¿Ahí alguna configuración de que Archi Steam farm (ASF) acepte solicitudes de amistad automáticamente?

6 years ago

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Translated by DeepL Translator: Are there any settings for Archi Steam farm (ASF) to automatically accept friend requests?

I don't know the answer to this question, maybe someone else can help this user with the help of DeepL Translator.

6 years ago

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Que yo sepa no, solo puedes hacer que las ignore o decline, pero no aceptar porque la mayoría de las personas quieren revisar a quién agregan y demás
Por qué querrías que ASF acepte todas? Me imagino que debe haber una opción, o como es código abierto en github podrías cambiar algo en el código, pero por default (que yo sepa) no

Creo que lo máximo que puedes es que ASF acepte las invitaciones de los que están en la family share o los que estén dentro del MasterID (básicamente las cuentas principales)

6 years ago*

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Mandrake el mago tiene razón; Por otro post que hizo creo que el intenta hacer de esos bots de intercambio o alguno de esos de keys por sets/tradingcards or whatsoever

6 years ago

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IsBotAccount - bool type with default value of false. This property defines if account used for this bot instance should be considered a primary one (false), or bot/alt one (true). ASF tries to be as much compatible with both types as possible, therefore switching this option to true for alts is not technically required for ASF to work, but doing so will allow ASF to tune the logic better for alt accounts. At the moment, it affects following things:
Event IsBotAccount: false IsBotAccount: true
Invalid trades Ignored Rejected
Invalid friend/clan invites Ignored Rejected

For example, invalid trades will be ignored on primary accounts, which allows you to decide yourself if you want to accept/decline them or not. On bot accounts, those trades will be immediately rejected, as there is nobody taking care of them.

Aca esta lo que comentaba antes:

Invalid friend invite is the one that doesn't come from user with FamilySharing permission or above. Likewise - invalid clan invite is the one that doesn't come from SteamMasterClanID.

The logic might get extended in future releases if needed. If you're not sure how to set this property, leave it with default value of false.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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But What's the deal with that !?!?!?!?!

Somehow this common misunderstanding is one of the very few things where there are no deminishing returns on funniness. I've seen it like 50 times here on SG and I still find it hilarious :D

6 years ago

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well, i can't DEAL with it

6 years ago

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