Hey guys,

I really like the concept of this site. However, this website is not my life and I dont roam the forums. I don't read the anouncements - I simply use the website for its content. Due to this, I recently created a Giveaway for a key I got in a Humble Bundle and which I didnt need.

I typed the Games name in the creation form and it popped up immediately (Age of Empires II HD Edition: The Forgotten Expansion). After creating the giveaway I found 80 participants (good) and two quite rude comments (bad). On the page of the Giveaway they discussed how I am not allowed to gift this (which in itself is already a ridiculous statement; I do not want to gain anything but to give for free) and that I was "banned and reported".

How about writing me a message instead? Why are some people here so vile and so arrogant in believing that they can act like this when I decide to give a gift?


9 years ago

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Hi smoo,
I'm sorry that you had this bad experience, don't lose hope because of one hiccup. Most of the time this is a friendly place to be in.

That doesn't excuse the bad behaviour you've seen, but that might explain it :

There are thousands of users here, and a lot of activity. Each and every day brings its share of assholes trying to abuse the system for their own benefit (alt accounts, misleading giveways, regifters, etc...), and these people are what is really toxic. Some other people - including me - have very little patience when it comes to dealing with these practices, and can sometimes be on a very short fuse.

However, there are rules, you can't just hop in and do your thing, hoping no one will get in your way. Rules are here to keep the site working and to prevent it from becoming chaos. You cannot "use the website for its content" and forget about the other users and rules.

9 years ago

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I guess you accidently created a giveaway for Age of Empires II HD + The Forgotten Expansion and not Age of Empires II HD: The Forgotten. They probably thought you were trying to abuse the system by intentionally making a giveaway for another, similar item. Sadly, this happens quite often, so most people tend to suspect the worst. Don't take it too seriously, most of the people here are really nice, actually :)

9 years ago

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Its cool, I love you.

9 years ago

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...I honestly don't get it. Were you trying to give away the uh... DLC... and you got harassed for it because you "weren't allowed to give it away"? I mean, you can giveaway DLC, so I'm kind of lost. I think the people commenting were just rude.

9 years ago

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He made a giveaway for base game + dlc but all he had was dlc as many people who bought the HumbleBundle E3 Ticket did.

9 years ago

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He probably gave away the dlc only ... which is on the humble e4 ticket (its looks like it includes the base game as well) but didnt realise. So others know this and see a larger giveaway than it is and think he is scamming but just made a mistake.

9 years ago

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It happens some are rude but the majority of the community is great for example look at DavidSarif and
JasmineMcCoy are great members who are big part of SG and its greatness.

Edit and we also have super cool moderators too like Bobofatt

9 years ago

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@UndeadNecro: I accidentally selected the wrong game - instead of alerting me of my error they acted as described in my post.

@JasmineMcCoy: You're right. I've recreated now.

@DavidSarif: Of course I will accept the rules - but one should not expect that everybody knows the rules. And if one rule is broken it would help to inform the person about the rule that has been broken and not respond snappy with "banned and reported". After all, the people creating giveaways are gifting.

Hope it's right now: http://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/chcDm/age-of-empires-ii-hd-the-forgotten

9 years ago

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"but one should not expect that everybody knows the rules"
uh...yeah that's why they keep telling you to read the FAQ when you sign up

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

9 years ago

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so you screwed up...and people called you on it...no big deal, but to say this site has a vile community is a bit melodramatic

9 years ago

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Have seen it several times on other giveaways too. Call it what you want - its still shitty behaviour.

9 years ago

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Sorry to hear that.

Most of the community is actually pretty nice, but sadly some users tend to be mean to others from time to time.

9 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by smoo.