Друга пожизненно забанили. Интересует вопрос - если он удалит аккаунт на стимгифтс, то сможет ли он вновь создать новый аккаунт или нет? Потому как он говорит что через пару месяцев можно создавать новый аккаунт вместо удаленного, но непонятно можно ли такое устроить если до этого был бан. А я говорю что с пожизненным баном такое не прокатит.

4 years ago*

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4 years ago

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He cannot, see here: "You will not be able to register again for one year, or until the date of your last pending suspension, whichever is greater.". So when the pending suspension is forever, they won't be able to register again forever..

Он не может, смотрите здесь: «Вы не сможете зарегистрироваться снова в течение одного года или до даты вашего последнего ожидания приостановки, в зависимости от того, что больше». Поэтому, когда ожидающая приостановка будет навсегда, они не смогут зарегистрироваться снова навсегда..

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

4 years ago

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No, annexing Ukraine won't solve the problem.

4 years ago

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I am from Ukraine.

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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lol, very relevant for him

4 years ago

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Do russians even learn english at school or is it optional?

4 years ago

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He is from Ukraine.

4 years ago

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Do russian-speakers even learn english at school or is it optional?

4 years ago

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Many of them study it at school but they have a hard time using it. It's quite difficult for them to learn it properly, so they rather stick to their Russian language where it's possible. It surely needs some dedication and not all are capable of doing that for whatever reasons

4 years ago

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I was just rewording it for the pedantic prick above. I dont care if people learn a second language or not :)

4 years ago

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Oops, I should have noticed that, you even used the italics tag.
My bad. :p

4 years ago

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Excuse me?? It was a simple question without any intentions.. What triggered you so much?(ಠ_ಠ)

4 years ago

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Just ignore it, he/she seems to make a habit of such things.

4 years ago*

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Why did you blacklist me? lol

4 years ago

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I don't have a dog in this fight but I think they were talking about the person who pointed out the OP was from Ukraine instead of just answering your question.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Maybe you got me wrong, yes of course every non native speaker has to learn it, but not everybody is capable of doing so for many different reasons.
I just wanted to point out that it's very difficult for Russians just like the other way round, when native English speaker try to learn Russian or the cyrillic alphabet. ;)
i know there are many Russians who speak decent English here on SG and elsewhere. ;)

Edit: Oh please don't delete your comments. :(

4 years ago

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We are learning English for 9 years, but the level of teaching worst thing ever

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

4 years ago

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Ahh wow 9 Years is a lot! I didn't know that!

4 years ago

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For 10 years actually

4 years ago

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You should definitely try this book, "English Grammer it is for Dummies" by Mr.Woods, it has great reviews:


4 years ago*

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sounds like illegal to you xD

4 years ago

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We all think english is the biggest language or someting while it's not, so not everyone is "forced" to learn it.

4 years ago

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It was not my inention to indicate, that they should speak english instead. It was just an observation, that most russians I come across in the internet prefer their mother tongue. My question was focused on finding the reason for that.

4 years ago

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Well and if they do speak english it's often very very bad, maybe that's why.

4 years ago

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It is the current lingua franca though. Those were rarely the language spoken natively by the largest amount of people in most any point of history.

4 years ago

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speaking for Ukraine, and more precisely Western Ukraine, they have a really bad level of English teaching.. (like, the English school teachers I know (from small towns, mainly) well, don't speak really an "acceptable" English xD) but on the other side, visiting those regions on a yearly basis, it always surprises me the fact that everyone, kids included, not only speak perfectly Ukrainian and Russian (and in Western Ukraine as far as I saw, everybody hates Russia more than anything else =P) but they can also speak a great Polish.. while I struggle with a decent spoken Ukrainian and I still can't precisely read Cyrillic texts.. it's amazing since Ukrainian and Russian are extremely different languages, I've never learned even the most basic Russian since it's so hard and difficult that I preferred to stick with Ukrainian.. anyways even in Lviv (my main hub there) the average Ukrainian often prefers to talk to me in my crappy Ukrainian rather than using a third language (English) that we both are supposed to know.. this is just my personal experience =P (maybe it goes the same with Russian!)

4 years ago

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How it is "extremely different"? It started as just a rural dialect of Russian with some major "make it as un-Russian as possible" forced reforms from "government" over the time. Last law was passed just a month ago - and even those who enjoy forcing themselves to speak Ukrainian are disgusted by this new set of changes.

But even after that any Russian can easily understand it even without any experience at all and when you get a month or two you can speak it as good as any Ukrainian themselves. Why? Because they themselves never speak it in same way. So if you mix in any amount of Russian - you're still right. Each and every Ukrainian (yeah, including those Western banderites) actually speaks in different "surzhik" - a random mix and match of proper Russian and this government-constructed language of theirs. Open any facebook page of even most rabid Ukrainophile and get an "official" book on Ukrainian grammar and start counting fallbacks to correct Russian. You're guaranteed to get at least dozen per few sentences.

It is absolutely no wonder, because Ukrainian is actually a minority language, despite whatever they say. People from Gallup - an American analytics and advisory company - once ran a poll that cleverly disguised their actual question. They asked irrelevant questions in poll themselves, but let people choose language for polling. 83% of Ukrainians chose Russian. Deeds speak louder than words, eh?

4 years ago*

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more than half of the userbase is russian, it makes sense when they write in their language.

View attached image.
4 years ago

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As I pointed out in another answer: It was a general question concerning observations I made around the internet. This post here was only a reminder to that.

4 years ago

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How is that more than half? Even on your screenshot US alone is more than Russia.

4 years ago

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Because there are more than two halves of SG!

4 years ago

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SG is divided into 5 halves if you didn't know

4 years ago

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149k vs the rest of the countries on sg, but i understand what you say ^^

4 years ago*

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Um it's ~14% Mully, not even close to half, but still a large number

149,178 divided by 1,088,874 total user

4 years ago

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Yes, they do. But level of education is pretty meh.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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4 years ago*

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more you learn languages more you can succeed in your life, and you open other perspectives for yourself. and it's true the Americans are not the champions in this area :P

4 years ago

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Not really directly related to your point but that just made me remember something I haven't thought about in years...

I had a long-term substitute physics teacher in high school, I think he was from Ethiopia. The regular teacher had some kind of medical procedure so we got this guy for a couple months. He had a doctorate degree and was a very kind and intelligent man, he told me about how he had to leave his wife and 3 young kids back in his home country while he came to America to try to make a better life, and how he couldn't wait to eventually bring them over as well. This was back before the Internet, so he didn't have much communication with his family other than writing letters and the occasional (very expensive) phone call. He was a university professor back home, and here he was being a part-time substitute teacher in one of the bottom 10 states as far as average teacher pay.

However, his English was not very good (plus he had an extremely thick accent) and being a new arrival he was rather naive about American culture and idioms, and the kids just made fun of him all the time for it. The students never took him seriously. It was really sad to me, because I could tell he was really trying to connect with us and he seemed really frustrated and disappointed by it. I always wondered what ended up happening with him and his family.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Very touching anecdote which helps us to be aware of the struggles that immigrants are forced to face.
Leaving behind your family is the one thing which isn't even bearable for most of us, but also experiencing this kind of discrimination on top of that is what makes it really nasty. :/

4 years ago

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I write my question for russian speak users)

4 years ago

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Closed 4 years ago by NOMADi.