I was convinced that the advent of the internet and smartphones made boredom extinct, but apparently it's still a thing. Feel free to share boring stories about boredom in this thread!

Just to clarify - I'm referring to the type of boredom which is extended enough for you to become aware of it, not the type that doesn't even register until you do something that interests you a few seconds later.


7 years ago*

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When was the last time you were bored?

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This week
This month
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A few years ago
Many years ago
I don't recall ever being bored
Not since I last met Dan Quayle

Many years ago. I haven't been bored since I was a kid.

7 years ago

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I think a better question would be how long have you been disinterested. Boredom is part of it, but the feeling of uselessness, and the frustration of knowing that nothing will make that feeling go away is a much greater issue (to me). When I say I'm bored what I'm really saying, is I've given up on life, nothing makes me happy, doing anything seems more like a chore than entertainment, or interaction. Now this isnt to be confused with depression, although sometimes it can lead to that. Anyways, ya, about the last 5 years of my life, pretty much nonstop.

7 years ago

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Ps. I blacklisted you as a return of the favor. I doubt you care honestly, but if you do, and would like me to remove it, just remove mine. Blacklists really should be a 2 way street. eg, if you blacklist someone then you are automatically blacklisted by them as well.

7 years ago

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I'm fine with people blacklisting anyone who blacklisted them, but I'm glad the site doesn't enforce this automatically because I don't believe blacklists (and whitelists for that matter) should necessarily be mutual. I do not blacklist people just because they have me blacklisted, but I do tend to ask for their reasons when I notice it.

7 years ago

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I used to subscribe to that theory, but I found every time I have brought it up, even though the person I am asking generally has removed me from theirs, I end up on 3-5 more because some people consider it whining or whatever and just blacklist anyone who complains about blacklists.

7 years ago

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I'm not too worried about this. I'd rather satisfy my curiosity (and potentially get some constructive criticism) than avoid being added to a few more blacklists.

7 years ago

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I guess that Im odd or something then, when I see I am blacklisted, I take it as a personal insult. Like I get offended that someone had enough of an issue with me to blacklist me, (usually) without ever saying to me, hey man, why are you being, an ass, or argumentative, or whatever. Like if someone tells me that I am bothering them with my comments, I shut up and go away, I dont want to be a problem to the community you know?

7 years ago

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I usually don't want to create a scene, which is why I don't proactively tell people the reasons I blacklisted them.

7 years ago

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Nope, I dont mind, and I'm not especially surprised it had something to do with that thread. I'd say 90% of my blacklists have come from 3 specific discussions Ive been involved in, usually political in nature, even in regards to historical politics. Even though I always speak my mind, I try to do it in a respectful manner (generally) and in that instance as soon as I saw Mullins complain about the threadjacking I stopped. I dont set out to offend people. Just debate/educate. Toes sometime get stepped on and I understand that, but it doesnt always mean I put on my boots and went out looking to stomp on them.

7 years ago

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As an aside to my other reply, I know that I have very unpopular opinions on some things, and I tend to be vocal about them. I also have a very bad habit of not choosing my words carefully, so I understand why I end up on as many blacklists as I do. I just feel that if someone feels like they dislike me enough that they dont want to give me a chance to win their games (totally their right and I have no issue there) that they should also feel as strongly about winning a gift from me.

7 years ago

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I don't know about other people, but I personally don't enter the giveaways of users I blacklisted for that very reason.

7 years ago

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I don't either, but wouldn't want the site to enforce it. If someone blacklisted me and I don't see any reason to blacklist them, they are perfectly welcome to join and win my giveaways.

7 years ago

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I'm in full agreement with you there, I don't believe the site should enforce it - though I definitely think that joining the giveaway of someone you apparently disapprove of so much you blacklisted them is extremely poor manners and shows a certain lack of character. Then again, blacklisting requirements are so loose the subject's sort of meaningless - since there even are people out there who blacklist their winners to give other steamgifters a chance, and I would hardly begrudge them entering one of those giveaways.

7 years ago

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Not all blacklists are due to disliking someone's opinions. There are plenty of other reasons, and some of them don't warrant mutual blacklisting.

7 years ago

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Ya, I guess your right, when blacklists first came out I would put stupid rules in my giveaways to see who paid attention, and blacklisted people who didnt follow them. Ive since cleared my blacklists because I realized how immature that was. Generally speaking the only people in my BL now are people whove BL me.

edit, fuck it, ive cleared my blacklist again. I think im just done with wl/bl completely.
2nd edit, im gonna keep my whilelist for now, still want to reward those i feel go above and beyond.

7 years ago*

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The only thing I can remember about boredom is from my youth a long time ago, and it's a great song!

7 years ago

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Good for you, I guess. For me, they're often a sign that I am bored and they're less and less effective as a way to distract me from it. Which is a good thing in the end, because it makes me realize I can spend my time in better ways.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Now ): Manning an exhibition at an event and there's no one...

7 years ago

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I've been bored since last night, finished the game I was playing and dont want to start another game because towday I'm gonna get a 40gig game predownloaded from my cousin and then I'm gonna play that , so yay boredom

7 years ago

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In gaming, a couple months ago when I played all 3 Uncharted for the first time. Jees, that saga is so overrated.

7 years ago

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3300+ steam games, gigantic backlog, i don't even dare to put getting bored in my mouth.

Getting bored is for young kids, when you still think you have all the time in the world (and usually they do with so many school vacations).

7 years ago

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"'I’m bored’ is a useless thing to say. I mean, you live in a great, big, vast world that you’ve seen none percent of. Even the inside of your own mind is endless; it goes on forever, inwardly, do you understand? The fact that you’re alive is amazing, so you don’t get to say 'I’m bored.'"

— Louis CK

The Cure

7 years ago*

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"Many years ago" I'm seriously feeling inferior, I'm constantly bored.

7 years ago

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Don't you have access to the web at any time? I don't see how one can be bored when they can always browse the web. There's an endless amount of interesting content, but not enough time to get to even a fraction of it.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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