Hello everyone, just wanted to introduce myself. I'm a member of the Groupees team and wanted to let you guys know I'm here if anyone has any questions or feedback that you would like me to pass along to the rest of the team.

Now my own question
Have you guys been playing the COH 2 beta on Steam? What do you guys think of the factions/units better than or worse than vanilla CoH? Also, does it seem like it's going to be worth the price tag. Honestly, I'm not sure atm.

1 decade ago*

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hello mr. groupees! you guys are making some awesome bundles, it's nice to see someone of the team hanging around here :)

1 decade ago

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Firstly thanks for all the great bundles, secondly is there any chance you could sell your bundles in other currencies? Here in the UK my bank charge me a few ponds for non sterling transactions

1 decade ago

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PayPal should be able to do the currency conversion for you. They charge something for it, but it would be significantly less than "a few pounds" for small transactions.

1 decade ago

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I use a Paypal account regularly because of bundles in foreign currency, € to $ and more rarely € to £, and I never had to pay additional fees for conversion I believe.

1 decade ago

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Which slug are you?

1 decade ago

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I'm in the "I love Groupees" camp too. :)

Things I can think of that I'd like improved:

Disable sounds by default. There's a sound on the page on posts (or something like that), and it's possible to stop it but it's not clear up front how to do that. I'd prefer if it wasn't there at all, or optional for the people who want it (if there are any).

I'd love a tick near the games that could help me tell if I gave away a game or used the key or not. Perhaps it's an esoteric feature, but I'm a hoarder and I have tons of games I haven't activated or given away, and I'd love to know that's the case.

1 decade ago

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Also love you guys!
Not just because of your great bundles, but also because of the staff and the enjoyable community chatter.
You definitely have fans.

The whole guessing thing for the last bonus in the Be Mine 8 bundle was interactive and pretty darn fun, for example. (I think it drove some people nuts, but I liked it XD)

1 decade ago

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haha glad to hear it, I think a few of us get some sort of twisted pleasure from driving people crazy with the guessing ;)

1 decade ago

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Just coming in to show my love to you, love ya guys, keep up with your great bundles and community, and waiting for BAB6. :P

1 decade ago

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Hello heroofthewest!
Possible to release in the near future Binding of Isaac in groupees bundle?

1 decade ago

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Hey! I've bought two of your bundles so far (I just recently got into buying bundles). I was surprised to see instrumental music as a bonus in bab6. Listened to The Electric Hand and it sounded pretty good. I'm a fan of post-rock:)

I tried CoH2 but I didn't like it any more than CoH 1. One of the few big games I just didn't enjoy at all.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by heroofthewest.