
I'm gonna get some more $ from cards and I'm pre-ordering it! Good price too!

Can't wait to play this :)

11 years ago*

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Don't preorder. The first one is one of my favorite games. However, preordering is stupid because the game might be awful.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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I have faith in Frictional games and in The Chinese Room too. Trailer looks amazing. Plus I liked all of their games. I'm pre-ordering it. There's nothing you can do to stahp me!


11 years ago

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I'm not saying I can stop you. I'm saying you're making a dumb decision.

11 years ago

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Hardly a dumb decision. Who exactly gets to decide if the game is awful or not? For you to really, really know, you will have to play it anyways. Reviews sites are shittier and shittier these days and relying on them to decide what is worth purchasing or not is just as bad as preordering, imo.

11 years ago

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Who are you exactly to say that? Hold your horses dude and stop acting like you know everything.

11 years ago

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I would disagree in this case. Frictional Games has built a legacy and a solid portfolio of this type of game with the Penumbra series and Amnesia: The Dark Descent. They seem to know what they are doing and are worthy of some faith that they will get it right. Not all pre-orders are really that much of a risk bro.

11 years ago

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It's not about risk, it's about discouraging the culture of buying stuff before it even exists.

11 years ago

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The game exists. Its just not released. But the game definitively exists. Its also cheaper than what it will be when released, and I want to play it day one anyways. I dont give a single fuck about the reviews that it will come out for it. Im buying it regardless.

"discouraging the culture of buying stuff before it even exists"

And this is not a good thing. Like, at all. Some of the best indie games of recent times were only possible because of Kickstarter!(FTL and Chivalry)

11 years ago

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And Shadowrun Returns =P

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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I know it actually exists. But for the purpose of our discussion, it doesn't really exist - if there's more time between purchase and delivery than it takes to process the payment, there is a chance they can delay release for another week/month/year. Or add cocks everywhere. Stranger things have happened to games.

Also, I think KS is an entirely different beast - it is used to fund the process of making a game. The new Amnesia is, as you've said, almost done, and Frictional got filthy rich with the first one, they're not lacking money. The motives for organizing a crowdfunding campaign are (should be?) different to those of taking pre-orders.

11 years ago

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One of the dumbest replies I have ever seen. The game releases in less than a month and it doesn't exist? LOL

11 years ago

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Why do I even waste my breath? LOL

11 years ago

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So... you're talking while typing?

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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It will make me laugh if you pre-order and it gets big discount soon after the release. Good luck D:

11 years ago

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There's no doubt that it will be on sale during the Halloween event, but people who get it earlier will have less spoiled for them.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Will preorder. 20%off for one my most wanted games of this year? Its a deal. Frictional Games and The Chinese Room are awesome.

11 years ago

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Plus you can get some money from cards which makes it even cheaper!

11 years ago

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Exactly! I mean, I understand complaining about preordering AAA 60$ games. But a Indie one, for 12 euros, and the spiritual sequel to one of the best horror games ever? Sounds like a damn pretty good deal.

11 years ago

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Gamefly has it for 20% OFF, plus you can use code AUG20 (US site) or AUG20UK (UK site) for an additional 20% off, bringing it down to 36% OFF =)

Edit: Doesn't appear to be Steam though. However, I'd argue that it may not really matter much because as of right now the game doesn't seem to use Steam features like cloud saves or achievements. Neither did the first Amnesia or the Penumbra games.

11 years ago

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I still want it on Steam :)

It sucks though that it doesn't have achievements or cards. Or maybe they just didn't add the info yet. After all, they added it to Steam Store just today.

11 years ago

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Maybe but I wouldn't hold my breath. Frictional doesn't have a history of using those extra features.

11 years ago

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Yeah. I hope they'll start one day.

11 years ago

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The game might be awful even if you see every review and other player praise it. Quality is subjective. Let people preorder if they want.

11 years ago

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This. Exactly this.

11 years ago

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everyone knows how good frictional games are in making their games,pls tell me a single game they've made that was a dissapointment.

11 years ago

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I want to play this but i can't stand jumpscares

11 years ago

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Isn't Amnesia more about atmosphere than jump scares?

11 years ago

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I have no idea, never played it because i assumed it would have jumpscares.

11 years ago

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The first one didnt have any jumpscars, so I dont see why this one would.

11 years ago

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No jump scares? It had enough.

11 years ago

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In the mods/custom stories? Sure. In the main game? Not really.

11 years ago

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What about doors slamming behind you? Things being knocked over? Convenient sound cut-in of a pursuer only as it bangs on a door to a room you're right next to? Amorphous evil blobs appearing from nowhere and in the event of touching you, a sharp noise and a damage decal on your screen?

Sure, Amnesia was far more subtle about its jump scares, but it still had jump scares. It just happened to have a tense atmosphere making it a more 'genuine' horror. What it didn't really have was "screamers", an extreme version of jump scares used in most modern horror, where the startling event is accompanied by a loud sound and often a sudden change in the visuals.

Besides, it's a new game entirely, so it's level of intentional startle-scares and how severe they might be remains to be seen.

11 years ago

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Jump scares can become mundane when overdone anyway. It seems better to build up a consistent and oppressive atmosphere rather than too many 'cheap' scares or ear-raping events. As they say, it is often the things that go unseen that are the most frightening.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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I'm so excited for this game to come out.

11 years ago

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I hope they don't make a easter egg reference to PDP since he made the game so popular.

They spammed the comments about him on the first video teaser when it first came out.

11 years ago

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? PDP isn't what made the game popular.

11 years ago

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He made it big.

11 years ago

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No, Amnesia made Amnesia big.
Being well known by the general youtube community came well after it being well known in the gaming community. You also can't discount the effect the countless other Let's Play folk had in making videos of it too.

The only thing PDP really influences is the awareness of young gamers. He's kind of like the "Scary Movie" or the Adam Sandler of the Lets Play world. He's an okay guy but really overrated and overcredited, whose work is pretty lacking. Popularity doesn't necessarily ensure any degree of quality, just as recognition doesn't mean the person has done anything worth recognising, like Honey Booboo. :P

11 years ago

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PewDiePie is the most popular youtuber. He is well known for playing Amnesia. People see the most well known youtuber playing what looks to be a fun game. You decide to buy the game. PewDiePie had a big influence.

11 years ago

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Amnesia already had tons of sales under its belt (had already been in a Humble Bundle), and was known by pretty much everyone interested in horror/suspense games before PDP was even a thing. PDP got the tween crowd in on it. I'm not saying he didn't help its sales a bit, but it was already a well established title.

11 years ago

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PewDiePie convinced a lot of people to buy it.

11 years ago

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you got sales figures to back that up?

11 years ago

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Couldn't decide between the word more or so.

But he made it big. I mean it was known before I'd say. But I'd say he helped put the game on the map a lot more. Because after he made his videos he made a spark of thousands of other people doing it too.

11 years ago

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Being one of the first to play something doesn't mean they're automatically the reason it "got big" within a community. The Lets Play community is pretty damn active, and the "watch our reaction" thing has been going on forever, specifically with scary/gross things. Surely you remember the "Reactions watching 2girls1cup" thing?

His fame is a false combination of being one of the early LPs, and having a rabid fanbase who insisted on bringing him up in unrelated videos. I can only hope that people insisting he made Amnesia big are just trolling.

11 years ago

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Sure the watch our reaction thing was popular. But it wasn't with video games really. He's the one that made face cam big as well for video games on youtube as well, no one ever used to do it, but now it's very common and almost the norm.

People getting 100s/1000s views on their video doesn't make a real impact. His 500k-1 million views videos were.

Amnesia was a known game yes, but him LPing it made it even more known. Even console players and such knew what that game was because of him.
I guess the better thing to say is he made Amnesia a lot bigger than it already was, though at the same time, Amnesia made him big.

To say that he didn't make Amnesia bigger would just be in denial like that to say

(And if it wasn't Obvious. I don't like PDP. At all. But facts are facts man.)

11 years ago

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"A lot bigger than it already was" again gives him more credit than is due.

A good comparison would be like saying "Yahtzee made the Orange Box bigger than it was". Yes, it generates awareness, but not enough to exactly warrant much in the way of a celebrity status. If it wasn't for PootyP, it would have been the next up random LPer. I'm not denying he had an effect, I'm simply saying that the person the awareness was generated through did nothing special to warrant praise or tribute. Kind of the equivalent of someone commenting "FIRST :D" and being upvoted the most, but then people saying the poster is noteworthy because of it. Good games have a natural gravity to them, and while exposure to non-gamers does help them to grow, saying they helped make it big is kind of a big fart in the face of the developers IMO :V

11 years ago

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"A good comparison would be like saying "Yahtzee made the Orange Box bigger than it was"."
wut. No it isn't. Not in the slightest at all.

Yahtzee made one video about it. Unlike PDP made A LOT of videos for the series and was making LOTS of videos about it. And because of all the videos it got a lot of hits and it got more known.

"it would have been the next up random LPer."
Maybe, maybe not. Penumbra didn't take off now did it?

Sure you can say he got lucky with it.(Which I would agree) But that luck helped get him famous and Amnesia more famous.

11 years ago

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Yeah, but I think saying "he made it get big/bigger" implies way too much of his part in the game (given we're talking overarchingly about an in-game easter egg).

Admittedly that might just be me being picky about word choice rather than the point behind it. So I guess I'll fold my arms and say "NO U" and just leave it at this. xD

11 years ago

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I just want to add, in many Halo games their are Rooster Teeth easter eggs in them. :p

11 years ago

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I need to gloat now.

PDP posted part one for Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs. It was given to him early by the publishers. (It's unlisted now. Guess it was put up too soon, or the publishers decided to do what the developers wanted, and make him wait to post it.)

Obviously the publishers know he helped make it big, otherwise they wouldn't have given him an early copy and asked him to to play it.

He made it big.

11 years ago

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Please, no. Please, god, no.

11 years ago

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I can imagine it now...

Break all barrels in a certain area and you'll hear a whisper of "Pewdieepieee...."

11 years ago

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What the hell is his issue with barrels anyway?

11 years ago

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Maybe it got in his way when running away or something?
I know he likes chairs for some reason.(Cause he can hold/defend himself?)

I know this because I've seen youtube comments of people saying "dumb barrels" and "chairs <3" and dumb shit like that.

11 years ago

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In his lets play of the Dark Decent he saw the Grunt (Bro) standing in front of a pile of barrels and he got the idea that he was talking to them and they were helping him with his evil plans.

11 years ago

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Amnesia was as popular before the PDP walkthrough as it is now lol

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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It was indeed already massively popular before it became a bandwagon game on youtube.

11 years ago

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That doesn't mean it's popularity didn't grow after Pewdiepie.

11 years ago

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I still havent played the first one yet.

11 years ago

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What are you waiting for then?

11 years ago

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to be honest, its dark outside and I am scared :P

11 years ago

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Well, that's the point, isn't it ;) ?

11 years ago

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Getting my hands on a copy mostly.

11 years ago

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It's very easy to get yourself a copy right now if you'd like. You can buy one off the Humble Weekly sale for about $3, and it also includes Thomas Was Alone, Botanicula, The Showdown Effect, and McPixel. If you don't have access to a paypal account or credit card, you can also trade with people in Steam items for a very cheap copy.

11 years ago

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Thanks for the tip.

Ill see if any of my entries here pan out (unlikely but what the hell) and if not ill try to grab it off the humble bundle website, three bucks for amnesia isnt a bad deal all told. Even if Im not interested in the other ones on offer. (no offense to any of those games for the record, but I already have Thomas was alone and none of the other ones but amnesia interest me.)

11 years ago

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Just torrent :P

11 years ago

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Advocating piracy is absolutely not acceptable.

11 years ago

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It's also a strange sentiment given that this site is for volunteering spare copies to other people.
If a person was willing to pirate games, they wouldn't have any real use in coming here, because they would already have nearly every game in the world available to them.

We're all here because we choose to abstain from piracy.

11 years ago

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That doesn't make sense. Most people come here for free copies of games. On torrents they also get everything "for free". If anything I'd say a lot of people actually uses sites like torrents but not the other way around. I'm not saying that though.

11 years ago

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Never. Especially for such a great indie developer.

11 years ago

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This. Actually bought the Penumbra Collection 3 times! :P ( Gamersgate, Frictional Games site and then Steam)

11 years ago

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hmmmm wanna buy my DRM-free physical copy to complete your collection? lol ;)

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

11 years ago

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Deal with it.

11 years ago

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Deal with what? :V

That phrase has a meaning, you know. In fact, a lot of taunts do.

11 years ago

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I mean that suspend.

11 years ago

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Pirating a indie game is really, really shameful

11 years ago

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I will never sleep again

11 years ago

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oh god, too many good games being released D: currently broke atm. Waiting for at least 3 more weeks

11 years ago

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I will definitely buy this game, but I haven't decided if I will pre-order or wait for a sale, I still have 3 weeks to decide though. :P

11 years ago

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Being honest, I only pre-order when there is something involved... I really can wait to buy it after the launch since there is no pre-order bonus included. I'm sure that I'll go buy it but there isn't anything to make me invest money on it before the launch.

11 years ago

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I never played the first one but I watched many people play it. I'm not sure its quite my type of game but I'm tempted in pre-ordering this one.

11 years ago

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Play the first one before that and see if you like it. Also, you wouldn't miss out on one of the best horror games ever released on PC.

11 years ago

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I'm really looking forward to it as well :) Can't wait to get scared!

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

11 years ago

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Right... horror game with co-op, I really hope you're not serious.

11 years ago

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Cry of Fear has coop campaign, from what I know and believe it's pretty scary. So it may be possible.

11 years ago

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Well, I don't even really like coop (maybe just a bit), I love single player and horror is my favorite video games genre... so you can see why I'm against it :)

Besides he's talking about Amnesia co-op. What would you do together? Solve puzzles? Collect notes? Some things just don't fit together.

11 years ago

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Oh I remember the Cry of Fear coop campaign. I played it with a friend and laughed through the whole thing, it really wasn't scary.

11 years ago

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Actually it doesn't sound as bad as you think. Amnesia is a story driven (mostly linear) adventure so it wouldn't be a good idea for this game. But Faceless is an upcoming F2P co-op horror game which has an interesting feature that prevents players from using voice chat unless they are in close proximity with each other. So each player will start in different areas of the map and can only communicate when they are close to one another. Of course the difference is that this is a survival game, so players will spend a lot of time away from each other in the open maps.

11 years ago

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Faceless is already on Steam? Fuck yeah.

11 years ago

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Could always get it from humble bundle Store too and get drm copies for pc, mac and linux as well as steam code

11 years ago

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Yeah. But I don't like DRM Free copies. I like having all games in one place (well, two at most when you count Origin).

11 years ago

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Fair enough :). I went with steam too but nice have the choice

11 years ago

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Yup. It's also up for pre-order on GOG.

11 years ago

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Too many good games and I don't have enough money. :(

11 years ago

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Or time. :(

11 years ago

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Yeah, pre-ordered this a few hours after the pre-order opened up. Been waiting for this since the ARG back in early 2012 (that when you solved it, it said "a machine for pigs coming Halloween" or something like that). So excited ^-^

11 years ago

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Well there really isn't any pre-order bonuses so just wait for it to go on sale.

11 years ago

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Sure, if you want to wait. I can't wait to play this. I've been anticipating this since they announced it.

11 years ago

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One question guys.
This game was made by different company than the first one? why? I am scared because of that

11 years ago

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No, different developer but same publisher. The Chinese Room can be trusted however, they have already released Dear Esther.

11 years ago

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I think the original devs worked together with The Chinese Room

11 years ago

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I think they were supervising The Chinese Room during the development.

11 years ago

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Yeah, I absolutely loved the atmosphere in Dear Esther.

11 years ago

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Meh, the first was overhyped.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Cheapest price, if that is a concern, I have been able to come across is Gamefly which starts out at the $16 w/ tax it bumps it up to $17.31? However you can use the coupon code GFDAUG20 until August 31 for 20% off which brings it down to $13.85 tax included!

11 years ago

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You can trade 6TF keys for a copy which comes out to be a around 12.50ish

11 years ago

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Oh cool, where would I go to make such a trade?

11 years ago

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Here or here.

11 years ago

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Are you sure that the version from Gamefly is Steam redeemable?

11 years ago

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i saw it in the store and i was like oh amnesia its that game i played 20 minutes of and pissed my pants then uninstalled it...i laughed and moved on :(

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by HustlaOG.