the first one ...
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nice title, made my day
dont worry, i didnt take any keys cause im too tired and lazy to ninja anything + im like 35 mins late (thats like 1 century in ninja years)
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Just have to say this, and I'm putting it here because I can't think of anywhere else.
In the movie 'Faceoff', the Castor Troy character (initially played by Nic Cage - YOU DON'T SAY?) says the line "Peach, I could eat a peach for hours..." Whereas I find if the peach is sufficiently ripe one begins the process attempting to savour it, before shoving nearly half the thing in your mouth at one time as you find out the flesh is nearly melting into your skin and covering you in a sticky nectar that seems unique to peaches and their smoothskin kin the nectarine. The only way you could eat one of these things for hours is if you're dressed up as a god damn wipe clean tablecloth. Screw fruit. Oranges haemorrhaging all over the place, sticky fucking peaches, bananas that go black, getting them confused with pineapples when you go to Europe...IT NEVER ENDS!
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765 Comments - Last post 18 minutes ago by grimfandango8888
0 Comments - Created 19 minutes ago by PaganFears
43 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Qnemes
70 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by orono
12 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by orono
17 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by SeaGoblin
345 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by Vasharal
114 Comments - Last post 18 minutes ago by RePlayBe
45 Comments - Last post 20 minutes ago by s4k1s
16 Comments - Last post 25 minutes ago by Fluffster
34 Comments - Last post 42 minutes ago by Mets9
42 Comments - Last post 43 minutes ago by Thexder
414 Comments - Last post 55 minutes ago by Dragonnx
68 Comments - Last post 57 minutes ago by seboleq97
All gone now. Thanks for participating guys. :) I shall provide answers below and, well, 2/3 ain't bad in terms of people who did actually let me know they were taken. Thank you to you and I hope good fortune finds you in this dreadful trundle through an all too brief sneeze of time we call life.
To the person who took the humble gift link without saying thanks, I suggest you fess up or something may happen. I had one thought which was to make the silent, ungrateful ninjas stub their toe on the castor from a divan bed. You know the ones, where it makes you feel like you're ripping your leg off even though you just hit your toe a bit. Then it would get infected and fall off, and OH NOES! it was your big toe and now you can't balance properly and walk like a proper bell-end. So, you really do want to say thank you when you ninja shit, guys! number between 1 and 9)e0a9202fcbd11e386bd357cf01df2(THE answer, to life the universe and everything)
Answers: The number was 7, the answer was obviously 42. Apologies, I cocked up this one a bit, so sorry if you got them right and didn't get it. I accept full responsibility and will stub my toe on the castor of my divan bed at some point, to atone. The boundary event that caused the Dinosaurs some issues)n8A7(wD40-D6=?)uY5
Answers: The Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary extinction event, usually abbreviated to KT, was the series of events surrounding the extinction of the dinosaurs. While the famous meteorite impact is often cited as the cause of their extinction there are many proposed mechanisms at work and since we don't have time machines or superintelligent hyperhumans, we can probably only speculate. But the chunk of rock that smashed a pock-scar in the Yucatan probably did play a huge role. wD40-D6 happens to equal w34.
9KA(two uppercase letters that can be used to indicate tearful eyes)-(One of the MegaMan X series' protagonists whose name is a number)C9IZ-C2(Roman for ten)4M
Answer: QQ is actually something I learned from this site, as a common response to the sorts of 'gibd awai 3 gaymz n got $30 CV...HOO STOLZ MY SEEVEE!?' threads. Those were the letters used to indicate tearful eyes. The Megaman X protagonist was of course famous nothing, Zero and Roman for ten is X. Roman for thirty, incidentally, is XXX - and it is the Final Fantasy game I am most looking forward to in the future, but shall probably be disappointed by if it's not merely a live-action, oiled up, FF-character cosplay, fanservice fuckfest.
Get 'em while they're hot, those of the ninjutsu powers persuasion and do me the common courtesy of saying thank you. If you indicate ungratefulness through silence I will use my exceptional psychic ability to do something. I haven't quite decided what, but it shall be something of irritation or misfortune to you and when it happens you'll go "Oh bugger...I should have taken two seconds to say 'Got it, thanks!' instead of being an ungrateful little silent shitbag."
Peace, love and anthropomorphised crocodiles in funny hats.
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