This year, I promised myself not to spend more than 10€ during the Summer Sale (excluding the gifts :P ) and as stated in the title, I'm looking for some good oldschool(-ish?) roguelikes or dungeon crawlers. However, I'm not really familiar with the genre, so I'd prefer to buy something, uhm... demanding and complex, but also not that hard to get into for a beginner. Thanks in advance and sorry for any mistakes that I may have made - mah 'nglish ain't as good as it once was :P

10 years ago*

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my top 3:

10 years ago

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I still play Nethack, from time to time. Back in the day, Nethack, Urogue, and Moria were the shiznit. There was more "game" crammed into those simple programs than many of today's titles seem to manage.

10 years ago

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FTL is pretty fun.

10 years ago

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risk of rain and FTL

10 years ago

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The binding of isaac no doubt. ftl also good

10 years ago

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Dungeon Crawlers
Might and Magic X of course
Paper Sorcerer is another nice cheap dungeon crawler

Delver is a first person dungeon crawler rougelite, not demanding or complex, just fun.

Desktop Dungeons
Dungeons of Dredmor.
Neo Scavanger is a greate roguelie that has not gotten the popularity it deserves. Seriously one of the best I've ever played.

10 years ago

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Dungeons of dredmor is close to the oldschool roguelikes and not too hard to get into

10 years ago

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+1 for Dredmor! Great game and considering the Complete Edition (2 extra DLC packs) is only $2.93 on Steam it's a crazy good deal.

10 years ago

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Sword of the Stars: The Pit is $1.79 on Steam.

For an even better deal, the Gold Edition with 2 DLC packs is $1.79 on Amazon.

10 years ago

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+1 for SotS:TP

10 years ago

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The binding of isaac will go on sale for like $1 im sure + the dlc for another $1 its great

10 years ago

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By "old'school" I assume you mean turn-based? I haven't played many but here are some on my wish list:

Dungeon of the Endless,
Quest of Dungeons.

If you don't mind real time rogue-likes then try:

Rogue Legacy,
Pixel Boy and the Ever Expanding Dungeon,
Legend of Dungeon.

And if you want really old-school try Fatal Labyrinth. Steam sells it alone or else as part of the Sega Genesis Classics Pack 2.

10 years ago

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For dungeon crawlers, I'd recommend any of the Dungeon Siege, FATE, Torchlight, or TitanQuest games.

10 years ago

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those are hack'n'slash games

10 years ago

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Hack'n'slash = Dungeon crawler.

10 years ago

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The Binding of Isaac, FTL, i recently got One Way Heroic, seems fun, but didn't tried it yet ($0.87)

10 years ago

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Grimrock is the only option. :)

10 years ago

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Agreed. It's an amazing game.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Rouge is a type of makeup you put on your face. Rogue is a classic video game that spawned off many imitators.

10 years ago

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I only put purple on my face

edit : notice the image. Of course I know it's "rogue". English isn't my first language so I can differentiate rouge and rogue, just like I know the difference between then and than, affect and effect, their and they're... :-P

10 years ago

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eye twitch

10 years ago

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Tales of Maj'Eyal seems to fit what your looking for perfectly.

10 years ago

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Noteworthy dungeon crawlers:

Legend of Grimrock - I'm still playing through it, best modern Dungeon crawl atm. Nice for a beginner.

Dungeon Siege 3 can aslo be called a Dungeon crawler in some way, but there's more of an action rpg in it. Personally I love DS3 more than the first two games due to a rather solid plot and rather interesting characters. Fights can be pretty hard sometimes, but it's a nice start as well.

Dark Souls ONE and TWO games can also be considered a dungeon crawler in some way, but still it's more of a slasher in them. Extremely good games, not too hard to master, but you'll die a lot. Dying here is a way to learn the game. If you beat them - you can beat any game at all.

Severance: Blade of Darkness - same as Dark Souls (even better than Dark Souls in some way). Rather hard fighting system, still considered by many one of the best rpg-slashers of all time.

Arx Fatalis - old school never dies. Beaten it two or three years ago, still a wonderful game. Rather complex magic and quest system, you need to be good at RPG genre in general.

Rune Classic - another case of a slasher, but with a sense of dungeon crawl.

Wizardry series - came out recently on Steam, get a pack of 6,7,8 if you can. Very complex RPG and dialog system.

Might & magic series are classic dungeon crawlers, you can get them on GOG. True old-school, only for pure enthusiast, watch trailers first.

10 years ago

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Tallowmere looks great, but it's not finished yet. On the other hand, you can pink 4 games for 1$ and get desure/DRM free version, + steam key if greenlight. If you only want to play it, this is a great deal :)

10 years ago

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  • Desktop Dungeon - Kind of like minesweeper, but with monsters. Monsweeper! Note, there is a free alpha version.
  • Recettear - Not the main aspect of the game, but it has a solid "inverse tower" dungeon. Personally I recommend getting the bundle if you don't have the other games.
  • Rogue Legacy - Metroidvania Roguelike. Your deaths become a family tree. Demo.
  • Hack Slash Loot - Pretty straight-forward Roguelike. Demo.
  • Realm of the Mad God - Free, more of a shooter than a slasher, but it's definitely a crawler.
  • Spiral Knights - If you can stomach the energy limitations and typical MMO shenanigans, go for it.
10 years ago

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The energy limits were removed not too long ago for Spiral Knights, if I remember right. Still very cash shop heavy though.

10 years ago

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The Facebook-like energy limits is what drove me away from Spiral Knights ages ago. Didn't know they scrapped it.

10 years ago

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+1 on Rogue Legacy

10 years ago

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I can totally recommend Vulture for SLASH'EM or Nethack which is a graphical interface for them. So far I guess have spent hundreds hours on it. You can download it free on their website, but it is also on Greenlight. So everybody looking for an easier accessible Nethack should definetily give it a try!

10 years ago

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Not on steam ( but free ) and not exactly a dungeon crawler ( but you can build a dungeon in fortress mode and then explore it in adventure mode ) but i'd still recommend the excellent Dwarf Fortress.

10 years ago

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"this game meets literally none of your requirements but I'm going to mention it anyway" XD

10 years ago

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it has now playable(!) [not only to view like before] isometric view with stonesense with new starter pack so it's much more easy to start for new people

try it, it can change your world and eat your life ;)

ps. i had to mention it anyway :p

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by Gandalf100000.