I've noticed a rising amount of negative posts and threads lately on SG. From sad and gloomy topics to rants and angry posts, it just makes me feel slightly depressed.

To counter the negativity, I created this 100% positive thread! The one rule of this thread - think and post positively!
Tell me what good thing has been happening in your life, post cheerful gifs, anything really. Let's cheer up those who feel sad, and maintain the mood of those who don't. ^^

Here's a small giveaway to celebrate positiveness: http://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/HuABS/labyrinthine-dreams [ENDED]

Please note that I did not create this thread to devalue or disapprove of anyone who's posts are negative. Everyone has their share of sadness, anger or depression in life. Matter of fact, this thread is especially created in order to cheer up anyone who may be having negative emotions. :D

If you've contributed a giveaway and it hasn't been added to the list of active giveaways within a day, let me know.
Also, removal of ended giveaways when multiple giveaways are added by the same user is done by checking the first giveaway's status only - Make a note if your giveaways aren't all ending at the same time!

Giveaways formatting (copy and paste, replace with your info):

`[Labyrinthine Dreams](http://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/HuABS/labyrinthine-dreams) | jbondguy007 | Level 0`

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80 Days Oppenh4imer Level 0, anti-bot: some number jumped place; runs until 22nd August

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8 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

8 years ago*

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Don't be, you are an awesome person. Feel free to add me if you ever want to talk about shit and stuff or whatever. ^^

8 years ago

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Happy cake day!

8 years ago

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Happy cake day :D

8 years ago

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Happy cake day! :)

8 years ago

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Happy cake date Ambi.

8 years ago

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Happy cake day!

8 years ago

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Happy Cake day! :D

8 years ago

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happy cake day!

8 years ago

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Happy cake day!

8 years ago

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Happy birbday!

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8 years ago

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happy cake-day :)

8 years ago

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happy cake day, and one big hug for you ^_^

8 years ago

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Cake please.
Oh, I replied to the wrong person, lol, sorry!

8 years ago

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XD hahaha
i can make you cupcakes... XD

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8 years ago

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Score! Thanks :D

8 years ago

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5 euros! >.< cup cakes arent cheap you know! :D

8 years ago

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Oh...ok, uhm...
grabs and runs

8 years ago

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-is super shocked! throws boomerang at you-

NYAHNYHANYAHNYAH (wannabe evil laugh xD)

8 years ago

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Happy factory day :3

8 years ago

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Happy cake day!

8 years ago

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Happy smooth delicious cake day ;-)

8 years ago

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Happy cake day!

Have a positive cupcake

8 years ago

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Happy. Cake. Day.

8 years ago

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Happy cake day!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Happy cake day!

8 years ago

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I would be wrong to stab this thread... Right? Good! >:D


8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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I recognise people by avatars so I thought that you're chicken impersonator. And I started to wonder where our real stabbing chicken went, bc I haven't seen her in a long time D:

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8 years ago

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Yeah a lot of people have mentioned how they don't notice it's me now! It might be a temporary thing, I just liked the art of Kaneki! I'm still around but I'm slowly going on my break so I might now be as active! Want to play more games I won etc! So I won't be entering GAs but I might still give and lurk ;)

8 years ago

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That's about me, right? I know it's about me. You hate me. You probably wish I was dead. Right? RIGHT?

I think my boyfriend is about to dump me

8 years ago

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If you think your thread is negative, you haven't seen some threads this past week. A certain very depressing post about a person ending their life (rest in peace) is the main reason for this thread.
Also, I wish only for everyone to smile at least once today. :D

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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In spain on summer o_o

8 years ago

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Monday was Blue Monday, the worst is over :)

8 years ago

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I'd probably do the same if I had the balls. It's weird though, my life has mostly sucked to the point where it physically hurts, but never really considered that option. Just too scary and weird. I think I need to figure out death before I can peacefully go, but that's probably never going to happen, it's just way strange.

8 years ago

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I think I need to figure out death before I can peacefully go

This leaves you with two options. 1. Never go , 2. Go, but not peacefully

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8 years ago

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Please never do that. I'm serious, please never do that. :(
If you ever think you want to do it, reconsider, and speak with someone, anyone. It may sound silly (and maybe even weirder than suicide) but it can really actually help. Or even better, seek professional help. I know sometimes life sucks, but nothing is worth more than your life, and nothing should deserve to take you life away, not even yourself.

I really am aware that I'm in no position to tell you that. Feel free to hate me for telling you what to do, and I hesitated about actually submitting this reply, but I just really wanted to say what I did and that's what I did. :P

8 years ago

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I've been under "professional help" since 15 years ago, they don't know what to do with me. Some things never change (war, my mood, and AC gameplay).
No worries though, killing myself is not "my style" and never considered it as I said, so I'm probably just going to suffer on or whatnot.

8 years ago

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Just wanted to say that was pretty funny. I laughed. Thanks.

8 years ago

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You're welcome. I didn't invent the joke though, sadly.

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8 years ago

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Is it horrible that I hate AC gameplay which is why I never played past the first 15 mins of the first one? :/
The story looked interesting, but I just couldn't stand controlling the character...

8 years ago

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does a wl help?

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I hope that things are going better for you and u can always count on this community if you need any help, advice or support ^///^ hugs ~ u are one of us so we gonna take care of you

8 years ago

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That's alright. You are still a comic genius in my mind.

8 years ago

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Just keep living...if anything do it just to spite the absurdity of an unforgiving and cruel universe. That has helped me in the past.

8 years ago

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I know it's an old post but I wanted to say I hope you feel a tad better since then. I just wanted you to know that suicide will leave someone else scarred, even if you'd think they didn't care/it would be better for them. So please, stay with us :)

Alas, I'm talking from experience

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8 years ago

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You posted that very insightful post about puzzles! I'm so glad you did because it's inspired me in the next puzzle event! It's gonna be A W E S O M E!

8 years ago

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I had this dream last night that i was playing a saint's row/gta multiplayer type game and i hit someones bike tire with my sword causing them to crash and it was so funny that i literally woke up from it

8 years ago

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Hahah, that's awesome. :D

8 years ago

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7 years ago

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A few nights before that dream i had a nightmare where my wife and somehow lost our son while on vacation.
This one caused me to wake up as well but obviously not because it was funny.

7 years ago

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I love u <3

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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there's always time for some licking

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8 years ago

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Yesh ... but ... start blushing i don't cuddle with anyone... like i do with you blushes even more

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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If we're going all in for positivity, we should visit The Nicest Place on the Internet!

Either that or surround yourself with Corgis.

8 years ago

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100% Positive.

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8 years ago

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This dragon, this dragon here deserves some good cherish.

Have some good gifs, i think Mullins would approve.

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8 years ago*

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lol that poor kitten

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8 years ago*

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Can't go more cheerful than this.

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8 years ago

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I am really excited for Baskets. That's positive!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I can't because I live in Middle Earth, but I understood. You mean the new series. Sorry, I didn't made the connection earlier and thanks for reminding me about it! :P

8 years ago

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You live in Middle-Earth?

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Show us on the map please.

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8 years ago

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Show you what? Where I am?

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I wasn't even trying for this one!
The Lonely Mountain (Sindarin Erebor) is a mountain in the north of Rhovanion. It is the source of the Celduin River, and the location of the Kingdom Under the Mountain. The town of Dale lies in a vale on its southern slopes. You live here as you love money, and lots of it. You have very close friends, and are very strong and stubborn. You love your friends, and hate your enemies with a passionate almost unmatched by anyone else. What you lack in wisdom you make up for in courage and valor.

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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it's not the negative or sad threads that depress me, it's the constant complains about exactly the same issues for months that always end up in name calling and people angry because others don't agree with them.

i usually expect nothing from most people, but still... sometimes a few individuals i thought were nice and mature managed to disappointed me.

there's also been a rise in useless threads, like someone that posts conspiracy theories -.-

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8 years ago

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Complaints and name calling can be considered negative as well. I feel that the forum has a less "friendly" atmosphere in the past months as well, and I really do hope that this is only a temporary thing. Steamgifts is awesome sometimes, and sometimes not. :P

8 years ago

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well, it's surely getting boring lately. hope it changes for the best soon.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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mass suspensions and bans would help :3

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8 years ago

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I guess it's time to cash in on all those pitchforks and torches I purchased last summer.
Don't you judge me, they were only 3 dollars apiece!

8 years ago

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The bundles that are sold this month is depressing and disappointing starting from the first day so i guess that is one of the causes that the negativity but I am positively sure next month will be better!

8 years ago

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Here's something positive

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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So so so so sorry, but I had to do it! They made me! :D :D :D

8 years ago*

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Jazz Fight bump

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Dunno what timezone you are in jbond, but here its freaking late. I am soooo sleepy....Can't think of anything cheerful so I am just gonna post this pic ! ^^

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8 years ago*

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I'm quite lucky. Is this positive enough? :D Anyway, if you guys and girls also love Laurel and Hardy, here's a short movie of them!

8 years ago

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This kind of old comedies always cheer me up. ^_^

8 years ago

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I loved Laurel and Hardy. And The Three Stooges. Damn, I wish comedy like that would exist nowadays. :P

8 years ago

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And Charlie Chaplin. And Terence Hill and Bud Spencer. :D

8 years ago

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but all of the lovely Steamgifts users who make the community a better place.

Like you.

8 years ago

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But maybe I just decided to do something positive because your comment made me realize I never do that? :D

8 years ago

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And you.

8 years ago

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And you.

8 years ago

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Funny how quickly this thread was overwhelmed by everyone talking about being negative.... I think your point is perfect - yes, there's crappy stuff that happens in life, sometimes more often for a while for some people than for others, but it's important to take a step back from all of that sometimes and just enjoy a moment, no matter how small.

So, here's my (cliche) contribution to happy moments. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-diB65scQU

8 years ago

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As soon as I saw the word "cliche" i knew what it was.... My wake up alarm song! :)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Absolute vales are positive :3

8 years ago

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I only started using this site 3 months ago and I've had nothing but fun and encounters with nice people. Gave away a lot of games, hopefully made a lot of people happy, and got plenty of visits from the space cat (I even got to talk to him after solving his puzzle pyramid!). Even the one person who has me blacklisted (that I know of) seems to be a nice and generous guy.

8 years ago

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Space Kitty told me he reallllly enjoyed you solving the pyramid! You were especially attentive to all the kitties and made them each feel appreciated. Thank you!

Stipaul, you rock!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Hey guys I don't want to be the sad guy and all but I had to do it...

Sorry to break the mood

and sorry for reposting

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8 years ago

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