I closed the thread for the little (and pretty bad made puzzle) by accident...
I'm sorry if it's unsolvable... but I tried :( so... yeah The prizes are junk... you have been warned.


*Edit: Changed question 4 to something that makes more sense... I hope

*Hint: All the questions are related to videogames

So the puzzle wasn't hard on itself to find. A base64 decoder was needed and the string above translated to:

Now here is where people started getting stuck (mostly because I don't know how to formulate a good quiz I guess.. :s)

All of them were quotes taken from videogames or "based" of a game.
First "question": "Pew pew pew"
-The answer could have been either Dead Space, Dead space 2 or Foam gun. I tried to have variants so the questions wouldn't be any more harder (or impossible) to answer.
The hint was "On space... no one hears when you are dead" which getting the italic and bold and a quick search on google gave us "Dead space 2- Foam gun" (though this was the most "correct" answer I tried to give more chances to answer it)

Second "question": "throwing a baby off a cliff? No wonder she got mad at you..."
-Again, I used two posible answers which where Super Mario 64 or just Super Mario.
The hint was "Well... you are a druggy on blue overalls after all." Maybe not so obvious for some, Mario was the one I was reffering to on the hint. Again, combining the hint and the question itself on google you would eventually find anything like this.

Third "question": "A couple of days more."and a moon pic
-So even without the hint, this should have been obvious. (Maybe not)
The hint was "If you've ever wore green, you know you must fear this."
So the answer was "The legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask" (I used a lot of variations on this answer. With and without apostrophe, w/wo colon, etc.)

Fourth and last "question": "...I feeel... goood..."
-This one might have been the hardest for most, because google doesn't give a real answer with just that. And the hint doesn't help that much either which was "Creepiest. boss. ever."
This was probably 50/50 for some and the answers that could have been given were "giygas, Mother 2, Mother or Earthbound"

When you got all the answers, "ajj8S" would show up. Which is the ending to a giveaway link. This one. Here were two links on the d and on the colon from the smiley.
The "d" leaded to the second and final giveaway while the ":" leaded to a youtube video.

So Thanks to everyone who took some time to try to solve this bad made puzzle. I'll try to improve on the future!(with better GAs hopefully) And congratulations to the winers of both giveaways :)

1 decade ago*

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If there's a problem with this thread I'll happily close it too or try to delete it :S

1 decade ago

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Can you give any more context to the quiz?

1 decade ago

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Done good man :)
Is that good?

1 decade ago

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The hint countdown expired. No hints appeared. Super.

1 decade ago

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They should appear, refhresh D:

1 decade ago

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The hints are there now. I don't know why they didn't show the first time I refreshed. Unless you changed something?

1 decade ago

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nope o-o

1 decade ago

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I think immedietely after the hint counter expires it's actually still a minute for the hints to appear. Not sure though, I've seen that happen many times that hint counter is no longer visible but hints aren't either.

1 decade ago

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Thanks, that might explain it. I happened to get back to it with 1m on the hint timer so I would have been trying almost immediately after it expired.

1 decade ago

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First solver! yay.

1 decade ago

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Solved! Now I just need to regain some points to enter. Thanks for the giveaways :)

1 decade ago

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Glad you didn't gave up at the end! :D

1 decade ago

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On a puzzle... NEVER

1 decade ago

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Currently stumped by #3.

1 decade ago

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Bump for solved :)

1 decade ago

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Just missing Q2.

1 decade ago

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Missing Q2.Probably because I don't get the hint at all.

Suddenly I get the hint and solved

1 decade ago

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Great! more solvers now! :D

1 decade ago

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And... not much activity now..
Oh well, maybe next time. And it's also a good thing because now eveyone who entered has very good chances to win! :D

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by lolmaster8000.