
Today i noticed that "x" person blacklisted me, i never saw that user before and never spoke to him either but i got blacklisted anyway so i'm gonna now explain you how to avoid being blacklisted, please notice that it's not easy and if you want to use SG as you usually do this is not a good guide for you (and you will eventually get blacklisted).
In this guide i will be the most neutral has possible, keeping the point-of-view from a giveaway creator and the user that only joins giveaways.

thank you

Did you ever joined a giveaway and forgot to say "thank you"? yeah? well, you are most probably blacklisted by someone sir!
This is the most common reason to blacklist someone, it doens't matter if the giveaway was about a shitty bundle game, they will blacklist you anyway!
"I just have to say "thank you" on each giveaway and i will avoid getting blacklisted, GOT IT!" - WRONG! You will get blacklisted by saying "thank you" anyway, the only way possible to totally avoid it is to say "thank you" + adds, maybe a smile, maybe a cat gif, maybe even both!
"thank you plus adds, GOT IT!" - God Dammit! STFU! You will get blacklisted if you use the same gif or smile at least twice, without saying that you will also get blacklisted if someone dislikes the gif or the smile (that's why i don't use le lenny face anymore).
The point is you MUST say "thank you" in a unique way and put more effort in the comment then in the actual giveaway eveytime with no exceptions otherwise you will be blacklisted, you must also check everyone else's comments to be sure that no one has the same gif as you and avoid more then one person being blacklisted.

Pros Cons
you will not be blacklisted so easily you will not have enough time to join many giveaways

Giveaway OP

There are haters everywhere! If you create a giveaway of a bundle game you may be blacklisted, bundle games are usually indie, indie games are supported by the community, the community ALWAYS has someone against what most people support, someone against the community will blacklist you! This is very rare but can happen to everyone.
"That kinda sucks, but i guess i can giveaway some AAA titles sometimes" - NOPE! All AAA games have haters as well, no game is perfect and you will get blacklisted eventually.
"So i can't giveaway? how am i supposed to level up?" - No giveaways = no haters, you might just want to get a group of friends, create a private giveaway and share the link with them, DO NOT USE REAL FRIENDS some people are jealous and will blacklist you, just gather some truthworthy and nice people from SG forum and try to convince them to do it, NOT WITH PRIVATE GROUPS if someone looks into your profile they will think that you are using fake giveaways to level up and blacklist + report you, also don't create puzzle giveaways, there's always "that guy" asking for hints and crying about it because never solved a puzzle before, if you don't answer he will blacklist you, if you answer someone else will blacklist you, if you avoid giving direct answers he will not understand and add you, begg for mercy, you will eventually give him some very good hints but he still can't solve so he will blacklist you...
The point is being generous will blacklist you and karma is a B word so don't create giveaways to not be blacklisted.

Pros Cons
no one will blacklist you for "shitty giveaways" using other people to increase level might get you blacklisted by them

I'm new here :D

If you are new here avoid being noticed, no one likes new people because they never understand the rules and they will eventually fall.
The Point is go read the FAQ or check the forum often but DO NOT leave any comments, sometimes people are bored and check your profile, they will blacklist you because you are new, you never created a giveaway or just because they are not in the mood.

Pros Cons
if no one find you, no one blacklist you you still have to fail to understand the rules

[Thread] I just won a giveaway! :D

clicky will blacklist you.
The point is STFU about it and you will not be blacklisted.

Pros Cons
100% sure you will not be blacklisted you can't share the happiness you are feeling in the moment

Threads in general...

Threads usually stand to discuss a topic, warn about something or ask people about something, in Discussion Topics there's ALWAYS people that agree and people that don't agree, if you are OP someone that don't agree will blacklist you while someone that agrees might whitelist you BUT if you are not OP just stay away from there, most damage will be done to the people that participate in the thread.
In a Warning Topic if you are OP there's always someone that will find your warning pointless and blacklist you but if you are not OP and you want to leave a comment saying "thank you for the news" try to be as neutral as possible otherwise someone will blacklist you.
In a Question Topic if you are OP play dumb and stay neutral, once you get a answer close the topic that way people will not be able to find you anymore and forget about it, but if you are not OP leave a simple answer going directly to the point, if someone reply you starting a new discussion you failed on going directly to the point, someone will disagree and blacklist you.
The point is don't create threads and don't comment on any thread, you must be a robot with no opinion or feelings.

Pros Cons
you will not be blacklisted so easily you will eventually lose all your humanity and destroy the world


SteamGifts have trades section (RIP steamtrades) and since the domain is now the same a lot of new people are coming from there but you will ALWAYS get haters from trading and they will blacklist you.
The point is No Trades = No Haters, not the first time someone get -rep'd because of hate, i would not be surprised to see someone get blacklisted from hate.

Pros Cons
you will not be blacklisted from traders no more cheap games or profits for you!

Profile Picture

Many users will dislike your avatar, it doens't matter which one you use, someone will see racism, sexism or anything else on your avatar that makes him disapprove and blacklist you!
"I will use none then..." - Using the base "?" steam profile picture will get you blacklisted because it seems like you are a alt-account.
The point is try to use a profile picture from a game that many people like or from a game that only a few people know about to avoid being blacklisted.

Pros Cons
you will not be blacklisted so easily you can't use the avatar you like / enjoy to use

The point of this thread is...

You will get blacklisted eventually.
The point of the point of this thread is i'm pretty sure someone blacklisted you already, if no one blacklisted until now you might destroy the world someday and haters will try stop you.

Solution to create a thread without being blacklisted by haters

The only way is to create a....


but it must be on the top of your thread because some people can't really see the obvious...

Solution to avoid random blacklists

I'm not sure if this happens but if "x" person can join giveaways from a person that he blacklisted this would make the "list" system kinda unfair, after all if you blacklist someone that means that you don't want to join their giveaways as well.

Thank you!

Thanks to "x" user i made this thread, you all should be pleased for his help!

Feel free to leave any suggestion about how people can blacklist you for no reason

btw me typing this...

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9 years ago*

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Have you unfairly blacklisted someone already?

View Results
yes ^^
no.... jk, yes i did :(
i blacklisted you >:(
i like trains :|

faboitas > I think this topic is great. It shows the absurdity of this feature. I believe autors didn't want it to be like now but why they don't do anything with that now when they can see the consequences of that? I myself delete 90 % of my posts here even before I send them because I get frightened of beeing blacklisted too much.

I think for the beginning, the blacklisting could be two-way at least. So if person A blacklists peson B, then both would not be able to see each other giveaways. Then the bl nazis will always think carefully if they will bl a person for nothing or not. It really sucks that persons who blacklisted you happily go to your GAs.

My guess is that so 90 % of all BLs is just abusing of the original idea of this feature. This feature is the worst evil here.

And BTW welcome to my white list. :)

7 years ago*

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I genuinely don't get the black list hate. No one is entitled to enter your giveaways. The fact remains, that for every copy you give away, there will be one winner. The chance that whoever you black listed would have won a game from you is minuscule anyway, so in the vast majority of cases you're just saving them points. And if they really would have won? Well now someone else did now instead, so you just transferred happiness from someone to someone else, that's a completely neutral act, so, again, not an immoral action in any way.

I mean, do you hate whitelist giveaways too? Because if I have 60 people on my whitelist and make a giveaway just for them, that is the equivalent of blacklisting every single user on this site except those 60 and then making a normal giveaway, so it should be even worse.

If you're giving away a game, that probably means you bought it - at the very least, you own it, it's yours. You have no obligation to offer anyone a chance at it. But you're doing it anyway. You're doing a good and selfless act that will make someone else happy even if you go around blacklisting anyone with too much color in their avatar.

I will concede these points: You should never announce to someone that you've blacklisted them or talk about having done it as if you somehow hurt them and/or are proud of it, that's just lame, and two-way blacklists would be great. Just as you don't have an obligation to give people on your blacklist a chance at winning your game, you don't have an inherent right to enter for their games and frankly, nor should you want to.

But equating blacklisting with nazism or talking about it as if it's some mortal sin - come on, give me a break. People control who can and can't enter their giveaways however they want to. I don't even have a ridiculous number of people on my blacklist or anything - just 57(versus 92 on the white one), most of which were for opposing gay marriage oh and there's that guy that said muslim apostates should be killed. As an apostate myself(though admittedly christian), I hope you'll understand I have no desire to have him ever gain anything from myself? Yet to some people, that would be "blacklisting for having a different opinion" and be somehow bad. I mean, whatever, I haven't even done a proper giveaway in ages(not out of choice, I'm literally just a broke student :( Might gain some money soon, if so, I'll look into it for sure!)... The funny thing is that's somehow more socially acceptable than doing them when you have an over-inflated blacklist.

Anyway, tl;dr, yes people will blacklist you for pretty much anything - it's their choice and their right. That's just life - people will dislike you no matter what you do. The answer isn't to take away their right to dislike you. The answer is to learn to ignore it. I suggest this video by Savannah Brown which I think wonderfully addresses the subject.(The people-disliking-you-for-literally-anything-and-everything thing, not the blacklist thing obviously - Can you imagine if Sav used steamgifts? Now that'd be nice :()

7 years ago

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but do i got kicked off from a ga if someone blacklist me while i'm in?

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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this ruined my evil plans... oh well :/

7 years ago

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it doesn't grant a reroll.
same with whitelists if you are removed from them.

7 years ago

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too bad. at least the automiatic kick would be good...

this blacklist sistem just doesn't work.

7 years ago

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works perfectly fine. if rerolls were granted based on blacklists you could blacklist everyone and pick winners.

7 years ago

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well only under special circumstance... might be a way to spur leechers to no to leech and take part in the community (of course site staff and admins would play a role of controllers).

the thing that bugs me is ninja blacklisters being able to enter in stuff you create. i just spottend one and it's really annoying.

7 years ago

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I would think the best way to avoid getting blacklisted would be to not make an account on SG, then no matter how many haters you have, none of them could blacklist you!

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

7 years ago

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Happy Cake Day!

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Happy cake day!

7 years ago

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I read this thread when I was new here and I still think this is the biggest anti BL document.

7 years ago*

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I think it should be publicly visible who each person blacklists and whitelists plus all their comments. Forget 'destruction of the community' there's no community at all until the bots are purged

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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Agreed +

1 year ago

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i don;t and i would stop using this sight in a second if that happens

i don't want people complaining to me all day asking why i blacklisted them or what the can do to get removed just to be allowed to entered my giveaways and i don't care if people blacklist me

1 year ago

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This doesn't even have a PM system so not sure how they'd do that aside from making comments on the giveaway or threads, plus could allow a block function distinct from a blacklist.

1 year ago

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making comments on the giveaway or threads

You've never experienced people hounding you because you blacklisted them. They would literally stalk all the giveaways and threads I had commented in, and comment on my comments, hoping for reactions. Honestly, it's these people that deserve to be banned, not just blacklisted.

1 year ago

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well put

1 year ago

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Did they do that even after you explained why? I'd think something like "you already won a game from me" or "I didn't like a comment you made" would dissuade most curiosities.

1 year ago

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Why did you blacklist me?

1 year ago

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oh that was a joke correct? because i just checked and can't see your on my blacklist

1 year ago

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Easiest way to avoid blacklist is doing nothing or deleting ur account :)

1 year ago*

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Well, I'm pretty sure I've been unfairly blacklisted at least once, but the rest are probably earned. Still, I'd do it again, you can't speak your mind without compromising your own integrity otherwise.

1 year ago

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Based and +1.

1 year ago

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I was shocked when I got my first blacklist, but then realized it's a 2way street so they're missing out on all my giveaways!
honestly.. it doesn't matter. If someone blacklisting you makes them feel better, they are entitled to that experience.

share, win, play.. that's all we're here for folks! :)

1 year ago

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If it doesn't bother you, how did you find this 8 year old thread? Did you search for guide in discussions?
Necro'ing like this will probably add some blacklists.

My bad, it was late.

1 year ago*

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it was necroed by others above

1 year ago

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well, much like your post/comment I didn't read the timestamp of the posts. It was the thread at the top of the list.

1 year ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

1 year ago

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loving this guide :P. also not everyone is a fan of boobygames or games like genital jousting which got me a BL :) derp just noticed this thread was made 8 years ago which fans arent a fan of necro posters either :D

1 year ago*

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Thanks, you made my day. I got my first blacklists and it kinda hurt me (yeah I was surprised myself to feel that way).
Helped me pu it on perspective ;)

11 months ago

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Ha ha ! Your topic remind me the Rory Breaker’s monologue in the film Lock Stock:

11 months ago

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  1. Never make any comment or statement, ever.
  2. Don't enter anyone's giveaways - winning is a chance to be blacklisted if for some reason the maker doesn't like your username, avatar, ratio, or Steam profile in any way.
  3. Make only AAA unbundled giveaways.

Point 1 and 2 are safe. If you follow them, you'll never be blacklisted. You'll be invisible, unable to participate in the community, but you'll not be blacklisted.
Point 3 is more dangerous than you think. People will enter, and many - thousands. And each of the thousands of non-winners will blacklist you out of anger because you just put the one and only game they wanted that week and they didn't win the game! How you dare!

So follow strictly points 1 and 2 and change point 3 to "don't do giveaways, ever". And that is the real paranoid SG steps to never be blacklisted.

Post any comment, make any statement somewhere, say thanks, don't say thanks, make or enter a giveaway, win or not, have a good or bad ratio; you're bound to be blacklisted sooner or later, even if you're the most kind person on earth.

Found it funny? Black acid humour works because often it's too close to the reality.

11 months ago

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