I was actually going to spare my hate of origin for one day and pre-order it so I could get the free battlefield 3, but it looks like fate has set me on the right path again.

They ended the promotion after 2 DAYS when they stated the promotion would have lasted until March 5th.

Not only does Origin f**king suck, but now they're a bunch of liars with an unethical marketing program.

Way to go, EA. I hope their headquarters falls into a pit of lava or something.

Edit: Talked to a rep. THIS LINK IS BROKEN%20https%3A//

Link seems to be broken now. I can't access my original support chat on their site, so I can't really fix it...

Here's what they basically said (some of the words may not be exact, but the meaning is the same. I've got a good memory so you can trust me, lol)

Aditya: Hi! Welcome to the EA support chat. Is there anything I can help you with today?

you: Hi. I wanted to talk to you about the Mass Effect 3 pre-order bonus with Battlefield 3. Why was it cancelled only after 2 days when it was supposed to last until March 5th?

Aditya: I'm sorry, but that offer is no longer available.

you: I know, but wasn't it supposed to last until March 5th? I was thinking about pre-ordering it today, but its no longer there...

Aditya: The offer is no longer available.

you: I know. You have said that twice now. WHY was it cancelled after only 2 days. It was stated on Origin that the offer would last until March 5th. What is your explanation for it?

Aditya: Our development team has decided that question is confidential and cannot be answered.

you: then you have just lost a sale and a costumer.


Aditya: We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience that has happened.

you: Well if that's all, then goodbye. (at this point I was about to leave, but I stuck around)

Aditya: Hi! Welcome to the EA support chat. Is there anything I can help you with today?

you: Would there be any chance of the offer being restored in the future?

Aditya: Yes it is possible, but it would have to be decided by our development team.

you: If I pre-ordered ME3 today, and if the promotion or another similar promotion was restored, would my pre-order be updated to include it?

Aditya: In that case no, you would have to purchase the title during the time period of the promotion.

you: Thank you, that's all. If the promotion is restored, I will consider pre-ordering. Thank you for your time.

Aditya: Your welcome!

you: Goodbye.

Aditya: Hi! Welcome to the EA support chat. Is there anything I can help you with today?

you: No, thank you. Goodbye.

Aditya: Goodbye!

"Your chat has ended"

Welp, that's it right there. Pretty much word for word. Sorry about the link.

1 decade ago*

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only good thing about origin is that he has couple new games :S

1 decade ago

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The Edit Link is empty

1 decade ago

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I can't fix it as the support chat on my account seems to be inaccessible now. I just posted the raw text in the description. It's not exact, but its 99% close.

1 decade ago

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funnily enough, in Australia, EA seems to have forgotten to increase the price of KoA:R by 100% on Steam like they usually do with other games. It's actually cheaper on steam than on origin (for australians)

1 decade ago

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Well, I pre-ordered ME3 on Amazon instead to get the 10 buck credit.

So, now that Origin still doesn't have my credit card info, everything's a bag of chips again.

Hopefully EA will stop producing good games so I can stop supporting them.

1 decade ago

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"Hopefully EA will stop producing good games so I can stop supporting them."

1 decade ago

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You know there's more than enough great games out there that you never really have to buy games from EA...

You're not a hostage or something, if you dislike them then just don't support them.

1 decade ago

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Funny how everyone hates Origin. In my personal experience, i like it more than Steam as a gaming client.

1 decade ago

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Origin does suck, their authentication servers have not worked for atleast a month.
most of their support sucks.. phone support is not bad, I managed to get dragon age 2 and all DLC free through them.

1 decade ago

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What the heck are you talking about? Their authentication servers work just fine :/
Also Origin live chat support > World War 2 > Steam ticket support that takes days before they even understand what the problem is.....

1 decade ago

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"Steam ticket support that takes days before they even understand what the problem is"
Are you sure it't not just your bad communication skills? I havn't had any problems with steam sup. But I don't have Origin so can't say how they are.

1 decade ago

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There are many people complaining about the same issue; just search steam forums. In some cases, it takes one or more days before they even reply to you :/ Compare that to Origin's live chat (and they are pretty good at helping; i got a game activated in about 5minutes) and you have to be insane to say Steam support is better than Origin's. Either insane, either a Steam mouth foaming zealot.

1 decade ago

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Either insane, either a Steam mouth foaming zealot.
care to read the name of the website once more? >.>
But yes, the one time I contacted steam support, they didn't even read my issue and sent me back a generic response after a couple hours, which did not in any way address my specific issue. However, I'd rather have a good service with crappy support than a crappy service with good support. So I'll stick with Steam.

1 decade ago

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Yep, taking advantage of the Amazon $10 credit as well. According to rumors on the CAG forums, Amazon may up the credit to $20. This happened to ME2 when it was first released.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by notthelegs.