It is an awesome concept, though I wish there were a few limited filters on it (I.E. certain level ranges, or maybe evolutionary stage).

Anyway, how many scatterbugs and luvdiscs do you have so far. (I won't re-gift, so my box is getting pretty full) I'm up to 5 scatterbug and $ luvdisc.

My best so far has been a freshly hatched charmander, and a Bunnelby with pokerus.

Edit: Another Luvdisc, but i also got a Froakie woot.

Just found a Female Pupitar, Time to start breeding Larvitars to send out.

1 decade ago*

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I actually haven't done any Wonder Trades yet. I did see a hilarious screenshot of one though. Guy got a Combee named "Regrets" that was caught with a Master Ball.

1 decade ago

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Know those Scatterbugs? Those are almost made for Wonder Trades. In fact? They probably were made for it. I'll explain.

Every single Scatterbug evolves into Vivillon at Level 12. Vivillon has different patterns on it, depending on where that trainer was registered. That means that if you evolve a Scatterbug from Japan? It will have a different pattern on it than one caught in the UK, for example. Don't just put them in a box, Put one in your party with EXP Share on! Couple of battles later, you've got a new Vivillon, and a new pattern!

1 decade ago

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Wait, really? It's not got random patterns like my FlabΓ©bΓ© collection (still trying to catch a blue one...)?

Of course, if Bulbapedia would ever fucking release the editing lock, people would have a good source of information.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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There's your problem. Use Serebii, It's a lot more in-depth than Bulbapedia. The layout can take some getting used to, but it is ultimately better.

1 decade ago

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In terms of stats, it seems about the same for the most part. Better in some places, worse in others. I like the site's speed, but Bulbapedia has plenty of other things that'll keep me going there.

1 decade ago

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WT are awesome, I have been sending freshly hatched Charmanders for the last 40 minutes, and I've received a bunch of pokes I didn't have, including a Xerneas! :)

1 decade ago

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Who the hell puts a Legendary through Wonder Trade? I think someone's mother was pissed.

1 decade ago

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I haven't done any yet myself, but my brother's best ones have been a Fennekin and a Larvesta. Worst ones have been Scatterbugs and Pidgeys.

1 decade ago

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I usually only send out Noibats. They are awesome.

1 decade ago

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Got quite interesting pokemons through WT though I normally send either pokemons that evolve through trading or hidden ability starters that I've bred/ caught in Friend Safari. That is unless I get junk which I resend through WT immediately. Strangely, all korean pokemon I get through WT are eevees.

1 decade ago

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Got some hatchlings, Route 2 mons, and some 40s/50s from WT.

1 decade ago

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I ended up getting a goomie during my 2nd trade, nothing too interesting yet but working on getting my false swipper up.

1 decade ago

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Been using the wonder trade a lot myself. I like when I get a scatterbug because the Vivillion wings look different depending on where in the world it came from. I've been sending out a mix of the typical crap and some awesome stuff like starters with pokerus. Last night I sent a level 1 mareep and got a level 90 Sylveon (that HAD to have been a fuck up on their part....). Kinda wanna mass trade Pumpkaboos for Halloween ;)

I definitely agree there should be a level range filter but the thing about that is you are trading instantly with someone else who is using the feature at that exact moment.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Bobdamek.