I'm not asking about delivering the key. There's no real option here. You deliver it, as per site rule, but do you do anything else?

My point here is not about ratio but about users who never bother to thank any GA creator (as is evident by having 0 comments, yet plenty of wins giving enough opportunity to do it). I'm therefore removing the "0 games given" from the title.

Update: Thank you everyone for the great feedback so far. Based some of the comments here what I'm going to do in these cases (winner has many wins, but 0 comments) is send the key + congratulations in email, instead of using this site. If the winner activates the key but doesn't even respond to the mail, then they won't be winning more games from me. The "SOLVED" in the title is a bit tongue-in-cheek, but I really am hopeful that this approach can work better than just blacklisting or ignoring, so thanks again! :-)


8 years ago*

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You have a winner with 20 wins, 0 games given, 0 comments - what do you do after sending the key?

View Results
I blacklist them, as they obviously never thanked any giveaway creator and don't intend to start
I try to contact them in order to give them some constructive criticism, and if I can't, I blacklist them
I just move on
I ask Dan Quayle for advise

Email bomb.

8 years ago

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please refrain ;p

8 years ago

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I send the key, wait until they activated the key + 24 hours longer, then blacklist if the ratio is that bad and the winner is not saying thanks. If they "only" have 20 wins but would say thanks, I probably wouldn't blacklist them (if the rest of the users profile is clean, e.g. no multiple wins / not activated games). On the other hand, if the ratio is 20:20 and they don't say thanks, I'd still blacklist them because that is the worst someone can do.. Not saying thanks ;)

8 years ago

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What's the point of waiting 24 hours if they already won many games but have 0 comments? Didn't they have enough chance to prove that they can thank GA creators. Why would you be the first? ;-)

8 years ago

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There IS a slight chance they realize this is not the way to do it. I remember one person that I blacklisted for said reasons, afterwards he tried to contact me via Steam because he noticed I blacklisted them and he was saying something like he was afraid to write thanks because someone else blacklisted him because he did that (you know those people that don't want comments BEFORE the giveaway ends, kinda like me, but that doesn't count after it ended of course...). Yea IDK. I just want to give them a chance and it doesn't matter much to me if I blacklist them today or tomorrow. Fact is, that I tag every winner with the SG++ plugin and I make notes of them (and the reason why I blacklisted), so it's not like I'd forget or something.

8 years ago

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I absolutely couldn't care less... I don't need someone to give me platitudes, I didn't giveaway the game for thanks. I'm way more on board with the people who give away games to get levels and get more games, than the guy who needs to be thanked. I say 'Thank You' and 'Enjoy the Game!' all the time, but I do so because I like to be extra pleasant. If someone needs that to not blacklist or mistreat me, I'd be inclined to treat them like an asshole because forced pleasantries aren't pleasantries.

Now if you're focused on the fact that they are leechers... Well, c'est la vie. It only takes 1 giveaway to be level 1, and bundles make getting to level 1 so easy that if you are making a level 0 giveaway, you're inviting leechers, plain and simple.

8 years ago

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The point is that it's no fun giving to people who feel entitled or are rude. I think that those who win a lot but never thank are likely to belong to those groups, so it's no fun giving to them either. At least that how I see this.

8 years ago

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But he said nothing entitling or rude, you just like to believe there was something to hate him for.

8 years ago

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I've dealt with plenty of polite entitled people, and as far as I'm concerned, no one's being 'rude' by not thanking someone.

I don't much care for leechers on this site either, since it's so easy to get to level 1, my answer to that is to make level 1+ giveaways. If I don't put a level on my giveaway, it's because I really don't care who gets the game. Again, I'm not giving away games for the thanks.

8 years ago

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People have freedom, right? And no rules ware broken, right? Who I am to judge them? Moving on.

Btw. Can I copy your tips in your giveaways (Very good idea IMHO) for my future giveaways?

8 years ago*

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People have the right to blacklist for any reason. It's not only for breaking the rules.

You are more than welcome to use my tips. Here's the code (taken from this GA) to make things easier:

## Stop and read if you want a better chance to win games!

This giveaway is for a cheap bundled game with ok reviews. There are much better giveaways that the Level 0 users among you are missing out on. Do you want to be able to enter those giveaways, and get a better chance to win games? Here are some tips:

- **Level up.** You can actually do it without spending money. More [here](http://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/cVY8v/no-more-excuses-getting-to-level-1-without-spending-money-a-short-simple-guide).
- **Participate in the [forum](http://www.steamgifts.com/discussions)**. A couple of great reasons to do it:
  - Many of the discussions are not only interesting, but also include additional giveaways. Some in the form of posts with random links to giveaways that are not listed in the Giveaways page (these are called "invite-only giveaways", but anyone who sees the link can enter). Some other giveaways in the form of "trains" (multiple linked giveaways), and finally there are some giveaways which are only accessible if you complete a puzzle. Many of the forum giveaways are for games with great reviews, and the number of entries is typically much lower than public giveaways (those listed on the Giveaways page), providing far better odds. See [this](http://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/plCAy/) thread for more. 
  - If you're opinionated and well versed, some people may add you to their whitelists because of what you write, regardless of the number of giveaways you created (if at all). Whitelist-based giveaways are frequently for unbundled games and have a relatively low number of entries. I have many great people in my whitelist, but those who ended there by writing exceptionally interesting, insightful or helpful posts on the forum can feel especially proud. I know that's how I felt in the few cases people added me for this reason and not for my sent/won ratio.
- **Join giveaway groups.** See [this](http://www.steamgifts.com/discussions/group-recruitment) sub forum for group that recruits new users. In general you may want to contribute some giveaways before applying, as most groups have some requirements for entry.
- **Read giveaway descriptions before entering.** It's not only the polite thing to do, but as an added bonus you may discover some additional giveaways linked in the text. Reading giveaway descriptions is something that you seem to be capable of, if you've reached [this far](http://www.sgtools.info/giveaways/04454f86-e261-11e5-8ad2-04019cc0dc01). 

One last thing: Don't feel obligated to say "thank you", but if you do, please don't post it to all of my giveaways. This would result in too many notifications which are difficult for me to go through. Posting in one giveaway is perfectly fine.

Good luck and have fun!

Feel free to modify of course as you see fit :-)

8 years ago*

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Of course, thank you very much.

8 years ago

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Hey Yirg, my answer is only for 50% on your poll.

I move on and use SGTools.

I have 79 users on my blacklist and if I would blacklist for ratio I would have most probably 790 users on my blacklist.

The functionality of SGTools is so good and varied that I can easily weed out the users with ratio and stats mentioned in your original post.


I now understand the question fully, If the winners of one of my giveaways fails to say/post a thank you then after a couple of days I blacklist them and block them on Steam.

Saying/posting a simple thank you preferably in the giveaway thread of the game they won only takes 20 seconds tops, it's common sense and good manners/education 101, It's costless and painless, you don't have to be a rocket scientist and it avoids taking things for granted or be too entitled or to think that it's beneath them to say/post a simple thank you.

8 years ago*

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I think I may have phrased the title poorly, because my point is not about ratio but about users who never bother to thank any GA creator (as is evident by having 0 comments, yet plenty of opportunity to do it).

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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Oh, good to see you.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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Joining 1 hour, or from this forum giveaways, with not many entries sure is helping much. Also I finally learned to distribute my points better. And here are the results. Thank you. Are you planning to do another contest for level 0s in couple of the next months? Asking as I would be interested to throw one or two titles to sponsorship pool then.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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No offense taken.

Do you also have no issue with people who actively interact with GA creator in an entitled or rude way? Because not thanking after winning, in my opinion, comes from similarly minded people who are just too lazy to be active.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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Do you at least WAIT ONE WEEK before delivery?????? (Since this would seem to bother you...)

8 years ago

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No, I deliver immediately. Deliberately delaying is something that I would only do if the winner would try to rush me.

8 years ago

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i would just move on and i wouldnt blacklist cause he wouldnt say thank you or cause his ratio is bad really bad (some people may strugle with money and maybe even 1 euro for them is a big deal who knows( The part that would sting a litle bit is the part he wouldnt say a thank you to make it feel like i given away a present to a person and not to a bot but thats just me many dont care for thank you from the winner

8 years ago

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Just move on,next time remember to set the level requirements or use sgtools,there's much more important things in life to spend time on.

8 years ago

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Neither Level restriction nor SGTools can filter out users with 0 comments (and thus users who never thanked any giveaway creator).

8 years ago

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Blacklist ofc!? one does not simply move on if persona is ungreatful

8 years ago

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i would be more bothered if the guy was lvl 0 after a year [or 2-3-4] though as it is quite simple to get to level 1 not obligated of course :) but i do enjoy making lvl 0 giveaways as well and 98% of my blacklist are serial regifters i find it hard to BL people for a bad ratio as i dont consider mine good either but when i look at myself when i was lvl 0-1 i wasn't the most perfect candidate either. And leechers u will find on all levels. But eventhough i dont BL for it i can understand why people would and in the end its up to the person what he/she wants to do with his/her BL /WL but that just my opinion :). I have blacklisted people for not saying ty after they won a giveaway though [happened maybe once or twice* ] or when they tried to scam me out of a giveaway game they won.

8 years ago*

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I'd move on.
Maybe they thanked the GA creators on Steam, maybe not. I probably wouldn't bother to investigate it any further.

8 years ago

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For some people marking the game as received equals a thanks, may be the case they don't understand a word in English and just try to win some games by following a tutorial they found on some forum.
If you really expect a feedback from the winner then maybe try to ask for one in the GA description but, imho, a forced comment is as good as no comment at all.

8 years ago

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That's interesting feedback. Thanks for sharing. I didn't consider the possibility that they think marking as received is a form of thank you (like on some forums).

8 years ago

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Nothing. I don't even check my winners usually. Leeching by itself is something I don't consider "bad" necessarily. I'd rather give my game to someone who's too poor to buy his own, or whose mom doesn't give them Steam money to buy games for themselves or for giving away, than someone who buys lots of games, gives away some, and wins games only for cards, and never plays them. Of course there are people who are just perfect in every way, like giving away a lot, and playing the games they win, but I see no reason to be elitist about it.

8 years ago

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I like how you think.

8 years ago

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I think I may have phrased the title poorly, because my point is not about ratio but about users who never bother to thank any GA creator (as is evident by having 0 comments, yet plenty of opportunity to do it).

8 years ago

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It would be a little odd, but I can't be sure they're being asses about it. They could be some kid from a poor country who can't even speak English, and barely know how this site works, and have no idea what's expected here as good manners...

8 years ago

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It depends on you ~
You can blacklist and move on
or just do nothing like I always do .
Because Steamgift is meant to GIFT.
Anyone who enters this site has a chance to win a game, of course they should pass 100$ value account test.
The Contribution Level only gives you high chances to win better game and increases your winning rates.
So I don't mind if someone never give a game and always takes.

Actually at first I don't give either .
But I WIN games, I am so happy that I decide to make some myself.
And I won't say I am a giver since there are so many REAL givers out there who contribute much more than me.
Also a lot of game I give is from bundles,
But I enjoy the process ,
I think that's most important part being in this community.
: )

8 years ago

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Some people came to the site to win games, some for share there games.
The first Kind of people may be poor or can't buy game (for any reason).
The second kind of people have a lot of spare keys they want to share.
So, why do you care who win the game? you always can do giveaways with level requirement!

8 years ago

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I fully accept that some people can't give, which is why most of my giveaways are Level 0. However, everyone can say a simple thank you after they win.

A level requirement doesn't filter out users with 0 comments (and as a result users who never thanked any GA creator).

8 years ago

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I personally would congratulate the guy, then wait to see if he does giveaways....maybe he doesn't have spending money, not everyone can spend money on games you know.

edit: Did you mean Quayle from Baldur's Gate?

View attached image.
8 years ago*

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Your first point makes me think it might be interesting to start sending keys to such users in email (also congratulating them on the win), and then see if they bother respond.

And no, the poll option is about Dan "Potatoe" Quayle

8 years ago

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I remember an old, now defunct giveaway site called "Gala Giveaways", where you had to send the winner's game key by email, with a congratulations message. Typically, I always responded to the key sender by email, and thanked them profusely.

Here on SG, that sort of friendly gamer culture is mostly not present. But a few people here do ask GA winners to leave a "thank you" message on the GA page.

8 years ago

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Yeah. It's a shame that Gala Giveaways had its own set of issues.

8 years ago

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You are a really good nature person Yirg! even your vibe on a selfie thread in Vilnius looks like Michael Myers, you have a warm heart.
You care about community, you have nice ratio, you give guidance for newbies, you make contributions on a special giveaway thread for people who never win and right now you care for level 0 user and make public giveaway for them.

I'm glad my first win is from great people like you.
To answer the question I choose move on.

8 years ago

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Looks in selfie thread to find out what you're talking about
Crushes a little

He kind of looks like my favorite Star Trek character...

View attached image.
8 years ago

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what would i do.....?

View attached image.
View attached image.
View attached image.
8 years ago

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If you don't like that someone like him won your giveaway, sorry but it was your fault. I really hate these kind of posts that only creates segregation and starts the same stupid arguments over and over again (come on, how many similar threads are there already?). Also imho this post is very close to be considered calling out. Yirg, you should give example as a very active user and don't create these kind of posts :C

8 years ago

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Actually, I got some really interesting ideas so far in this thread (hence, the SOLVED in the title) so it was a worthwhile exercise for me, and hopefully for others. What I'm planning to start doing now is not blacklist but send such users the key + congratulations in an email. Only if they activate and don't bother to respond they'll be added to the list.

I think I have too many giveaways for a post without names to be considered calling out, but I could be wrong.

8 years ago*

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I think you need to add some clarification, because apparently almost everyone thinks that you talking about her/his win. And I think it's quite normal to say at least a thank you when you get something.
But actually, I've noticed that some people here do this rarely and no matter the level -I am talking about public giveaways. But for the moment i did not, blacklist no one so far for that, I just hope that in real life they are not the same.

8 years ago

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I added a clarification to the OP. Hopefully it's sufficient.

8 years ago

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when you made giveaway did you expect them to return the favor?
as for me I don't mind if they didn't say 'thanks', but if they do I'll really happy.
beside I think many of them who say thanks just want to get into their whitelist.
I'll never put them on blacklist just because they don't say thanks. even after win. its not against the rules right?

8 years ago

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NOTHING!!!!! He my be a dick, but he didn't break any site rules. If you don't want to give a game to a guy who you think doesn't deserve to get one, you just put a level requirement on your giveaway and that's that. Sure, you can blacklist him, but if you keep making giveaways like this, there'll always be others. You can keep blacklisting them, but...what will that achieve in the long run? They still get the prizes, don't they? Also, how do you know he never gave thanks for a win? Maybe he thanked the people in private when he received the keys. Just cause he didn't leave a comment thanking someone for a giveaway? That's bullshit. I don't write such comments either... They're absolutely POINTLESS, as far as I'm concerned

8 years ago

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I saw your opinion about say thanks. But..but what if the winner say thanks on giveaway owner's Steam profile? honestly I do that on every winning of mine, if somehow the comment section on Profile page is locked, I turn back here and comment on giveaway page. I think that Steam profle is something more polite and proper :)

8 years ago

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That's a good point, but in my case comments are enabled so I wouldn't know how frequent it is. It's also why I never add such comments on other people's profiles and always use the GA itself.

8 years ago

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I would check if he/she played those games/made some achievements :) I don't really care if somebody say thanks or not :) But if i see that somebody have 0 GA, no comments at all and have only idled games to get cards... Then i would like to give bigger chances to people who actually would like to play games :)
Not like opinion of a leech like me matter :D

8 years ago

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