Is there a way, using an extension or otherwise, to automatically check all the people that have won my giveaways for playtime and achievements?
Bonus points if I can automate some more stuff along with it such as automatically blacklisting people who have won a game from me more than two years ago and still have 0 playtime, or whitelisting the people who actually played.
I am using ESGST but I have not found an option that does that.
I am currently doing this manually every once in a while but it is taking forever, especially as when I create more giveaways it gets longer every time.

Thanks for reading, have a wonderful day :)

1 year ago

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This script do what you want.

1 year ago

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I don't think this is exactly what the op is looking for. This script checks how many of their wins a user has played, but Ctouw wants to check whether each of his/her winners has played a specific game.

1 year ago

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As was said by PoeticKatana, it checks the overall playtime of a user's won games, and I only want to check the winners of my GAs for playtime on the game they have won from me. I only care if they played their win from me and not about their overall stats.
That is a insightful script nonetheless so thanks for suggesting!

1 year ago

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I don't think an extension exists that does exactly what you want. I wish it did because it would be very handy to automate the process to a single click.

Your best option is to create a spreadsheet that lists your winners, games won, win dates and play status. You can set up formulas to highlight when 3,6,9,12 months, etc have passed as a reminder for you to check those users. This way, you'd only have to check a handful of people at a time and the whole process can be a bit more organized.

I personally only check the winners of my whitelist-only GAs. With 444 GAs in the books, it's impractical for me to check each winner. Plus, I've been on SG long enough to realize that most wins don't get played and I don't get particularly upset if a common, cheap bundled game that I gave away over a year ago is yet to be played.

1 year ago*

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I only check the games that I mention to please enter if your going to play it(mostly unbundled games, or the very well rated bundle games(or the headliner game but I only wanted some of the others in a bundle)).

will vary user to user, but the ones that don't will always get tagged for never whitelist(and remove if they were on it already), I might do other things as well(undecided, hasn't been long enough since I returned to start tagging ppl)

1 year ago

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Thanks, doing a Spreadsheet sounds like a decent enough idea. I am still under 100 GAs so this is manageable.
I try to only give decent games away, and rarely if ever find myself in possession of keys for trash games. I give these games away because I will not play them, but I still hope I am giving them to people who actually want them :)

1 year ago

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You might want to try (Userscript) Did they even play?

It adds play stats (time, achievements) to a page with winners, like in attached image.

It is more strigt-forward way to check if a winner played their win instead of "Do You Even Play, Bro?" script.

PS: Also viewing the stats can be kind of depressing... Just be aware ;)
PPS: Decided to check alike giveaways for lvl 0 users. One not public and another one public.... sad image

View attached image.
1 year ago*

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Alright that is already an improvement from manually checking each user's Steam page, thanks!

1 year ago

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Others listed possibilities and the best, from my point of view, it the one AndyFrost recommended above.
BUT be aware that each one can fake their playtime and their achievements with a, very known and often used, program and only a few clicks.

So you will not catch the "smarter/real" abusers/exploiters (that do it with bad intentions) and mostly only the ones that don't care to hide/edit their stats, don't had time for the game etc..

1 year ago*

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There will always be cheaters for sure. I am under no illusion that some people will still manage to cheat this, but it's not like I am giving hundreds of AAA games away anyway.
I do most of my GAs for groups, WL and events, so I am not too concerned about the public GA crowd, where most of those people are found.

1 year ago

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If you want to see your game played, you may consider joining some group specialized for playing wins, or check out pagywosg monthly event. But as Masafor said, even in such groups some people are desperate enough to fake their stats in order to claim more games.

1 year ago

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Most of those groups require users to donate a certain amount, and I cannot really follow through on most of those requirements. I don't buy games and bundles that often, and being in a lot of these groups also requires me to keep track of where I'm at in fullfilling my ratio in each one of them - this is honestly too much of a hassle for me. I am in a couple of those groups though, the ones that are pretty chill on their rules!

1 year ago

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I am member of two such groups and they don't require that. Same with Playing appreciated. If group force members do giveaways, playing games isn't their focus, only collect.

1 year ago

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Besides the scripts that people mentioned above, there is also the Playing Appreciated group that requires people to play their wins, and which comes with a web tool that tracks play status for giveaways in the group.
For example:

Edit: unfortunately new applications to join the group are closed for now though.

1 year ago

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I used to be a member there, and is was cool, unfortunately I won a game where I could not meet the required playtime.
It was basically a party game with a very short gameplay loop. I had a game night with friends and we tried the game for about 20 minutes (thus completing a certain number of those short gameplay loops), and none of us liked it, therefore we stoped there. Problem is, the HLTB playtime is higher than this so it was not sufficient to satisfy the group requirements. But since I am not liking the game and my friends don't like it either (and we don't really have game nights anymore), I will not force them (and myself) to play a game none of us likes to satisfy arbitrary requirements. So yeah I got kicked out of PA, which is fair tbh!
I am also concerned that their members stats and database is public on the web and for privacy reasons I do not like that.

1 year ago

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