Variables you can access

[Double] raw_sent -> CV for sent games as reported by Steamgifts (no bundle reduction)
[Double] raw_won -> CV for won games as reported by Steamgifts (no bundle reduction)
[Double] level -> User level
[Double] real_sent_cv -> Real cv for sent games
[Double] real_sent_public -> Real cv for sent games on public giveaways
[Double] real_sent_private -> Real cv for sent games on private giveaways
[Double] real_sent_group -> Real cv for sent games on group giveaways
[Double] real_sent_bundled -> Real cv for bundled sent games
[Double] real_sent_nonbundled -> Real cv for not bundled sent games
[Double] real_sent_region_free -> Real cv for region free sent games
[Double] real_sent_region_restricted -> Real cv for region restricted sent games
[Double] real_sent_region_free_bundled -> Real cv for region free bundled sent games
[Double] real_sent_region_free_nonbundled -> Real cv for region free not bundled sent games
[Double] real_sent_region_restricted_bundled -> Real cv for region restricted bundled sent games
[Double] real_sent_region_restricted_nonbundled -> Real cv for region restricted not bundled sent games
[Double] real_won_cv -> Real cv for won games
[Double] real_won_public -> Real cv for won games on public giveaways
[Double] real_won_private -> Real cv for won games on private giveaways
[Double] real_won_group -> Real cv for won games on group giveaways
[Double] real_won_bundled -> Real cv for bundled won games
[Double] real_won_nonbundled -> Real cv for not bundled won games
[Double] real_won_region_free -> Real cv for region free won games
[Double] real_won_region_restricted -> Real cv for region restricted won games
[Double] real_won_region_free_bundled -> Real cv for region free bundled won games
[Double] real_won_region_free_nonbundled -> Real cv for region free not bundled won games
[Double] real_won_region_restricted_bundled -> Real cv for region restricted bundled won games
[Double] real_won_region_restricted_nonbundled -> Real cv for region restricted not bundled won games
[Integer] num_sent -> Number of created and sent giveaways
[Integer] num_sent_public -> Number of Public created and sent giveaways
[Integer] num_sent_private -> Number of Private created and sent giveaways
[Integer] num_sent_group -> Number of Group/Whitelist created and sent giveaways
[Integer] num_sent_free -> Number of created and sent giveaways for Free Games
[Integer] num_sent_bundled -> Number of created and sent giveaways for Bundled Games
[Integer] num_sent_nonbundled -> Number of created and sent giveaways for Not Bundled Games
[Integer] num_sent_region_free -> Number of created and sent giveaways without region restrictions
[Integer] num_sent_region_restricted -> Number of created and sent giveaways with region restrictions
[Integer] num_sent_region_free_bundled -> Number of created and sent giveaways for region free not bundled games
[Integer] num_sent_region_free_nonbundled -> Number of created and sent giveaways for region free not bundled games
[Integer] num_sent_region_restricted_bundled -> Number of created and sent giveaways for region restricted bundled games
[Integer] num_sent_region_restricted_nonbundled -> Number of created and sent giveaways for region restricted not bundled games
[Integer] num_won -> Number of won and received giveaways
[Integer] num_won_free -> Number of won and received giveaways for Free Games
[Integer] num_won_bundled -> Number of won and received giveaways for Bundled Games
[Integer] num_won_nonbundled -> Number of won and received giveaways for Not Bundled Games
[Boolean] pass_activated_rule -> If the user pass the Activation check rule
[Boolean] pass_multiple_rule -> If the user pass the Multiple Wins check rule
[DATE] last_multiple_win -> date where the last multiple win infraction - e.g. last_multiple_win <= date_modify(date('now'), '-2 years')
[Integer] vacBans -> Number of Vac Bans
[DATE] last_vac_ban -> date where the last VAC ban expired
[Integer] VAC_game_Bans -> Number of Vac Game Bans
[Boolean] trade_ban -> If the user is Trade Banned
[Boolean] community_ban -> If the user is Community Banned
[Double] ratio_real -> Ratio for Real CV sent/won
[Double] ratio_raw -> Ratio for Steamgifts CV sent/won
[Double] ratio_number_giveaways -> Ratio for number of sent/won giveaways ignoring free games
[DATE] wishlist_date -> Date when the user wishlisted giveaway's game. It doesn't work with packages, steam don't allow users to wishlist them!
[Boolean] wishlisted_game_date(appid, "date") -> Checks if the user has wishlisted the game with specified appid before or at the specified date. - e.g. wishlisted_game_date(268500, "2015-12-17") (Checks if user has xcom2 wishlisted prior or equal to 17th December 2015)
[Integer] num_wishlisted_games -> Number of wishlisted games on steam
[Array] owned_games -> All games owned by user, use array operators to work with it - e.g. 374320 in owned_games (Checks if user owns Dark Souls 3)
[Integer] num_owned_games -> Number of user's owned games on steam as reported by steam api

Allowed literals

strings - single and double quotes (e.g. 'hello')
numbers - e.g. 103
booleans - true and false
null - null

Arithmetic Operators

+ (addition)
- (subtraction)
* (multiplication)
/ (division)
% (modulus)
** (pow)
.. (range) - e.g. level in 1..7

Comparison Operators

== (equal)
=== (identical)
!= (not equal)
!== (not identical)
< (less than)
> (greater than)
<= (less than or equal to)
>= (greater than or equal to)
matches (regex match)

Logical Operators

not or !
and or &&
or or ||

Date Operators

date(STRING_DATE) - e.g. date('2016-12-05 10:30:43'), date('now')
date_modify(DATE, STRING_MODIFICATION) - e.g. date_modify(date('now'), '-1 month')

Array Operators

in (contain)
not in (does not contain)
5 years ago

Comment has been collapsed.

Closed 5 years ago by mrGreen82.