Forgive my total noobness, but I have like...three Steam Coupons that I'd like to get rid of, I see that they are tradeable but not 'sellable' like cards. Does this mean I have to accept something for them? How/where do I set up trades since I can't find any ideas/links from the coupons themselves?

Ideally, I'd like to just give them to some one who wants them. If anyone could dumb it done for my stupid brain that doesn't work properly, I'd be very grateful!

The coupons I have are:

-20% off Beholder 2 Ends 11-Dec
-20% off Rapture Rejects 13 Dec
-25% off Treasure Hunter Simulator 14 Dec

First to say they want can have (one per person), but this is dependent on me figuring out how to offer them!

5 years ago

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We do have an official thread for giving away coupons to each other!

And here's a quote from the Steam Support FAQ that will probably help you:

Can I give my coupon to another Steam user?

Absolutely. You can send your Steam Coupons to another user through Steam Trading. The user receiving the coupon does not have to send anything in return to complete a Steam Trade.

5 years ago

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Oh thank you so much! It's been so long since I read the FAQ I don't remember that part at all! Thanks, I'll close this thread and use the other!

5 years ago

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Closed 5 years ago by Wonderwhatif.