Welcome to the OFFICIAL Coupon Thread!

This is the OFFICIAL coupon thread,approved by the Lady himself! It is advised to stop making so many coupon threads,and instead,put it on this one BIG thread,to help keep the forum more tidy! Every time I get a coupon I'm not interested in,I will post my own list,and update it frequently! You can also give away your own coupons,because hey,why the hell not?

If you have a coupon,please use the format below.


Name of Game(Number of Copies) /% Off/ Expiration Date

For Example :

Portal 2(x2) / 50% Off / October 31st 2013

Here is my current list of coupons I have.feel free to ask!


Thanks for Reading,I hope this helps make the forum a more organized place

1 decade ago*

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Were you aware the dates shown are based on your timezone? I could give the 23rd for my one, and yet it would expire on the 22nd for many people.

Evoland / 50% Off / 12 hours

1 decade ago

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Yeah but I couldn't really figure out how to implement it without making it seem really cluttered. Have any suggestions?

1 decade ago

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Unfortunately not. I'll just dump the remaining hours on mine though, since it is near expiration.

1 decade ago

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Just write your timezone behind?

1 decade ago

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  • Dream Pinball 3D / 90% OFF / Oct 28th
  • Zeno Clash II / 33% OFF / Way over 2014
  • Toki Tori 2 / 10% OFF / Also waaaay over 2014
1 decade ago

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hi i am interested in the dream pimbal if it s still available

1 decade ago

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hey, im intrested in zeno clash II

4 years ago

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Two Worlds II / 75% / Oct 31

Deadlight / 50% / Oct 31

Eversion / 66% / Oct 31

Faerie Solitaire / 90% / Nov 2

1 decade ago

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Hi,man.Can I have Two WOrlds coupon?I really like this game!Can give something in return

9 years ago

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Anyone have an audiosurf coupon?

Droid Assault / 75% Off / October 24th 2013

Krater / 90% off / October 26th 2013

Eversion / 66% off / November 4th 2013

The Binding of Isaac / 33% off / November 4th 2013

The Bridge / 33% off / November 4th 2013

1 decade ago

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Hi . Can you give me binding of isaac coupon plz !?

1 decade ago

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Gorky 17 // 66% OFF // November 1st

Enclave // 50% Off // November 3rd

Foul Play // 33% Off // November 16th

1 decade ago

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Toki Tori 2+ (x2) / 10% Off / July 11th 2014

1 decade ago

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Have pic related
Except Jack Orlando

1 decade ago

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Thank you sire, for that Jacque Orlandeau. ^_^

1 decade ago

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Foul Play (2x) // 33% Off // Sat Nov 16 2013 08:59:00 GMT+0100
Jack Orlando // 90% Off // Thu Nov 07 2013 02:35:52 GMT+0100

1 decade ago

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If you still have Jack Orlando, I wouldn't mind taking that one, thanks!

Edit: Thanks!

1 decade ago

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AaAAAAA!!! for the Awesome (1x) / 66% Off / November 4th 2013

1 decade ago

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Thank you for making this thread, Moondra. Makes things simple. c: Anywho, here's mine:

  • Pressure / 90% Off / Sat Nov 16 (GMT -0800)
1 decade ago

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  • Salvation Prophecy / 50% Off / Nov 12
  • Euro Truck Simulator 2 / 50% Off / Nov 15
  • Gorky 17 / 90% Off / Nov 17
  • Dream Pinball 3D / 90% Off / Nov 17 - GIVEN AWAY
  • Droid Assault / 75% Off / Nov 17
  • Two Worlds: Epic Edition / 75% Off / Nov 17
  • Serious Sam Double D XXL / 75% Off / Nov 17
1 decade ago

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Can u get me Serious Sam Double D XXL / 75% Off / Nov 17?

1 decade ago

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Can you give me the gorky 17 please? ^^

1 decade ago

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  • Shadow Warrior/10% Off/ Nov 27
  • Space Engineers/25%/ Nov 6
  • Volgarr the Viking(3)/25%/ nov 16
  • Toki Tori 2/10%/ Jul 11
  • Foul Play(4)/33%/nov 16
  • Space Engineers/25%/ nov 6
  • Zeno Clash II(2)/33%/ Mar 4
1 decade ago

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Volgar / 25% off / Nov 14
Foul Play / 33% off / Nov 14

1 decade ago

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These have expiration date of Nov 08

Twin Sector / 50% off
Enclave / -75% off
Hamiltons Great Adventure / 75% off
Beatbuddy: Tale of the Guardians / -66% off / x3
KnightShift / -75% off / x2
Jack Orlando Director's Cut / -75% off
Two Worlds II / -90% off
Talisman: Prologue / -50% off
God Mode / -25% off
Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion / -66% off
Hamiltons Great Adventure / -90% off
Alan Wake's American Nightmare / -50% off / x3
Two Worlds II / -75% off
Earth 2160 / -75% off
Two Worlds: Epic Edition / -90% off
Frozen Synapse / -75% off
Deadlight / -50% off
Dungeon Hearts / -25% off
Hammerwatch / -33% off

These have expiration date Nov 15

Euro Truck Simulator 2 / -50% off
Jagged Alliance 2 - Wildfire / -90% off
Two Worlds II: Castle Defense / -90% off
Gorky 17 / -90% off
Titan Attacks / -75% off
Ion Assault / -66% off
Pressure / -90% off
Enclave / -75% off / 2x
Hamiltons Great Adventure / -75% off
Pressure / -75% off
Sequence / -50% off
Twin Sector / -50% off
The Bridge / -66% off
Sins of Solar Empire: Rebellion / -66% off
Volgarr the Viking / -25% off
Foul Play / -33% off

1 decade ago

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man, can u get me the two worlds 2 and the two worlds epic edition 90% ones?

1 decade ago

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Sure, no problem.

1 decade ago

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Any chance I could get the 90% Hamilton's Adventure one?

1 decade ago

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Sure, just add me

1 decade ago

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Alright sent a friend request. Thank you again.

1 decade ago

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If you still have the Jagged Alliance one, I would love to have that, please.

Edit: Thanks!

1 decade ago

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I'm new here. Where and how can someone use those coupons?
Can you give me please the "The Bridge" coupon?

Kind regards!

1 decade ago

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If you still have the Gorky 17 one, would you please send it my way? Thanks!

1 decade ago

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still need the game? ;-)

7 years ago

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hey, can u give me "Euro Truck Simulator 2 / -50% off"

1 decade ago

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Could I have the beatbuddy one and the bridge one please?:)

1 decade ago

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I'd love the Hammerwatch and Frozen Synapse coupons! Thanks, Sir!

1 decade ago

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Hello Can i have the Two World II: Castle defense coupon? Thanks

7 years ago

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from a 3 year old post, really?

7 years ago

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I guess I forgot to look at the date before posting.

7 years ago

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Sorrry but the list is kind of expired :P

I will submit new soon

7 years ago

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Ok. Thanks.

7 years ago

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anyone has binding of isaac coupouns? :D

1 decade ago

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Euro Truck Simulator 2 / 50% Off / NOV 14

Earth 2160 / 75% Off / NOV 15

GMT - 0800 PST.

1 decade ago

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  • 90% OFF Enclave Valid until Mon Nov 18 2013 12:30:36 GMT+0100 TRADED
  • 50% OFF Nihilumbra Valid until Mon Nov 18 2013 12:27:34 GMT+0100
  • 50% OFF Electronic Super Joy Valid until Tue Nov 12 2013 08:34:54 GMT+0100 TRADED
  • 66% OFF Defender's Quest: Valley of the Forgotten Valid until Mon Nov 11 2013 14:56:34 GMT+0100
  • 50% OFF Nuclear Dawn Valid until Mon Nov 11 2013 10:36:32 GMT+0100
  • 50% OFF Delve Deeper Valid until Mon Nov 11 2013 10:30:14 GMT+0100
1 decade ago

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90% off enclave thanks

1 decade ago

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Sure adding ya.

1 decade ago

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May I have Electronic Super Joy?

1 decade ago

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Sure just give me know when you will be online.

1 decade ago

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  • 33% OFF Foul Play
  • 50% OFF Magicka
  • 50% OFF Booster Trooper
  • 50% OFF Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition
  • 75% OFF Knightshift
  • 75% OFF Enclave
  • 90% OFF Dream Pinball 3D
1 decade ago

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Foul Play / 33% OFF / 16 November 2013

Not asking for anything for it. I have zero interest in the title.

1 decade ago

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1 Garry's MOD / 50% off / Sun Nov 17 2013 20:20:33 GMT+0100

1 No time to explain / 50% off / Mon Nov 18 2013 08:57:32 GMT+0100

1 Jack Orlando Director's Cut / 75% off / Nov 18 2013 15:13:09 GMT+0100


any Trading cards

Codemasters coupons

1 decade ago

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This is not a trading forum. If you want to trade the coupons, please post on SteamTrades.com You are risking getting banned here.

1 decade ago

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Zeno Clash II / 33% OFF / 4th of March 2014 i will give it to you for free

1 decade ago

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if anyone got a 75%+ off truck simulator 2 i will take it ^_^ here are mine ones


1 decade ago

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Two Worlds: Epic Edition / 90% Off / November 12
Dream Pinball 3D / 90% Off / November 12
Gorky 17 / 90% Off / November 13
Enclave / 90% Off / November 13
Droid Assault / 75% Off / November 12
Delve Deeper / 66% Off / November 13
Nihilumbra / 50% Off / November 15
Alan Wake's American Nightmare / 50% Off / November 18

Comment if you want any of these, they're free

1 decade ago

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I would like to have the Two Worlds and Gorky 17 ones, please :)

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Thanks again!

1 decade ago

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Could I get the Enclave 90% off one? :)

1 decade ago

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Sure, I just added you

1 decade ago

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Starvoid | 66% Off | November 13th 2013
Foul PLay (x2) | 33% Off | November 16th 2013 (x2)
Toki Tori +2 | 10% Off | July 11th 2014
Awesomenauts: Volgarr the Viking | 25% off | November 16th 2013

1 decade ago

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PSA: Trading is NOT allowed here.

1 decade ago

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