Hi guys. Im just looking for game's that are good and not that big (size not gameplay).
I moved and now I have instead of a 200k connection a 30k.
Im also not using the internet on my own I also have two brother's and my parents also use the internet.

Thanks for every single suggestion.

6 years ago

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30k like 30 kbps? Or 30.000 kbps?

6 years ago

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If it's 30.000 it's still nearly twice as much as I have lol.. Just have to download larger games over night.

EDIT to topic: Just checked your profile. You can have a lot of fun and spent a lot of time in Fallout: New Vegas (and 3)
Probably The Witcher 3 (even though that one might be quite big in size - good for a download over night or while playing a singleplayer game)

6 years ago*

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Well, if it's 30 kbps he probably won't be capable to download anything larger than a flash game, period. But considering that OP is from german we're probably talking about 30 Mbps, it's fast enough to download even Quantum Break or Shadow Of War in less than 24 hours.

6 years ago

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Definetely lol. Got a 16k connection myself - downloading with 1.7-1.8mbps - so roughly 6-7GB per hour. You can basically download any game over night.
Guess his question falls under "first world problems?" ;D

Anyway: Further suggestions of mine would be the BioShock Series and - like thresher already mentionend, Quantum Break - it's really interesting to play (even though you'll be done in less than 10h)

6 years ago

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Its 30.000 kbps but I tried download game's I wish i would get at least 1 mbps. By the way we got the best connection in the area where I live right now.

6 years ago

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You might want to check if you really receive 30.000kbps...
Downloading over night would also insure your best downloadrate since no one else in your household will use the connection at this time.

  • mal ganz ehrlich, überprüf lieber ob auch 30k bei dir ankommen.
    Hab 'ne 16k Leitung obwohl hier 'ne 50k angeboten wird - weil nur 22k ankommen würden. Und dafür zahle ich definitiv nicht den Preis einer 50k Leitung

6 years ago

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Werde es die Tage ausprobieren, hatte bis jetzt noch nicht wirklich Zeit dafür.
Wohne jetzt in einem kleinen Dorf Einwohnerzahl gerade mal um die 500 Einwohner, deshalb vermute ich mal, dass sich nichts in den nächsten Jahren am Internet ändern wird.
Hab schon vor ein paar Tagen ein Speedtest gemacht.
Download war bei 699 kbit/s was aufjedenfall zu niedrig ist und upload bei 8.000 Kbit/s und ping bei 120.

6 years ago

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Da würde ich definitiv mich mal an euren Anbieter wenden. 'ne gewisse Abweichung darf sein, aber so 'ne große Abweichung von der Angabe ist glaub ich nichtmal legal. Kenne mich da aber auch nicht im Detail mit aus.
Am besten mal im Auge behalten, über ein paar Tage oder 'ne Woche oder so immer mal wieder speedtest machen und Daten notieren damit du dich da mal ordentlich beschweren kannst.

6 years ago

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komisch, dass der download so niedrig und der upload trotzdem relativ hoch ist.
ist das so eine internet über kabelfernsehen geschichte? da muss man sich ganz oft die bandbreite mit dutzenden anderen haushalten teilen und am ende ist es für alle super langsam.

leider hat man in so einem kuhdorf in der regel keine große auswahl. glasfaser wird es da sicherlich nicht geben und dsl über das telefonkabel ist dort oft auch richtig langsam.

6 years ago

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Es wurde mal darüber gesprochen, dass Internet zu verbessern, aber das wir wohl nichts in den nächsten Jahren. Leider gibt es auch kein Unitymedia, sondern nur Telekom und von Freunden hab ich bis jetzt nur schlechtes über die Verbindung mit der Telekom gehört, obwohl teilweise Eltern dort von ihnen dort arbeiten :). Ansich hab ich eh nicht viel Freizeit wegen der Schule, aber wenn man was für die Schule machen muss und teilweise die Seiten ewig laden, nervt einen schon enorm.

6 years ago

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Du Glücklicher :) Bei mir kommen nur maximal 230 kbit/s an. Würde alles mögliche für deine Leitung tun. Lade gerade Shadows of War mit 98,7 GB, bin voraussichtlich in 2 Wochen fertig.

6 years ago

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Ich fühle mit dir :). Rein theoretisch könnte man ja, dem ganzen downloaden aus dem Weg gehen oder?
Bei mir ist es lange her deswegen, werfe ich nur mit halb Wissen um mich.

Wenn man für die Konsole ein spiel kauft angenommen ich möchte Wolfenstein das neue spielen, dann sollte es ja eigentlich direkt funktionieren ohne, dass ich noch etwas herunterladen muss oder?
Das gleiche müsste ja auch für den PC gehen, wenn ich keinen Key kaufe, sondern ein Spiel auf der CD. Bei mir ist es schon mindestens 6/7 Jahre her, wo ich meine letzte CD gekauft habe.

6 years ago

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Danke fürs Mitleid :) Aber das mit der CD wird in den meisten Fällen nicht so funktionieren, habe mir z.B Prey für PC gekauft. In der Hülle war lediglich eine CD um Steam zu installieren und der Downloadcode. Auch viele Konsolenspiele setzen einen Day 1 Patch voraus. Obwohl meine Leitung derart beschissen ist, habe ich auf meinem Steamaccount ca 2600 Spiele, die ich bis auf ganz wenige Ausnahmen alle heruntergeladen habe, von Origin, Uplay, Telltale oder GOG ganz zu schweigen. Mein PC ist eigentlich 24/7 an und dauerhaft am laden (seit Jahren). Aber bald soll es hier auch besser mit der Verbindung werden, ich bin gespannt.

6 years ago

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Dann hoff ich mal das es bald für dich etwas mit der Leitung wird :D.
Habe gehofft, dass ich mit einer CD einen Großteil des downloads eines Spiel umgehen kann. Leider geht das ja wohl doch nicht.

6 years ago

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Kommt immer auf das Spiel an, aber bei den aktuellen PC-Games ist zumeist nur der installer auf der disk

6 years ago

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If you're cool playing games that are probably older than you are, Fallout 1 is like 400MB and Fallout 2 is like 1GB at most. Both very good games that are still very fun, although difficult, with tons of gameplay hours you can sink in. Psychonauts is a little under 4GB I think, and it's amazing :D

Closer to ~10GB I could recommend Borderlands 1 & 2, Mass Effect 1 & 2, Fallout 3 & NV, etc.

6 years ago

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Thanks for your suggestion. Im not really a big fallout fan to be honest. Borderlands 2 was fun with friends. Mass Effect 2 sounds like a good idea I heard that this one is actually very good. Maybe I will give Psychonauts a try.

6 years ago

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Bunch of fun stuff less than 1gb in size. Some are older, some quite new. All should keep you busy for a while, covers plenty of genres.

Nuclear Throne
Mini Metro
Pacman Championship Edition DX
Rogue Legacy
Shovel Knight
So Many Me
Steamworld Heist
Into The Breach
Human Resource Machine & 7 Billion Humans
Full Bore
Freedom Planet
Fortix 2
Escape Goat
Devil Daggers

6 years ago

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Thanks for your suggestion. Forgot about Nuclear Throne and Shovel Knight when I first saw them they looked pretty good. Already played fortix 2 it was okay. I could also try Rogue Legacy again stopped it because I sucked to be honest.

6 years ago

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Command and Conquer franchise.
Sega Genesis Emulator

6 years ago

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Thanks for your suggestion. Never played a game from the franchise. Im not really a fun of strategy game's that play in the future or in a world war. I enjoy more age of empires/mythology to be honest.

6 years ago

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Its a huge pitty, you missed out on awesome cutscenes with real people (seriously, how many games do that?!) you missed out on fantastic music, you missed out on fun gameplay of building and commanding, you missed out on unique cool units, awesome characters, you missed out on so, so much.... Empires and Mythology are world wars in the past though, surely you can get over that to play good games. Dont have to be a fan of future or modern world wars, just have to be a fan of good RTSes. Which also are State of War, Krush Kill N Destroy Xtreme and more.

6 years ago

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Thanks. I see you really like the franchise. I also heard good think's about Command Conquer maybe I will buy one and give the franchise a try. Which would you recommend me? About Empires and Mythology yeah they are some kind of world wars but I don't played a strategy game with a futuristic or world war setting (1900+) that keeps me playing the game. The first time I played age of empires/mythology was when I was 8 and I still play it today.

6 years ago

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I LOVE the franchise, i grew up with it, i was a little kid, playing tiberian dawn, red alert on my dads work pc, dune the battle for arrakis on my sega genesis. You will hear only good things about C&C up untill 4 which you avoid like the plague. Which one i would recommend you to buy? Every C&C here (except sole survivor) for the low low price of free https://cnc-comm.com/ and if you like them, go buy RA2 on origin, and then buy tiberium wars 3, kanes wraith, red alert 3 and uprising on steam. You could look up generals somewhere if you realy want more but thats as far as you should go digging around. If you wanna learn more about the best franchise that defined RTS, learn more here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OlIkGlTMUNE you didnt play a futuristic or modern world war setting? I did, as a little kid, it was this game http://game-oldies.com/play-online/dune-the-battle-for-arrakis-sega-genesis# this basicaly planted the seeds of RTS in my veins and got me into the genre early on, I love the music, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUj05zld8T0 i love the cutscenes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pdL5pBvABCU i love the units https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUI4EuYEflM i love the characters https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDhtwacW8os such good games

6 years ago

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Banner Saga is quite good. From what I rmember invisible inc. and mark of ninja was also pretty small

6 years ago

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Mark of the Ninja was actually pretty good the first time when I played it but I never finished it maybe I should now. About Banner Saga I know that the franchise is good but im not really into round based strategy. Is the story good? It's a viking saga so it's already cool.

6 years ago

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It has a pretty good story and resource management aspect, but if you don’t enjoy the combat, I don’t think you’ll enjoy the game. Idk

6 years ago

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Thanks. I will watch one/two videos and then I will decide.

6 years ago

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Assault Cube is the answer. Latency won't be a problem with that game. Best game to have in a flash drive and take with you to anywhere. And the thing runs literally anything <10 years. And older too if it's still in good shape.

Maybe Zandronum works fine also. It's Doom 2 basically. I never used it though, so I can't tell :P

EDIT: Just downloaded AC. The servers are not as populated as they were used to be :(
Urban Terror should be fine too.

6 years ago*

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Thanks for your suggestion. Im not really into shooters anymore but maybe I will give it a try. Assault cube could be fun with friends.

6 years ago

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People are suggesting games for download and I was thinking of latency problems :P

Well, if that's the case, the original Torchlight is good. 533MB so it's fairly small.
Also check edit above.

6 years ago

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I played Tochlight II it was alright maybe I will maybe try the first.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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1990s era FPS games. I love the Descent series.

6 years ago

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Thanks for your suggestion. The first shooter I ever played was halo so I don't know shooters from the 1990s era. Descent looks to old school for me :P

6 years ago

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Probably PvE games (Killing Floor 2 PvE mode, Payday 2, etc)

6 years ago

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Thanks for your suggestion. The problem is multiplayer game's get updates probably every two weeks and I download with less than 0,5 mb/s so...

6 years ago

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My current KF2 install is 47.8GB, I think that's not exactly what OP is looking for :V

6 years ago

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If I remember right it took for 5 gb/s more then 4 or 5 hours so...

6 years ago

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If you'd like to play singleplayer games i can recommend Rimworld, Darkest Dungeon, Factorio, Botlike - a robot's rampage etc.

6 years ago

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Thanks. I forgot about Darkest Dungeon it's also probably a game where I can spend a lot of time in right?

6 years ago

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If you don't get mad losing your men and rage quit you can spend a lot of time :D

6 years ago

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Alright thanks mate :D

6 years ago

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factorio, tropico 4 + 5, space run, terraria, legend of grimrock 1 + 2, jydge, the trine games, the older serious sam games.
newer fps are usually pretty huge to download.

6 years ago

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Trine sounds good can probably be fun in local coop. I tryed legend of grimrock 1 wasn't my cup of tea. Never played a game from the tropic franchise never interested me is it worth give it a try and when which should I bought? Factorio looks to complex for me to be honest :P

6 years ago

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From stuff that wasn't mentioned yet:

Ara Fell - 281MB
Cook, Serve, Delicious - 142MB
Duck Game - 250MB (honestly it's basically just a multiplayer game which might not be a very good experience with your connection, but there is local MP which you might have fun with if your brothers want to play with you or you have friends over)
Kero Blaster - 121MB
Momodora: Reverie Under The Moonlight - 173MB
Stardew Valley - 496MB
Space Pirates and Zombies - 157MB
X-COM: UFO Defense - 16MB (in case you're in the mood for retro; if you do choose to play it, I strongly recommend to use OpenXcom instead of DOSBox that the game comes with)

6 years ago

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Thanks. Totally forgot about Stardew Valley. I can probably spend a lot of time in Stardew and it also have multiplayer now right?
Maybe will also try Duck Game looks like fun with my brothers/friends.

6 years ago

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Yeah, Stardew Valley got multiplayer last month. You'll still have plenty to do in it if you just stick to single player mode.

6 years ago

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Thanks again probably will try it. Have a nice day.

6 years ago

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hero of the kingdom - millennium a new hope - Stardew Valley - quest for infamy

6 years ago

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Thanks. Probably will try Stardew.

6 years ago

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try hero of the kingdom too, its small and fun 100MB.

6 years ago

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I just saw that I own Hero of the Kingdom II is it also good? Maybe will try it if it is good.

6 years ago

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I still dont have it, I won the first one it was fun.

6 years ago

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Wolfenstein 3d is like 8mb and offer a few hours of fun
Doom is small too and you can download a billion wad for it which is also quite insignificant in size.

Or pretty much any old dos games before 1995 will be less than 10 mb

6 years ago

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Thanks. They are not really for me. I already tried Duke Nukem and I don't had that much fun playing it.

6 years ago

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No problemo man, I just offered 1-2 game that I would recommend with a good conscience, people's taste vary greatly

6 years ago

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Heroes of Might and Magic 3 is about 1-1.5 GB, pretty cheap on GOG (riidculously cheap on sales) and basically endless :D

6 years ago

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Thanks. Never played a game from the might&magic franchise. The third looks to old for me to be honest. Is it good? Maybe I will try it in the future.

6 years ago

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It is very, very good - the graphics are not realistic, but timeless (after a while every army is just pawns, graphics not necessary makes a difference) - there are vast amounts of maps to download, and even the same map can play out differently (based on player's town, and the semi-randomized enemies - same tier, but random what kind of creatures).
I'm... not sure if I'm good with recommending this, but Sseth has a really good review/recommendation of the game if you're okay with NSFW pictures, stereotype- and meme-heavy style. Or jsut google heroes 3 review and find someone who isn't as crazy :D

6 years ago

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Also it's hard as balls, especially for someone who is not accustomed to strategic games.

6 years ago

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AI is a bit scpecial indeed, either useless or just destroys the unprepared player.
Though it's pretty fun even in hotseat mode, by controlling multiple players ^^ (I was kinda alone during my childhood...)

6 years ago

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I really suggest Battle for Wesnoth.

6 years ago

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Thanks. I already saw this game sometime ago on the steam store page. Is it fun in multiplayer? If it is I will probably try it with my brother.

6 years ago

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Multiplayer is somewhat slow if maps are large, I strongly recommend the single player campaigns.

6 years ago

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Goblin and Coins is like 15 Mb only and it will give you a few hours of fun and it's made by one of us.

6 years ago

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It's cheap and looks decent maybe I will try it in the future. Thanks.

6 years ago

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You could always leave pc downloading for the night (nights?) ;)

6 years ago

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I could but the pc is in my room and it will heat my room up and my pc is silent but not silent enough for me that I can sleep :D.

6 years ago

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Damn, what pc do you have that can heat up whole room... Or is it very small room?

I don't envy you. Acoustics where I live cause that when I leave window open for the night it sounds like I sleep at bus stop. And buses here "talk" so blind ppl know which line just stopped. Never bothered me when I sleep :D

You you all leave for school/work then there is option to leave it for the day.

I know the pain of slow internet. There were some games I downloaded for weeks. Make you appreciate download managers that can reliably resume downloads.

As for game, if you don't mind crazy learning curve, there is ton of fun to be had in dwarf fortress. But its not for everyone. Stopped playing it for a while and they changed it so much I cant bring myself to learn it all over again :D

6 years ago

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I used to had a big room but now not anymore :D.
I know what you are talking about with the window opened and bus stop. My problem is that im now almost living at a "Bundesstraße" federal road. Which means in the night there are many trucks driving here.
Im used to this acoustic and it dosen't bother me but with my pc it's something else. I know it's strange :D.
Well I have to keep the windows opened otherwise I won't get sleep because I like a fresh room (even in the winter).

6 years ago

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Hehe, I like fresh room too. But when once temp droped to 13 C when I was in college, my roommate was not amused :D

6 years ago

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Tactical Monsters Rumble Arena - it's even free so you can check it out

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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64 kbps here, I can feel your pain

6 years ago

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Welcome to the club :/

6 years ago

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I was in a similar position when I first started playing on steam. I had 50kbps and it was slow af.
Broforce and Guacamelee are really fun and about 500mb download size. I used to downlaod bigger games at 50kbps but it took a lot of patience, downloading a few hours everyday. Took a few days to download anything around 7-10gbs.

6 years ago

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The Binding of Isaac and The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth
Deep Dungeons of Doom
Chrono Trigger
Tomb of Tyrants
Death's Hangover
Shadowrun Returns and other from this series
Hunie Pop
Plants vs Zombies
Another World
Risk of Rain
Zombie Driver HD
Hotline Miami 1 and 2

6 years ago

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They don't need to be multiplayer games, right? Bastion is really good, and it's less than 1gb. The original Deus Ex is one of the best games sci-fi shoorters out there, and let me tell you, the gameplay has aged really well, it doesn't feel old at all. And if you like RPGs, you could emulate Nintendo Ds games, or maybe even older games.

6 years ago

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tbh all games that aren't tied to silly things like Denuvo and so on and could be played in off-line-mode.

6 years ago

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