so do be aware of that. Again, the respectful, polite thing to do is to agree to deletions whenever possible, and that's very much something that you'll be appreciative of when it's reciprocated on your giveaways in the future. I very much encourage that approach when possible.

    Again, you do not, however, have to agree to the deletion if you do not wish to, and there may be benefits to you if you go down that path. At the same time, however, you're locking yourself out of entering for that same game for the duration, as the GA creator can simply push for a deletion if you win the giveaway elsewhere, and you're setting yourself up for some karmic response from a community that generally views accepting a GA creator's circumstances as the responsible thing to do (when clear intent of misuse isn't shown), and doesn't take well to implied extortion or unwarranted harassment to GA creators (of which you'd be choosing to leave a visible record of).

  • To process the deletion, the GA creator puts in a support ticket, including either a link to a screenshot of the winner confirming approval or to a comment on SG by the winner confirming the approval. The preferred method by staff is for winners to comment directly in the giveaway, when possible, so that the comment is easily accessible and verifiable.

  • Directly referencing a user in the forums (such as by linking to their giveaway, as you've done in your thread here) for a matter that could be perceived as negative, based on information that is not publically available (eg, any information that is not either their SG or their Steam profiles, available through an official public statement, or present or hinted at by that individual within the same discussion that a comment is being made in reply to) can be considered as "calling out" and can get you a 2 suspension for inappropriate behavior.

    This is based on a previous, stricter rule which doesn't seem to be in the guidelines anymore (replaced by "If you notice a user not following our guidelines, do your best to politely explain our rules with relevant links or quotes to our guidelines when appropriate. If they do not take action or deny any wrongdoing, please submit a user report ticket so we can take action if necessary"), but it's a rule that does still seem to be enforced.

    As the giveaway in question is not important to the outcome of your question, it'd be best to remove it from your thread, in respect of those expectations.
2 years ago*

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I suggest you to agree with the deletion. His reason is better than those who unsure if the key of the game that they want to giveaway is working or not. Then, they expect us to agree with the deletion of the giveaway if the key is not working.

2 years ago

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As soon as you voice your consent to delete, you're done. The rest is up to the creator and support.

2 years ago

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Closed 2 years ago by Warriot.