(Deleted. Sorry that I did not filter my games.)

It is surprising to learn that even those bundle games, currently available at 6 games for $1, have over 1000 bidders. According to the mechanism of SG, it means that those 1000 bidders do not have those games and would rather try their luck here than spending just one buck to buy it directly.

Things become even more ridiculous when bundle game givers, who actually spend at least $0.16 for each bundle game given away, are constantly humiliated here when they ask why their CV does not add up, considering that a cent is a cent but CV is nothing more than a number.

1 decade ago*

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It is not right to judge people for not spending money while they can get free. There are some games I want to try, but don't want to spend money, 'cause I am on a tight budget. Is it really that wrong? I think it is much better than downloading it pirate. As far as I know, once you get used to play original games you want to keep it that way. I bought a bundle including a game I owned, I giveaway it to someone who don't have, now I don't think that guy's cheap, I was just happy someone can play the game.

1 decade ago

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Not everyone have the mean to buy stuff over internet. I've tried throwing my money on the monitor but nothing happens.

1 decade ago

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Payment method.Not everyone is old enough to have a credit card.Think of how many 9-18 year olds cannot buy their own bundles because they do not have the MEANS to do it.That's why trading 1 dollar non bta bundles for 1 tf2 key is so popular.Its a rip-off but the only way to some to buy bundles.

1 decade ago

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This. Some people can't access to credit cards or stuff like that.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I still don't get it!

1 decade ago

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Apparently, the OP is unhappy that SG is full of giveaways he doesn't want to enter, so he is searching for something to complain about that doesn't make him sound like a spoiled little kid. He has yet to manage it, but remains determined to do so.

Frankly, I find it more interesting that I am not willing to spend $1 on a bundle of Origin games due to my loathing of Origin. I didn't realize the extent of my distaste for the platform until now.

1 decade ago

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5/6 games for $1 are Steam keys. No money goes to EA. It's not a distaste for the platform, it's something else, but I would prefer not to get suspended.

1 decade ago

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I guess I should have been more clear. I already own Steam copies of those first five games. The only reason I would have to buy the bundle was if I wanted the last two, which would be about $5.00 for 7 games or about $1 a game to play them on Origin.

1 decade ago

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Oh my bad then, I apologize

1 decade ago

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Those are the best giveaways. They give me points for the ones I do want to enter.

1 decade ago

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The usual reason is the payment method, but it might be the bundle buying politics different people have.
Personally I buy bundles only if at least half of the games are interesting and out of those interesting ones, at least one is game I want. The price doesn't matter this choice. This bundle isn't for me, as I'm only slightly interested in mirrors edge and burnout paradise. Thats 2/6, so no buy, but I might try to win those if I have spare points here in steamgifts.
You could say that I'm cheap for trying to win games that are worth 1$, but I don't discriminate against bundles. I giveaway bundle games regardless of CV as well as I will try to win them. Winning a bundle game shouldn't be any less satisfying than winning a latest aaa game.

1 decade ago

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i buy a bundle if at least 1 game appeals to me. However i don't have the time atm to play ALL the games i currently have. i'll get to it... eventually

1 decade ago

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Wow Topic creator. Some fantastic judgement on the community there. You must be great and immensely qualified to judge each of one of those 1000's of people.

In all seriousness some of us kinda cant participate in this even if I want to. I have over $100 in my wallet right now but since I don't have a bank account I cant get at any of these games. Times are hard, and My parents are crazy and paranoid that I might spend too much on games so asking them is out the question. They'd also be quick to ban me if I went out and brought the games myself. I'm still in that disgusting lull between high school and college so I have to do what they say. All I want to do is Play some legal Mirror's edge.

First world problems SUCK!

1 decade ago

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I can buy the bundle for you if you can pay me with your Wallet Credit. You pay the fee of course. Considering that you only have 25 games, I can even give you one or two duplicate keys. If you want to take my offer, just add me.

1 decade ago

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I know the feeling of having paranoid parents...
All my games were gave away or by trades(which I don't know how did I get stuff to trade xD)

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 8 months ago.

1 decade ago

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Sorry, I didn't know that so many people did not have cards. I apologized.

1 decade ago

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that's ok :D

1 decade ago

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What is "CV" ? :O

1 decade ago

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Contribution Value = the total estimated value for the games you have given away at SteamGift.com

But in real life CV refers to resume, usually used for job application. I bet you know it already anyway.

1 decade ago

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So THAT is what Cirriculum Vitae means? Guess it makes sense, "Course of Life"

1 decade ago

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My friend had his bank account shut down a while back. He wasn't able to buy a Humble Bundle code so I gifted him one. Maybe other people are in that position right now?

1 decade ago

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i think you're a jerk.

1 decade ago

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I think 'i' should be capital.

1 decade ago

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Gotta consider that there are people who don't have the means to buy things online, especially the younger folks on here.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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a lot of people i know can't buy them because they don't have credit cards or so

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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There's always Paypal and debit cards.

1 decade ago

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Not everyone goes to the Steam Gifts forum, so not everyone is exactly exposed to the existence of Humble Bundle. To top it off, not everyone has the ability to buy from Humble Bundle.

1 decade ago

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I have the money to buy the new HB. But my husband is still pretty much fuck EA. Like he said a year ago we wouldn't buy another product of theirs and we haven't. I guess them hiding behind charity to make us use Origin doesn't make him want to buy their games any more than before. So yup..I'm trying to get the games I want by EA on here. :)

1 decade ago

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I put the entire $1 as a Humble Tip. The slider lets you decide exactly who gets every single penny of what you choose to pay.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

1 decade ago

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Change the title to "Over 1000 people on here aren't in the position to spend even $1 to buy games", and you'll get less slack. Definitely not no more slack, but less slack

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by wongheungwing.