Are these sites of free steam games working and legit?
I researched because I wanted moooore steam games even my account is worth 600 already.
Okay so here are the results:
Tremor Games,
Play Blink,
Steam Powers,
Steam Gifts (Trusted, I use this and got my status from 550 to 600, I recommend it),
Steam Points,
Please tell me which is legit and not. Please also tell me other legit sites. And please tell me other NON-legit sites, so I can warn all people in my blog. Thank you, I will just mention you in my blog.
I already asked this question in Ask, and they said: Reddit, Gala Giveaways, Tremor Games and Play Blink. They said Steam Powers, Steam Gifts, Steam Points, Get Free Steam Games are not legit. Seems legit that the Steam Gifts is not legit, lol, I already won a game :P

1 decade ago*

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I only use steamgifts. Though at one point I did take a look at the gala one.. just not sure. I have a hard time trusting sites. Heck it took me a while before I decided to actually try this one as is :P

1 decade ago

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I only use Gala and SG. I hate using tremor and gameminer. Playblink sucks more than any of the others that I've used. I don't know about steam powers or steam points at all and was told not to trust getfreesteamgames.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by RanchoDust.