steam really needs to make not giving away free keys for votes a condition of listing on greenlight. system is completely broken which is why we end up with games like gearcrack arena and grass simulator. its a joke.
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Valve has really missed the point of Steam on this one.
Volvo pls start reevaluating introducing customers in the whole decisionmaking
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I disagree - customer choice in which indi games get on steam is a great idea. Its the buying of peoples votes with free keys that is the problem. Without the promise of free keys, they games that are actually worth playing and show the most promise will be the ones that make it.
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I don't see the problem with that... I mean the only really interested people with the game will get a copy and then the game will get stuck in the store selling nothing,..because msot of this games are pretty bad... Yeah it will be one game uselees in the store but it doesn't annoy me XD
The problem will be if after they get greenlight they don't give a shit to the people, what could happen.l
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Can we stop criticizing the simulator games now? It's just hilarious now. We vote for these games (or non-games, in Rock Watching Simulator's case) to either: A. Prove a point to Steam to show them Greenlight is no longer taken seriously by many people, or B. Because we love grass and rock watching and we can't find anything better to do then play these exquisite AAA titles. 10/10, will play. #grasssim #nextgen
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d) for the possibility of a promised free key once title has been greenlit. This is the problem. Fix this and quality control takes care of the rest automatically.
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if people vote for it for a free key instead of on any merit of the game itself that is the problem. wake up.
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Well, if you want a good, non-bs plantlife game check Reach for the Sun
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............There goes our gaming industry, filled with retarded "simulators" and other such garbled up garbage. I remember when people used to make actual games.
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You mean those good old games like Fallout NV? Man those were the days.
grabs walking stick
People still make actual games....
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These pieces of simple software that some dare to call "Games" are one of the worst things that happened to gaming since the introduction of DRM... They're simply mocking the effort of REAL game developers by putting the price tag that has no real value in it... Imagine that Goat Simulator costs almost the same as some really really advanced and complex games, and thanks to what? Thanks to people who think it's "funny"...
And also, what the hell is there to "simulate" in looking at a rock or a bunch of cloned trees!? Heck, there's even more realism in many ARCADE games from early 2000s
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Complexity doesn't always equal good. Realism doesn't always equal good.
Frankly, I think people like you are the worst thing to happen to gaming. If you can't see the simple fun to be found in a game like Goat Simulator, and actually JUDGE the people who enjoy it and JUDGE the people who made it... then you really are offering nothing to anyone. You're one step away from being one of those people sending death threats to developers because they added multiplayer to a single player franchise. Whiny, pushy, bitchy and unreasonable... if you aren't already.
Comment has been collapsed. there even a price on this, it could very well be free or 2 bucks, your a bit early here....
Can't really compare a 3 minute comedy sketch to Titanic....
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^^^ This, although without the vulgarity and superciliousness.
If someone is willing to make "Rock Simulator," and someone else is willing to buy it, you may as well let them do so. Any product or service that can't turn a profit will disappear with time.
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I was using it as an example, but my point still stands. If someone is willing to pay for something, someone else will make money selling it.
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I love the word "superciliousness", it deserves to see the light more often.
That is all.
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To be fair, they never planned on releasing goat sim as a full game and it was just going to be a silly trailer. People begged them for it.
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Here's a better one:
Make a Demo in RPG Maker, gets some fools to give you over $5000 on Kickstarter based on nothing but a short video clip, take the money and disappear.
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Gotta say, I wish I had 5 grand at 16, he must be doing something right.
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and all it takes such a game (rock or tree simulator) is one 'vote for us and get a key!' topic. thats why i hate those, people will go for anything as long as its free.
steam really could use some quality control. i mean sure there are good games and bad ones, but for gods sake tree/rock/grass/etc simulators shouldnt even be considered games...
lets strip old games of all features, and make every feature its own game? sword simulator - fulfill your dream and become a ... sword? Dragon armor simulator? hell i already have idea for grass simulator sequel - flowers simulator.
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lets help this one with its greenlight campaign !
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Someone mitght voted because he/she wanted to try it. The games from greenlight can be deleted, right?
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Let Steam greenlit it, it wont sell, then Steam know better! I HAVE SPOKEN!
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Masonic finnish line " I have spoken!" ??? fuck you masons #!%#!%#! die in pain and agony !
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I would actually support Rock Simulator IF and ONLY IF they actually include erosion by wind and water, geological cycles, season changes, etc, with a fast forward button of course. Then you could see rocks erode away, or you could start at a volcano or subduction zone, etc. Like Universe Sandbox, only with rocks and geology instead.
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My idea for a new game: Steam Greenlight Simulator 2014!
To win the game: Spend several years making a fun, balanced, mostly bug-free game, marketing carefully, and trying not to go broke as you debate the pros and cons of bundling for greater awareness and quicker but lower profits, while anxiously waiting and hoping for the final payoff. It may take years of playing, adding new features and building up a fanbase, but eventually you just might win the game!
Alternatively: Put up whatever you want, maybe an old programming class project where you press space bar to jump rope, or some virtual ducks in a pond that you can feed 8 different kinds of bread crumbs - then offer free Steam keys when Greenlit. Congrats, you won the game!
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