With so many option available I was curious what the browser people preferred. Many people seem not to care or realize that Microsoft, Google, or any one of a dozen other people track their browsing habits. While the tracking can make it convenient for the browser to "learn" where you like to go but at what cost to privacy? Some people really like their privacy and are going as far as only browsing while using a VPN. My search for a better browser and search engine came after I found out that Bing and Google still track you even if you have in private browsing on. I did finally decide to try a few different browsers and I wanted to see other suggestions. I would also like the browser to still be useful as some of the more secure ones seem feature light.

6 years ago

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What is your favorite internet browser?

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Other: Waterfox

6 years ago

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Brave is great on mobile, on desktop I prefer Firefox. Privacy on the web.. now that is a deep, deep rabbit hole.. depending on who is your "privacy threat".

6 years ago*

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Vivaldi, but I still use Chrome.

6 years ago

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I've been using firefox for the best part of a decade now

6 years ago

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Firefox since 57. Switched from Chrome which is now my secondary.

6 years ago

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I'm still using Seamonkey for the most part.

6 years ago

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i'm finding opera much faster than chrome or firefox.... thinking on migrating from firefox to opera for good... (all tested browsers have uBlock plugin)

6 years ago

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I've always used Firefox since its version 1-ish as my main browser, even as it became a bit painfully slow (not really its fault, rather Google messing up with web standards actually - and it's not a new habit)
Still I'm using Vivaldi for Steamgifts (I also used Vivaldi for a bit more stuff before the Fx 57 update) and Tor Browser, and in the past I've used Opera (before they killed Presto), Safari (when it was still available on Windows), Pale Moon, Cyberfox (that was actually my main browser for a while, after Firefox changed their UI and until Cyberfox got discontinued), Iron (I still use it a bit, in a pretty outdated flavor, for development purposes), and some others (of course I've use MSIE and Edge sporadically). I wanted to give Brave a try, but at the time it wasn't possible to choose the installation folder so I canceled the installation or removed it instantly.

With the Fx 57 update, frankly I think the obvious choice for anyone a bit privacy-aware but who doesn't want trouble is to just go for Firefox. Then a bit more advanced, turn off things like "Safe Browsing", which basically sends information about sites you visit to Google (domain names are checked, using partial matches, by querying the naughty list from Google), and if you feel like it Mozilla's telemetry.

In all cases, I'd recommend staying away from anything Chromium-based, even if it's "purged" from Google tracking: this is still a vote for Google and it empowers them with waaaay too much influence on the web standards (cf my 2 links at start). That's why I really limit my use of Vivaldi (which is Blink-based)

6 years ago

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Netscape CD from 1995 (•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑

6 years ago

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Chrome Dev + uBlock Origin + uBlock Origin Extra + uMatrix
Also use Chrome on my iPhone.

Secondary Browsers are Vivaldi (again with uBlock and uMatrix), followed by Edge cause it's there and a good baseline.

6 years ago

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Firefox form me

6 years ago

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There’s always Tor.

6 years ago

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Comodo Icedragon on my old PC because it was secure but it also required less resources.
Chrome on my new PC because it can handle it.

6 years ago

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I'm one of the crazy ones that picked Edge. I know, I know. Let me explain.

I used to be a Firefox guy. Loved it. Somewhere along the line, they started getting too unstable with too many releases and random crap going on, sudden design changes, etc. I've been told that I should try it again, but I don't have very compelling motivation to do so.

I used a combination of Edge and Chrome. When Edge came out, it was fast, but lacked features. Then, they got the features in there, but had crappy things like memory leaks. Now, all of that is fixed, and it doesn't suck anymore. In fact, their claim that it's the fastest browser out there seems to be legit (I've tested it, and it truly seems to be a bit faster than Chrome, with Firefox being in the running in 3rd place...but the real speed contest is between Edge and Chrome). It has fewer security holes (and more certifications) than any other browser out there (granted, some of this benefit is security through obscurity, but your risk is still lower with this browser). So, I also tend to do any financial transactions through Edge.

I use Chrome because of the great ability to have your profile and settings replicate between browser instances and across multiple physical devices. There are also scripts and things out there that sometimes won't run on (or at least aren't tested on) Edge, like ESGST. So, I keep Chrome around for doing stuff like that.

Now, everyone seems to be concerned about people tracked their info. I am too. I don't trust Google any further than I can throw them in that regard. I have a buddy that works there and they make jokes about security and how much people are concerned about it. So, that's why I don't do critical things in Chrome.

As far as Microsoft goes, they're not tracking so much through the browser as they are the OS, and you can go in and turn most of that crap off in Windows. The other thing with Microsoft is that, if you read their information policy, they are actually very clear that they do no track any personally identifiable information. You have a "nonsense" id used purely for association, and any info that is associated with it just directs marketing crap to your browser or in the store. Behavioral information that is collected is NOT associated with your name, user id, or any other identifiable info. I've also validated this policy with a friend who works there, and apparently they take this really, really seriously. As in, you can get fired for writing crappy code that accidentally violates this, and you will be fired if you do it on purpose (and possibly prosecuted). They've come a long way and I actually trust them more than the Goog.

I also like the draw/edit on screen feature where you can make comments and instantly share them with friends...it's turned out to be really handy and great for insta-memes. :D I also like the ability to collect tabs and set them aside for later with the need to favorite/bookmark them.

So there you have it. I actually like Edge, and that's why I use it.

Oh, and whoever posted the Netscape Navigator gif...lolz, that is freaking priceless. :D

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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I used to have Slimjet as the only browser before but due to some performance issue I switched to Vivaldi which is even worse, Maxthon is fast but doesn't have the extension I need (SteamEnhanced, Twitch related stuff), tried Sushi Browser quite buggy (Beta after all) then moved to Sleipnir 6 and really love its UI but it doesn't support h.264, so no Twitch for me. Haven't tried Yandex browser.

Currently using Basilisk (A Firefox from PaleMoon dev) loved twitch performance but it's laggy on Steam.

Not sure if I should try another browser, having multiple browsers or go back to Slimjet
I want performance, especially when I leave my browser and playing. (Chrome based must be close or my FPS drop will even minimalized D:)

6 years ago*

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I'm pretty much a Firefox fanboy though I can see why people like Chrome.

6 years ago

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Edge on phone and chrome + some extensions to block trakers and mine code on pc

6 years ago

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Opera is my main and Vivaldi my second. I'm on the process of making Vivaldi my main. Slowly. Not that it's that much different.

6 years ago

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Firefox all the way. I really like it since the Quantum update, very speedy. Was mildly annoyed my extension stopped working, but realized I never actually used those specific ones all that much anyways LOL

6 years ago

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cyberfox and chrome

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6 years ago

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Brave is good

6 years ago

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Vivaldi. Nowadays using Chrome as a secondary. Opera on mobile.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

6 years ago

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Brave as my main, but chrome for the extentions

6 years ago

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