
The little punk thinks I'm too dumb to notice. But I caught on to him the moment he started decorating his cubicle with posters of the bloody Kelly Family. ... I have to stop looking at these things. The cringe hits so hard, I get a physical gagging reaction.

I didn't know we hire people that dumb, but I'll look the other way for now. After all. It allows for a nice cover to indulge in some out-of-band activities myself. I can't change the geo-location myself without a good reason, so I'll make do with what I got.

If I could move location coords, I'd go to 52.2352797, 5.1693372 and sneak in and watch the full show. These guys were so far ahead of their time, man.

But since the location is what it is, I'll have to take the next best thing. It's two years after our little spacetime-pirate, so his energy footprint reaching almost four years back is going to completely cover the energy signature of my own excursion. Joke's on you, buddy. Push ever comes to shove, it's going to be your head.

PS: Shame I won't see Kim the way things are. I really wish I could.

PPS: I should talk to my therapist. Maybe this whole thing is the result of an unhealthy crush I have on Kim... (she is so adorable on stage, that charisma and enthusiasm, and her smile, her smile!!!)

PPPS: Should my therapist ask me what my deal with Kim is, I'm going to have to kill him.


Maan, that was sooo good. German beer is something too, man. I gotta tell ya. Wait, wait.. let me think of a little game ... aah, ... burp ... damn indigestion. Here.

Level 3+
No regional restrictions

5 months ago*

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Oh my, these puzzles here are getting storyline... looks awesome as usual!

5 months ago

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With the way this has been going, I'm like 90% sure it's the therapist who is the mastermind.

And I think that's what is going to end up as the big reveal of the third/fourth episode. That all of the previous actions was just a way for them to get the pieces in order.

5 months ago

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Oh boy, here we go.

5 months ago

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Bump ;)

5 months ago

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first solver again, Dog ๐Ÿ˜

5 months ago

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Will give it a go at some point. Always love a puzzle.

5 months ago

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Two questions to go, I just need a bit of luck with applying the last keyword

5 months ago

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Hmm, if you're sure you have the correct title, getting the last two should be straightforward. No luck required.

5 months ago

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I'm probably one step before that

5 months ago

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Then I suppose the advice our beloved ๐ŸŒ™ ๐Ÿ‘‘ got might help move things along

5 months ago

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2 questions left as well. Definitely don't have the right title but not sure how to find it.

5 months ago

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Have you experienced the first three post show questions, your grace?

5 months ago

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I found the link but not the missing piece.

5 months ago

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Then it won't be long till you find it. Pointing out where you might be looking to short circuit the search would be an indignation I am not willing to risk, melady

5 months ago

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Yeah I think the struggle is around the word recent

5 months ago

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in that previous 2020 concert there is a line asking the Queen to turn her eyes on something... you're a Queen too - might work for you as well - who knows?

5 months ago

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Yeah honestly I'm stuck. I swear I have the right game but no idea what the answers could be.

5 months ago

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If you're sure about the title, watch all trailers for it. And perhaps refresh the question page - I've been adding some changes in phrasing to make it clearer what's needed.

5 months ago

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hmm, I believe I made the connection to previous ones, but now I'm more confused having to translate a dead language ๐Ÿ˜‚

UPDATE: bump for solved :)

5 months ago*

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So onto question 4 on the last part, this one is confusing

5 months ago*

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Sounds like it should be - you sure you got the date down correctly?

5 months ago

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I will mention it in the giveaway page to not give anything away :D

5 months ago

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Bump for solved

5 months ago

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Bump for solved :)

Thanks for the puzzle!

5 months ago

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The level 2+ restriction is correct?

5 months ago

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Oops - I'm sorry. It's 3+ - I made a mistake there. Updated post.
Thanks for pointing it out Pasha!

5 months ago

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Dangit, now I'm going to have it stuck in my head for 3 days :P and I don't even have the last two questions yet
Yeah I'm well and truly lost on that last part. Maybe I'll come back to it

5 months ago*

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hmm, I haven't figured out the last 2 questions yet, but hopefully, I'll figure it out in time :D
P.S. Figured it out
As always, great puzzles and thanks for giveaways! :D

5 months ago*

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At the moment feeling really baffled about how to identify the game trailer I'm looking for...
I know what the queen turned to, but that doesn't seem like much to go on!
And like the lady Moon, I wonder how "recent" is "recent"...

EDIT: Got it now! Persistence pays off...

5 months ago*

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And like the lady Moon, I wonder how "recent" is "recent"...

Same. And since this particular piece is way overused, it's hard to get any help there.

5 months ago

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Look at me - Fluffster! Look me in the eye and say that again! ;)

5 months ago

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I think I'm just too out of the loop on upcoming or recent games to get there but as always great brain exercise and thanks for trying to help :)

5 months ago

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bumping for german beer, hope the indigestion eases up soon
maybe the boss just needs a konterbier?

5 months ago

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But since the location is what it is

I haven't done the last couple puzzles. Just to check -- do I need info from those to solve this one?

5 months ago

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you need to at least know the city you're at - yes - more detail helps but is very very optional

5 months ago

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Bump for solved! Amazing puzzle thank you!

5 months ago

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Bump for being stuck for some hours with the 2 last questions too. I will try later :)

5 months ago

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View attached image.
5 months ago

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I don't understand... For the question 4 of the last part, you want a sentence we can hear in a game trailer? (that I don't think I found, even if I understood the link between the 3 previous questions)
I hope it's not this, because my english sucks ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

Edit: I just realized that my question is maybe too explicit and you can't answer. Sorry if it's the case, don't hesitate to ask me to delete the message if needed.

5 months ago*

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Yes. And once you find the right title, it's near impossible to miss. Happy hunting!

5 months ago

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I found a connection with 2 games and after a ton of trailers looked, none of them seem to be the correct game. ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™€๏ธ

View attached image.
5 months ago

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5 months ago*

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Solved. bump

5 months ago

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5 months ago

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5 months ago

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5 months ago

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