Apparently Square-Enix felt confident enough with Eidos's work to lift the review embargo a week early. As of this post, TR is at 88 for PS3 and 86 for 360. Jim Sterling gave it an 8.5 for fuck sake. Now the question will be how good the PC version will be. Given the good job Eidos did with Deus Ex: Human Revolution, there's reason for optimism.

1 decade ago*

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Uncharted with boobs.What can go wrong?

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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There was never any doubt it was going to be good, that much was obvious. All the negative talk came from the worry that the game would be misogynistic or exploitative. Given the pointless rape subtext to one cutscene that seems to exist solely so they could talk about it pre-release and subtly generate more coverage, I think I'll pass, no matter what numbers get attached to it. Using rape as a marketing scheme is a fucked up idea, duder. :P

1 decade ago

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Yeah, using rape as a marketing tool is extra-super-sleazy. It really seems like they manufactured a scenario where they could play up the rape aspect just so they could later deny, obfuscate and fauxpologize, all in the service of generating controversy to sell the game. And that's pretty reprehensible. Women don't need to be treated differently than men in video games. Rape is not a drama tool.

No one thinks, hey, let's have the guy who throws Adam Jensen through a glass wall in DX:HR also rape him to explain why he's so conflicted and emotionally traumatized. No one thinks, hey we should write rape into Batman's backstory so that he has a reason to fight criminals. There's a trope on TV Tropes called "rape as backstory" and it's an example of the laziest, most cliched writing ever. Just because a character is female, it doesn't mean they need a rape backstory to explain their awesomeness. They can just be awesome the same way that every other male character is. Without being raped. Without resorting to cliches.

1 decade ago

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May I be explained how rape is a clichΓ© and not valid for character development?

(Having said that I do not know anything about either Lara or her story)

1 decade ago

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They just make no sense, let them be :P Nowadays 99% could be labelled as 'cliche'.

1 decade ago

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An attempted rape fits well with everything else going on in the game and makes perfect sense.
That's not even a big part of her backstory or what motivates her.

Men have been raped in games for storyline purposes.

Keith is raped repeatedly by Buck in Far Cry 3 to motivate Jason and further demonize Buck.
Becket is raped by Alma in F.E.A.R 2 so she can produce a child.

1 decade ago

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from the first 10 minutes that i have so far played its seams pretty good the graphics are great controls and everything are really nice and the animations are fluid and quite good

well made for the xbox360
ill be now changing the channel to continue to play it

1 decade ago

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The console versions look good, but I hope that the pc version is properly optimized so it can run on my pc.

1 decade ago

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No puzzles, no boobs \ gunfights and blood. Everybody loves Drake, so the marks are high.

I'd better preorder RE6 - at least I already know how bad it is and it won't be surprise for me. And the preorder prizes, btw, are much better.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by RichterLocke.